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Old 10-16-2016, 06:21 PM
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Default Danse avec les stars 7 - 2016

The newest season of DALS began last night with decent ratings. Grégoire and his 'star' Camille Lou placed second in the scoring with a Rumba to 'Purple Rain.'

The Alizée related part of this was that there was a lot of chatter on Twitter referencing the rumors and chaos from a few years ago when Grégoire left the show. A few articles came along today... I don't want to send traffic to the blogs but here are some app-translated quotes.

For the most parts, these articles are based on comments made by the public on Twitter rather than actual facts. I suppose it could actually drive up viewership at least in the short term.

Dancing with the Stars: Camille Lou Gregoire Lyonnet and very hot, netizens imagine furious Alizee
How did the singer responded to the raunchy dance her husband?

Saturday night for the premiere of the seventh season of dancing with the stars, Grégoire Lyonnet and Camille Lou offered a very hot performance. Internet users wondered what thought Alizée, young wife of the dancer.

According to Chris marks, Alizée had not yet confirmed the cast of dancing with the stars that he had already asked to dance with her. So then, burning, on the floor of TF1, tender, backstage at the tour, then terribly in love, in Corsica where they said yes in June, it was a no-brainer. Yet, this has not always been easy. Remember. During season 5, Alizée, winner of DALS in 2013, remained behind his television while his half déhanchait with others for the needs of the program. She did not incur and forced him to resign said. Two years later, here's the young man to return for the seventh season of the competition, and in the light of this first service provided last night, it is shaped. In great shape even.

Camille Lou arm, he offered viewers a moment of the more hots. On Purple Rain, Prince, they move lascivious way, not giving a single second the jury the opportunity to blame them for a lack of interpretation. They live their dance, it's beautiful, but it's hot. And that's obviously not lost users who themselves are imagined the reaction of Alizée behind his screen. Known for her jealousy, the spicy brunette of 32 years having fun despite it tweeters. \"Wait, Camille Lou and Grégoire Lyonnet? Alizée yes-man us! Minimum!\"laughing one. \"Camille Lou I like, but Grégoire Lyonnet I don't flunk any! I feel too Alizée pick up Gregory.\"anticipates the other. Some are more in sympathy: \"' it will be hard for you I guess, as they form a very handsome couple.\" can be read on Twitter at the address of the star, or even \"Camille Lou and Grégoire Lyonnet... too much sensuality on Purple Rain what! '\" Instead of Alizée I would be jealous. »

His side, Alizée appears well live the thing since away from storming, she encourages Grégoire Lyonnet and Camille Lou and complete a \"my husband is the best.\" All right.

DALS 7: Twitter ignites in performance Grégoire Lyonnet and Camille Lou!

For their first perfomance together Grégoire Lyonnet and Camille Lou ignited the canvas in 'Dancing with the Stars' on TF1 ... to the point that people have imagined the reaction of Alizee!

With its love affair with Alizee, Gregoire Lyonnet has made a name in 'Dancing with the Stars' on TF1. This year, it is not the interpreter of 'Moi ... Lolita' which is the dancer's arm but the singer and actress Camille Lou. Both artists have delivered to the public a very raunchy rumba, Latin dancing 'muy caliente' and sensual, on the track 'Purple Rain' by Prince. At which point the duo ignited the fabric, which immediately pointed their proximity ... and imagined the reaction of Alizee who is married to Grégoire Lyonnet.

'It will be hard for you I guess, especially since they are a very nice couple,' has shared a surfer. 'Camille and Lou Gregoire Lyonnet ... too sensual purple rain on anything! Instead Alizee I have nothing to be jealous #DALS,' shouted another. 'Wait, Camille Lou and Grégoire Lyonnet? Alizee we going to blow a hose! Minimum! #dals.'

So much so that Camille and Gregory performance has been somewhat set aside for the benefit of the marital status of the dancer, as highlighted a surfer 'When Grégoire Lyonnet pass status' dancer #DALS 'to' guy Alizee '.

Wait, Camille Lou and Grégoire Lyonnet? Alizee we going to blow a hose! Minimum! #dals
- Florence Roman ( @Flo_Roman92600) October 15, 2016
Camille and Lou Gregoire Lyonnet ... too sensual purple rain on what! Instead Alizee I have nothing to be jealous #DALS
- FearlessGirl ( @parisian__life) October 15, 2016
Camille Lou I like but Grégoire Lyonnet saque I do not at all! I feel too Alizee pick Gregory #DALS
- Estelle. F ( @TheCitysOnFire) October 15, 2016
@mellealizee @GregoireLyonnet @DALS_TF1 it will be hard for you I guess the more they are a very fine couple
- Mimouche ( @mim_57) October 16, 2016
When Grégoire Lyonnet pass status '#DALS dancer' to 'guy Alizee'
- Laeticia ( @theprinsiderbe) October 15, 2016
Grégoire Lyonnet and Alizee had met in the show 'Dancing with the Stars season 4' in 2013 and saw a love story born before the cameras over the weeks. They married on June 18 in Corsica, after three years of relationship. A unique idyll that is not really a coincidence to believe the juror Chris Marks. He had said: 'From the first season of the competition, Grégoire Lyonnet had immediately warned that if Alizée participated in the show, he wanted to dance with her.'

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Old 10-16-2016, 06:42 PM
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Default Purple Rain

Grégoire Lyonnet & Camille Lou sur un Rumba á Purple Rain [DALS 7 Saison 1]
Steve RMX (Alizée channel)



As the season progresses without Alizee making a scene, I think the public will quickly forget that unfortunate event and move onto other things.

Last edited by Shepherd; 10-16-2016 at 06:53 PM..
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Old 10-16-2016, 10:19 PM
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I think Alizée is far and away a much more beautiful woman than Camille, but still Camille is a good looking woman and I think it would be very tough for the most loyalist of men to stay focused when night after night you're put into such close contact with each other. I hope Alizée is able to stay in Paris during the course of these shows. I wonder if she still has a place in Paris? What was that building she was seen coming out of during episode 3 when Greg picked her up and they went shopping for some "Bollywood" accessories? I also wonder if some scandal would benefit Camille. I wouldn't think so, but who knows?

Alizee place in Paris.jpg
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Old 10-17-2016, 06:33 PM
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Some articles about Alizée today regarding DALS7


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Old 10-26-2016, 06:29 PM
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Danse avec les stars 7 : Alizée jalouse de Camille Lou ? La vérité dévoilée...

Une rumeur persistante qui accable la chanteuse de "Moi... Lolita"

On s'en souvient tous. Il y a deux ans, Grégoire Lyonnet quittait l'aventure Danse avec les stars 5 en pleine saison alors qu'il formait un duo avec la compagne de Jean Dujardin, l'ex-patineuse artistique Nathalie Péchalat.

A l'époque, des rumeurs infondées avaient visé Alizée (32 ans) – la compagne et désormais épouse du danseur professionnel – et sa supposée jalousie en tant que cause principale de cet abandon aussi prématuré que médiatisé...

Du coup, lorsque la sublime Camille Lou (participante de Danse avec les stars 7 sur TF1 en compagnie de Grégoire Lyonnet) a accepté de faire une apparition dans le Mad Mag de NRJ12, celle-ci a profité de l'évocation de cette vieille histoire pour mettre les choses au clair : Alizée ne met nullement la pression sur son homme et ne serait aucunement jalouse du duo qu'elle forme avec Grégoire sur DALS7... Bien au contraire !

"Je tiens à dire qu'Alizée est super ! Elle nous écoute vachement, elle nous aide, elle est super ! C'est une fille géniale !", a-t-elle lancé afin de réhabiliter la jolie maman d'Annily (11 ans) sans cesse visée par cette persistante rumeur.

Dancing with the stars 7: Alizée jealous of Camille Lou? The unveiled truth...

A persistent rumor that overwhelms the singer of ' I... Lolita'

You all remember. Two years ago, Grégoire Lyonnet left dance adventure with the stars in season 5 while he formed a duo with the companion of Jean Dujardin, the artistic ex-patineuse Nathalie Péchalat.

Then, unfounded rumors had referred Alizée (32) - the companion and now wife of the professional dancer - and its supposed jealousy as the main cause of this abandonment as premature as publicized...

Suddenly, when the sublime Camille Lou (participant from dancing with the stars 7 on TF1 in the company of Grégoire Lyonnet) agreed to make an appearance in the Mad Mag of NRJ12 , it took advantage of the evocation of this old story to make things clear: Alizée does not put pressure on his man and would in no way jealous of the duo she formed with Gregory on DALS7... Quite the contrary!

' I would like to say that Alizée is great! She really listens to us, it helps us, she is great! She's a great girl!', launched in order to rehabilitate the pretty mother of Annily (11 years) constantly covered by this persistent rumor.

Last edited by Ray4AJ; 10-26-2016 at 06:36 PM.. Reason: Because it's okay to edit
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Old 10-27-2016, 10:05 AM
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Originally Posted by Ray4AJ View Post
I hope Ray doesn't mind that I posted this on our FB page.
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Old 10-27-2016, 10:34 AM
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Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 View Post
I hope Ray doesn't mind that I posted this on our FB page.
I have no claim to the content, so the article and video have nothing to do with me. Share away!
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Old 10-27-2016, 12:44 PM
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Well I share a lot of posts of items I see in FB. Most times when I share it, it will mention I shared an item posted by so and so. Sometimes I have to share a post in a way the original poster's name doesn't get mentioned, in which case, I will add their name such as with Jo Jacotey and a couple of others, because of their privacy settings, I can't directly share a picture or post, but they have given me permission to copy and paste a post in which case, I'll use thier name.. In other cases like this post outside of FB, even though others on FB have posted this, I first found out about in here and I just like to give credit to who ever I find out about an item.

Last edited by Scruffydog777; 10-27-2016 at 04:37 PM..
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Old 11-26-2016, 07:51 PM
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Word is Alizée will return to the DALS dance floor next week.
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Old 11-26-2016, 08:47 PM
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Originally Posted by Ray4AJ View Post
Word is Alizée will return to the DALS dance floor next week.
Yeah and God bless! Always luv to see her dance, happy dance or not.


Alizée, Balayent les maux de cœur
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