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Old 03-01-2024, 03:53 PM
Marshal Davout Marshal Davout is offline
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Default Lilly The First Space Girl on Mars !

I go off the Rails again ! Sorry ! But the story just came to me !
first you must play the L'Alize clip of her in her Space Ship orbiting Mars !

Consort1 to Leader1 Lilly wants to see you, now ! She is kinda on the Warpath !
Leader1 to Consort! I will be right there ! Lilly How are you ? What can I do for you ?
Lilly says Look at this place; It is Terrible ! What is wrong with it ? You have Light , Heat, Food, a Nice bed with Sheets and Covers and a Comforter plus a Teddy Bear ! You Don't see what is wrong with It ? No, It is Perfect ! Lilly says No it is Not ! There is no Color ! everything is white ! Well Color is kindof useless, says Leader1 ! Not it is Not; this place is driving me Crazy ! I feel like I am in an Asylum or a Hospital ! I want Walls up for the Different rooms ; The Bedroom, the Computer Office, The Kitchen, The Breakfast Nook, and the Dining Room ! And I want the walls painted Colors ! Pink for my Bedroom, Green for the Kitchen, Yellow for the Nook, and I think a kindof Orange Rust for the Dining Room ! And I want a Queen size Canopy Bed for my Bed made out of Wood ! But there are no Trees on Mars ! We have No Wood ! Then You will just have to Fabricate it , said lilly ! And I want Plush Carpet on the Floors in my Bedroom, the Living Room, and the Dining room ! But we have no carpet and the Tile is perfect for Robots to move. This is my part of the Habitat and I want Carpet ! You will just have to Fabricate It !
And when you get done with that I want some other things , too !
Leader1 says OK; we will get on it; but I don't know how long Wood and Carpet will take ? I want it Now ! , said Lilly !
Leader1 goes off to give orders to the other Robots. Along the way he tells Scientist1; This is all your Fault ! You said if we raised a Test-tube Baby Human we would have somebody Rational to study the Stars and Quantum Physics with ! But all we seem to have got is a Teenage Girl Human who is insane ! But Scientist1 said It might seem so to us; but for a Human it is rational ! we should have more Rationality, when she is 21, six more years from now ! I Hope so; said Leader1; meanwhile she is driving me insane ! ( To Be Continued )

Last edited by Marshal Davout; 03-01-2024 at 04:31 PM.. Reason: For the Story
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Old 03-02-2024, 11:41 PM
Marshal Davout Marshal Davout is offline
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Default Lilly takes the Mars Rover for a Spin !

Lilly tells Leader1; I'm tired of being cramped up in the Base ! I want to take the Rover1 and go exploring ! Leader1 You'll have to wear your Spacesuit for Oxygen and keep in contact all of the time ! And Scout1 will have to Drive You ! OK says Lilly !
Leader1 tell Scout1; Don't let her drive and don't go over 20 miles an Hour and don't go very far from the Mars Base! OK says Scout1 !
Scout and Lilly get into the Mars Rover and take off. As soon as they are out of sight of the Base Lilly tells Scout1 to stop and Switch seats; I want to Drive !
But Scout1 says; Leader told me I was to Drive ! But Lilly tells him; Who's the Human here ? You are supposed to take orders from me ! Ok says Scout1, but Leader 1 is going to be mad ! Lilly takes over the Rover! and says Let see how fast this Baby can do ! Scout 1 says ; Leader1 said we weren't supposed to go over 20 miles an hour ! But Lilly just turns on the radio; and plays the Beach Boys and starts to Accelerate the Rover1 up to 50 miles per hour ! Scout1 says Leader1 is going to be very mad !

leader1 asks Control1; Have you got contact with the Rover1 ? Uh No; I think she's turned off his antenna ! we'll get me Scout1 ! I think she shut off his antenna, too ! well connect me to Lilly ! Lilly come in , this is Leader1 ! What are you doing ? I think you should come back right away ! Lilly says; Sorry Leader1, I am still exploring ! ( to be continued )

Last edited by Marshal Davout; 03-02-2024 at 11:50 PM..
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Old 03-06-2024, 01:31 AM
Marshal Davout Marshal Davout is offline
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Default a Pre-History of the Robots on Mars

You see; when the Humans were planning on sending Colonists to Mars; it was decided to send hundreds of Robots there first !
The Robots were to build the environments and buildings for the Colonists to use later when they landed. The Robots would be able to maintain the buildings against any damages and to repair themselves and it. And the Robots would build water purification and systems to provide the Colonists with water from the Martian Poles. And so it was...200 years ago....But in the Future....
Orbit !
Ship1 to Leader1 ; we have Achieved Mars Orbit !
Leader1 to Ship1; Very well Ship1 Take us around , while we prepare the landing Craft ! Ship1; Aye Aye ! Taking us around !
Leader 1 to Ship 1 Please scan for any Storms, Ground Disturbances or other Anomalies in our various landing zones which might disturb our landings !
Ship! Aye, Aye ! Scanning !
Leader1 to all Leaders; we have achieved Mars Orbit ! Commence Loading all your Robots and equipment into your Landers ! ( To be Continued )
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Old 03-06-2024, 11:09 PM
Marshal Davout Marshal Davout is offline
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Default Pilot1 lands Leader1 in Lander1 on Mars

Leader1 tells Pilot1 everything is loaded in our section on Lander1; You may land us When ready !
Pilot1 All Righty ! Here we go ! Mars here we come ! Pilot1 to Ship1 Lander1 is Unclamping to you and going in for a Landing ! Ship1 to Pilot1 Good Flying !
Pilot1 Turns off the Autopilot and turns on his Music !

What is that sound ? says Leader1 Pilot1 says it's the Byrds ! Leader1 says there are no Byrds on Mars ! Pilot1 says the Byrds Band and their hit Eight Miles High ! Leader says Turn it Off. Pilot1 says No, I always Fly with Music !
Leader1 says You Turned off the Autopilot ! Turn it back on ! Pilot1 says No True Pilot lands with Autopilot on !
Leader1 says are you crazy ? Turn off that music and turn the autopilot back on ! Pilot1 says No; Regulations say Pilots are in charge of Flying and Landings ! Here we go; Just to be Flippant Pilot 1 turns Landr1 over in a steep dive and screams down to the Martian surface ! Leader1 screams; Your're going to kill us and crash the landing ! But Pilot1 levels off as they reach the surface and speeds along the terraim until he comes to their Landing area perfectly and sets the Lander1 down ! There we are says Pilot1 !
I'm going to have your circuits checked for this for malfunctions says Leader1 And i want that tape of the landing destroyed ! Ok says Pilot!
Leadr1 and Scientist1 Disembark. I wonder who was the Human who programmed him it must have been a messup said Leader1
scientist1 said I think it was a Top Gun; someone named T. Cruise, Tom Cruise ?

Last edited by Marshal Davout; 03-06-2024 at 11:25 PM..
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Old 03-07-2024, 09:16 PM
Marshal Davout Marshal Davout is offline
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Default Lilly crashes the Rover1

Lilly was speeding along fine; but then she saw an incline....
Let's take the Jump she says to Scout1 ! Scout1 says ; No ! No Jump !
But Lilly runs the Rover over to the incline and they take the jump ! The incline is steeper than it looked so the Rover1 goes high in the air, Scout1 goes one way; while Lilly goes the other. They all impact into the ground with Lilly knocked out, Scout1 banged in the Head and staggering around and the Rover1 crashes on it's side !
Comm1 tells Leader1; We've got a bad signal from Rover1 ! what is it ? Rover1 is signalling that it has crashed and needs towing ! What ? Leader1 says ? Tell my Helocopter Drones to go out to Rover1's last location and get me Eyes on !
Drone1 reporting Rover1 has crashed on its side ! What about Lilly ? She is on her back staring at the Sky ! Is she Breathing ? Her chest is going up and down, but there is a hole in her helmet ! We'll put a patch on the helmet to stop the loss of air ! Drone 2 arrives. Lilly has a tear in her left suit leg and air is escaping ! Also she is leaking Hydraulic Fluid ! Hydraulic Fluid ? Humans don't have; Are you telling me she is bleeding ? Yes says Drone2 She is bleeding hydraulic fluid ! I am sending you instructions for a Tourniquet! You must tie this on her leg above the cut in her skin to stop the loss of Blood !
Sound General Quarters ! Leader1 says to Comm1 Comm1 transmits General Quarters ! General Quarters ! All Robots stand by for orders from Leader1 !
Doctors 1 & 2, Nurses 1 and 2 get out to Rover1's Location in Rover2 and take Ambulance1 in tow behind you to retrieve Lilly !
Doctors 3 & 4 and Nurses 3 & 4 prepare the Human Surgical hospital to receive Lilly for any Operations she may need ! Drones 3 and 4 assist Drones 1 & 2 a necessary ! ( To be continued )
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Old 03-10-2024, 07:43 PM
Marshal Davout Marshal Davout is offline
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Default Lilly is operated on and finally comes to

Lilly slowly comes to and wakes up.
She sees a lot of the Robots standing around.
Scout1 says Yippee ! She is awake ! Leader one says Shut Up ! I have to talk to her. Lilly says What happened ? Leader1 says you had an accident with Rover1 and we had to retrieve you ! You lost some blood ; so we had to operate as the vein in your leg got cut ! You will have to stay in bed a little while as we check and scan you over ! My leg hurts bad, says Lilly ! Yes it will for a while as we had to surgically repair the vein; but you should be good as new in a couple weeks ! Scout 1 is OK ? Yes he has been repaired and we can Buff out the damage to Rover1 ! However; you must be careful in the future; as we almost lost you ! We do not want to lose you; as you are our only Human ! You have the max pain medicine so we cannot give you any more for the time being ! Do you want anything ? We have fixed you some Chicken Soup from our Human Colonist supplies ! No says Lilly, I think I just want to sleep a little bit ! She closes her eyes; so Leader1 says everybody out; except for the Doctors and Nurses and Scientists 1 and 2 must stay on call !
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Old 03-12-2024, 12:50 AM
Marshal Davout Marshal Davout is offline
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Default Lilly was getting better; but she still imped around

Lilly called in Leader ! I want a fireplace; so that if I sit on the Rug; I can feel it's heat and see the Flames at night !
Leader1 But you can't have a fireplace in an oxygen rich atmosphere; everything will explode ! Lilly says you will have to invent it ! That's what I want ! Also I want a Band in my auditoreum to dance to ! What kind of Band, Leader said ? A Rock Band said Lilly; sort of like the Stones or the Beatles ! We don't have any musical Robots ! Make some Robots into a Rock Band for me ! You will have to invent them !
Ok; I will have to work on it. Leader1 left and went to Robot Fabrication ! As he passed Scientist1; he told him, This is all your Fault ! Instead of having a Scientist Human We have a terror of a Teenage Human Girl !
The Robots come up with a Robot Band for Lilly
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Old 03-12-2024, 10:33 PM
Marshal Davout Marshal Davout is offline
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Default Lilly Finds out about Ship1

Having got her Fireplace in her Living room ( behind a Glass enclosure and Force Field ) Lilly can Feel the Heat and see the Flames of the fireplace safely ! And she had the Robots build her an auditoreum and stage for her Robot Band and it's instruments. The Band started to play; but Lilly said I want all the Robots to dance with me ! Leader1 said some robots are on Duty, so they can't dance ! So Lilly said, but anybody not on duty I want here to Dance !. So Leader1 told everybody to show and prepare to dance ! The Band started to play and all the robots danced with Lilly except..Lilly told Leader1 you have to Dance , too !
But Leader1 said I am Leader, I do not dance ! Yes said Lilly I am the Human and I want everybody to dance ! Trash1 said Leader has to Dance , too ! Ha ! But leader said Shut Up or I'll have your Circuits checked ! Everybody was dancing; but Ship1 asked Leader can I dance, too ? Leader1 said no, you are in space and you must not waste fuel to dance around ! Wait said Lilly, Who are you talking to ? Uh...It is Ship1, he wants to dance ! Wait said Lilly, We have a Ship somewhere on a River, or Lake, or Ocean on Mars ? No; said Leader, we have a ship in orbit in Space ! We have a Spaceship in Orbit ? And When were you going to tell me this, Leader ? Uh....We didn't think you needed to be told ? Lilly says I am the Human and if I have to make decisions for all the Humans and the Robots, I have to be told everything ! Uh, we thought we would tell you eventually ! Well, Leader from now on you will keep nothing from me; as I need to know everything to make decisions. Yes you are right; I am sorry !
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Old 03-17-2024, 09:00 PM
Marshal Davout Marshal Davout is offline
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Default Back to the Beginning ! With Leader1, Scientist1 and Lilly !

You see the Robots were to build the Facilities for the Mars Colonists to follow. And this they did; building the environments and the water treatment and Distribution plants, and even growing some food plants from seeds for the Colonists !
But somehow the Human Colonists were Delayed ? And so it was something like 200 years the Robots worked, maintained the buildings and the equipment and repaired themselves in their workshops.
Some things were happening on earth such as Diseases, conflicts, food shortages, disagreements, etc., so somehow the Colonists never got off the ground ? And the robots kept asking for new orders, as only humans could give them to them !
But gradually they lost contact with the humans on the earth and communication ceased with the robots. Each day Leader1 would ask Comm1; Have your raised the Humans, yet. And each day Comm1 would tell him no !
And gradually it seemed the Humans disappeared on the earth and Leader1 would tell Comm1 try the Arctic and the Antartic; there were some humans there ! But even there Comm1 could find no one!
Eventually Leader1 told Scientist1; It is so hard keeping all the robots in line and keeping to their tasks, and it is so boring because we get no more Human orders ! I am going Crazy !
But Scientist1 told him; I have an idea. I have DNA from the Scientist who programmed me, Mylene the Scientist human ! How does that help us; asked Leader1 ? Well, theoretically, and it is out of our original programming; But I could Clone a Human Baby in a Test Tube and she would grow to an adult; and then we would have Human orders ! I would , of course, need your authority, and we would have to allocate resources to it !
How long before we would have a rational human ? asked Leader1. We would probably have a rational Human in 16 to 18 years,tops !
Leader1 said start immediately; 18 years is nothing in the scheme of things !
And so Lilly the First space Girl on Mars was actually a test tube baby ! But Leader1 resolved to hide this from her; as it might affect her psychologically. So they resolved to make up a story telling her that the Colonists had arrived and the 300 Colonists had all died from a disease; including her 2 parents. and so the robots made up the story to Protect their new Human.

Last edited by Marshal Davout; 03-17-2024 at 09:05 PM..
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Old 03-22-2024, 01:55 AM
Marshal Davout Marshal Davout is offline
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Default The Many Ships !

How many Ships do we have ?; asked Lilly. Leader1 said Well we had 11 at one point; But we've Lost One ! what Happened said Lilly. Well It was on it's Way to Proxima Centauri with a Faster Than Light Drive, which Folded Space; But then it must have hit something and we lost telemetry and transmission and we could no longer scan it ! Theories were that it hit an unknown and invisible black hole in the middle of nowhere ! The black hole was invisible; because the was nothing in that location to consume ! The Humans were going to send some Probes after it; but that's when everything was starting to go weird on Earth and so it was never done. where are all the other ships said Lilly ? They are basically in orbit around all the planets. Ship2 is in orbit around Earth, Ship3
the Moon, Ship4 is at Mercury, Ship5 at Venus, Ship6 at Jupiter, Ship7 at Saturn, Ship8 at Uranus, Ship9 at Neptune, Ship10 at Pluto. Ships 2 & 3 are tied into the Earths early warning system against near earth asteroids and comets so that they can be found early enough to have engines landed upon them and be directed away from the earth ! The other ships are studying their respective planets.
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