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Old 04-23-2022, 05:36 PM
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Default Let's discuss the "Alizée Phenomenon"

I hope it won't turn into everyone making a thread to share how he/she daydreams. I usually did not post/overdo things ... but since the forum is not as full as it used to be - we gotta keep it active.

I do not want to overflow someone else's thread with my view on things too many times because it can become tiresome.

"Alizée Phenomenon" - I know it souds weird - like it could belong into a Crop Circle Conspiracy theory or something but please allow me to explain.

For those who are fans of TLDR - it's my experience and my view on things after some years of doing some psychology work - both getting helped and studying it. So if you do not want to read it all - I'll mark it where it get's on the subject directly

First of all - for those who feel weird after falling for someone like her - no worryes it is normal. Celebrity crushes happen more often than you think and they are actually a category of mental distress in psychology nomenclature altouhg it only becomes harmful in few cases. But it all depends on the level - because there are several levels - wich I won't waste your time enumerating - but for a curious mind it can go from little admiration to full despair and bad demeanor and even suicidal behaviour because they cannot fathom not being that person's chosen one.

I'll start with a bit of a background with myself and how I ended up in this Phenomenon ( I will eventually tell you why I keep calling it like this ) .
I was just a normal teen like most of us were - I discovered MMORPG gaming during it's prime - So I spent a full summer playing WoW like a maniac . For those who are from Mars or the Moon - WoW is World of Warcraft.*JOKE haha*
Anyway we all know some of us when they get invested in things they start searching for all kind of clues or secrets or whatever to be more efficient at that particular thing. Or maybe that's just me. During some searching on the internet I stumbled upon a youtube video - it showed how the /dance action in the game was inspired by real dancing. Long story short the night-elf female character was actually inspired by Alizée's Je'n ai Marre live performance in that sexy sailor suit. As any teenager at that age my eyes went big just like "Puss in boots"( another refference anyway ) had them.
Who is this girl ? Let me search it . Boom the magic happened !

After I while I got to Moi Lolita and it sounded familiar. Why ? well maybe because every radio station a while back kept repeating some Europe Top Ten or Top 50 or whatever and she was always on with the song.
And I sayd OH wait ! I know it ! even remembered some lyrics - no ideea what they meant - I was a big ass dude singing about a Lolita imagine ... But it was catchy !

So as my usual habbit when discovering things I kept searching for info and videos and all that .. we all know how it happens it's not worth mentioning.
Then I found out about Alizee-Forum. Great ! More people like me ? Yepee doo ! Or youpi dou if you wanna keep it familiar
There I met some of the older members - RMJ , Orion , Brian , Roman , Jenny , Amelie and a few others.
Can't remember how much time passed - maybe like 2-3 weeks from my initial discover and I was already in love - seriously - A huge crush - celebrity crush - but still - HUGE for me to even fathom !

It started to get to me - I was daydreaming sometimes - but I was a 16 y old kid afterall - not that this can be used as an excuse or something but it happens more often when your brain has an overflow of fricking hormones running about.
It was all fine and dandy - I felt a rush like no other - I bought her cd's . I bought a silver razor like medallion like she was wearing during a part of MCE era and I was wearing it like an emo-kid Great memories what can I tell you - I look back and facepalm atm but hey - it is what it is

But after a while it became more personal - I was starting to feel a little depressed - I started to realize she's an out of touch person - and altough you can meet her maybe for an autograph at one of those events or whatever she will never be more than a dream - you could just play the lottery and have a better chance at winning that. So that realisation brought me to my kneed - I started flunking school , had fights with my parents for no apparent logic reasons and so on. Got alienated some of my friends because they did not understand me - or so I thought.

After all of that a close friend died in a car crash. The whole ordeal broke me...I was floating in the nether with my mind and I had to do something about it - that's when I told myself that if I really admire and love her so much why not turn it into something positive . As dumb and puerile as it may sound I tryed to improve things in my life while thinking I am doing it all for her - It is not the most healthy way for personal growth but desperate times - desperate measures.

I managed to get in touch with a few other fans from my country after a while and when she announced Psychedelices we were ecstatic . We bought tickets for her upcomming Grand Rex concert in Paris. I still have them somewhere That summer I made the next step - I admired her so much that I tattooed her "A" logo from Psychedelices album on my forearm. It was more than just a crazy fan tattoo for me - It was something to remember - the fact that because of this phenomenon I was able to get past some dark times even though part of them was related to it aswell. Also my name is Alex so kinda fitted for an A

Look! before I go on - I know it's long - I know it portraits me like a fricking delusional s.o.b ( I'll try to keep it clean but the term was needed here ) - but bear with me ok ?

That autumn I met a girl - we fell in love - she understood my fandom - she started liking Alizee aswell but all my plans of going to the concert and everything kinda wasted away - I can't explain why - Maybe because my whole ideea of a fan was just a crush on someone unattainable and now since I had someone for me and all the feeling went away.

Well yes - It was something like that - but I kept comming back to listening to some songs ,I kept being active on the forums and step by step I started to actually be a normal fan and started to admire her .
I was still dealing with other problems at the time , that death marked me , my parents divorced etc. and ofc my school issues... so I got to go to a psychiatrist - yeh well - I wasn't a crazy ass - but I felt it was needed to get some direction.

I learned there all there is to learn about this behaviour we deal with - and that if you can turn it into something that favors you and not get delusional it could be a huge boost in your personal growth and achievements. Listening to her songs became more of a chill out experience and a feeling that everything can be awesome in life even though you are in a dark time atm.

The next few years I studyed more about this - I even got to school for it - but I never wanted to practice it - wasn't my cup of tea. I had a passion to do something creative - first I started drawing and then after I started photography wich I was getting quite good at.

What did I learn about it that I call it a phenomenon - Well first of all I know this may sound stupid for some but Alizée as a celebrity crush is a bit different - don't get me wrong she's not the only one... but there are a few only that attract some kind of a different vibe than just a normal celebrity crush with some other singer/actor etc.
Why ? I keep trying to figure that out - and strange enough even though I was out of the loop of what was going on with her and her life - I had no ideea she re-married or all that happened in-between - still my mind - whenever it gets a huge obstacle somehow appeals to this phenomenon - a few songs listened , a few old memories recalled and boom I am back on track doing what I must to overcome my problem at that particular moment.

It is a strange thing and it is fascinating how the mind works. Again do not think this only happens with this phenomenon - mind appeals to things like fond childhood memories of a person or a parent or even a toy or an experience. But the fact that she is a part of it is quite fascinating. Because I did not meet her in real life so that my mind can appeal to that moment ( to keep it between us if I did manage to meet her as a teen I was about to faint like girls did on Michael Jackson - the whole 212 lbs of a hunk that I was )
but still it did appeal to something - and I did have other succeses in life yet this is what my mind gets back to everytime. And it helps ! Strange as it sounds - it helps !

This is how I got over my own divorce. Not by idealising a relation with a celebrity like a crazy kid but to appeal to my own admiration of her as she was marketed.

I sayd it before - The marketing on her behalf was flawless - The bonus is she was also genuine and not just portraiting something she wasn't . But let's face it it was brilliant - Gourmandises with the naivete and childish sweet things with a bit of sprinkle of sexyness here and there and then everything in the sexyness departement cranked to 1000% in MCE but still with some of that cute / naive feeling. Yeh it was nice - and it appealed to a lot of ages amongst fans. From kids to old men ( excluding creepy old men )

So yeh - it is nothing strange to feel overwhelmed even at this time by a girl from 20 y ago - she was marketed to be just that - your dream ! -
I say it as it is - Most of us did not fall in love with her personally - most of us had no ideea how she really was - we just thought we knew - It turned out she really is a nice person and all but we just assumed by interviews and videos - wich is a very small pool from wich you can get to know someone. As I sayd again - it was a big bonus that she really turns out to be a nice gal - and very thoughtful with her fans and not a total "b***h" like some celebrities are yet most of our process came from a good marketing.

She is in that small pool of few celebrities that can have that helpful impact on a mind or a person but as a sword has two sharp-edges it can get on the bad side aswell - some people fall into depression because of these things and the smart thing to do is to find the fine line between crazy-ass fan stalking like behaviour and admiration . If you find that when you are down you get to experience something else that can help you. I'm saying this because ripping of the whole experience from your life like a band-aid and quiting her alltogether can actually get worse - You will feel like there's nothing to live for - Trust me it can happen.

So this is why I am trying to share some of what I learned because I also studyed it a bit - It may sound crazy on some points - and I can admit I was close to being that nuts at times - there's no shame in it - But again - I was a teenager with access at something new , I went through some mind bending things in life and when all come together you can either go destructive or you can turn it around to be constructive ! That's the whole point I am trying to make !

I hope I did not skip anything! I hope that I did not scare anyone with my experience and I hope it becomes helpful. I see life differently atm.

Also I am trying to actually meet her one day but I want it to be a professional encounter and not just a desperate fan trying to meet his idol. I do not consider her my idol anymore - maybe I never did - who knows . Mind works in strange ways. As I keep repeating myself the feelings might have been towards an image we were sold and not the person itself ( wich coincidental turned out to be close to that image ).

So ... When I say - I wish I could work with her - It really has to do with combining an admiration of her and my passion for my work. Wich could benefit me both on a personal and a proffesional level. I do just fine as it is - She's not the first or the last celebrity that I will take a photoshoot of - It doesn't even have to be this personal - I could offer my services as a photographer to document a few of their dance studio sessions so they can have a nice album - whatever it is - I see it as an experience for me - to say I did this too in my life. Not an impossible goal to achieve and by far not a crazy daydream from a desperate fan...


So - long story short - even though I rambled on for walls and walls of text - Try to turn whatever experience in your life into a positive one - Whatever floats your boat do not be ashamed of it ! Does her music make you feel more alive and productive ? More power to ya ! Watching her videos make you feel confortable and safe ? More power to ya ! Even small daydreaming about things related to her make you feel nice ? ( we exclude here the sexual fantasyes and marriage / family issues because those are delusional af ) - Again More Power to ya ! What not to do ?! Do not set impossible expectations , do not delude yourself into dreaming about relationships and most important do not blame yourself or anyone else because you cannot achieve these tasks ! That's all ! I hope you guys all the best and I hope again this does not offend or triggers anyone ! It is just an experience I wanted to share and to be helpful - It is not aimed at anyone in particular neither it is meant to attack someone's feelings ! Cheers !

Please feel free to share your thoughts - I am hardly offended so don't hold back - also feel free to share similar experiences in this thread and how you see this whole thing. Or you can just use this as a venting thread to spill whatever is backed up in your mind ! fine by me But keep it clean and try to obey forum rules !

Last edited by Alexx89; 04-23-2022 at 05:52 PM..
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Old 04-24-2022, 03:35 AM
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Talking Alizée is a real phenomenon

Great story Alexx89!

You have a lot of experience when you saw her at such a young age and a diverse discovery story and related events!

And since we’re also talking about Alizée, I think there are still a lot of pretty similar stories out there compared to your experience, even though it sounds pretty unique.

Btw. Have you already told us here what country you are from??

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Old 04-24-2022, 04:20 AM
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Everyone's story will be unique yet the details might be the same when it involves her

As for country - I am originally from Romania. That's my home. Yet when work starts I travel a lot most of the year so my home moves around all the time.

Last edited by Alexx89; 04-24-2022 at 01:47 PM..
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Old 04-27-2022, 05:02 AM
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Brah, you don't need to be a psychologist to understand why would anyone fall for her, because come on, it's common sense: She's beautiful, she has a nice voice and sings, she has a lovely (and charming) personality and she's very femenine. Also, wasn't she named one of the most sexy women in the world or something like that for years straight? You don't need to look deeper than that.

Furthermore, this made me remember that as long as you're a woman, you'll get a truckload of bootlickers.

Last edited by Noppo555; 04-27-2022 at 05:26 AM..
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Old 04-28-2022, 05:20 AM
Alexx89 Alexx89 is offline
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Originally Posted by Noppo555 View Post
Brah, you don't need to be a psychologist to understand why would anyone fall for her, because come on, it's common sense: She's beautiful, she has a nice voice and sings, she has a lovely (and charming) personality and she's very femenine. Also, wasn't she named one of the most sexy women in the world or something like that for years straight? You don't need to look deeper than that.

Furthermore, this made me remember that as long as you're a woman, you'll get a truckload of bootlickers.

Well my analysis applyes not just for her but in general. Everyone's got a fantasy - Thing is not to let it become harmful for your mind that's it - nothing special.

""Furthermore, this made me remember that as long as you're a woman, you'll get a truckload of bootlickers"" -

This statement is a bit out there - I do not believe one bit of this - have you not seen thousands of females fainting at some male pop star ? I did ...It's equal trust me. It's not about being a male of a female - it's about being a celebrity and what celebrity crushes are - because lately it has become actually a syndrome so yeh - technically it exists as a disorder of somekind. Celebrity worship syndrome (CWS) is an obsessive addictive disorder in which a person becomes overly involved with the details of a celebrity's personal and professional life. But it has some levels - as long as you do not become destructive and psychotic and delve into stalking behaviour or self-harm ... the rest of it is harmless and rather usefull in some situations.

She's special in every way and other than that as I sayd she was also marketed well - of course you are at the risk of falling in love - but how you deal with it further makes you strong or weak. I wasn't trying to look deeper than what she is - I was digging deeper on how we as fans perceive some things It's a noticeable diffrence. She is perfect the way she is - even if you know half the truth and it's enough.

I'm more curious on how different people perceive this adoration and not just pointing out the obvious " I like her cuz she's a beautiful woman " DUH ! ...Maybe I am rambling too much and expecting too much - who knows
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Old 05-10-2022, 03:59 AM
Mr Coucou Mr Coucou is offline
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Originally Posted by Alexx89 View Post
I'm more curious on how different people perceive this adoration and not just pointing out the obvious " I like her cuz she's a beautiful woman " DUH ! ...Maybe I am rambling too much and expecting too much - who knows

Previously, I've kicked around a number of theories; here are the theories that I've settled on:

1. She has very feminine-looking eyes.

2. There is something about her facial features such that her appearance changes dramatically from one setting to another, as if she was a number of different women.

The brain perceives this as being very attractive. (And it may be the reason why many men state that Alizee reminds them of "the girl next door.")

3. She has incredible physical coordination. This pertains not only to dancing, but also to walking, gesturing etc. Even when standing, she has a sort of "perfect poise."

4. When performing, she makes perfect eye contact with the camera. It creates the illusion that she is looking right at you--- this makes her very attractive to male viewers of her video performances. (The same is true of photographs.)

5. Her personality is like a combination of extreme introvert and extreme extrovert. The introvert comes out in interviews, whereas the extrovert comes out on stage. But she is never pure introvert nor pure extrovert. In interviews, she is introverted but with an underlying confidence. On stage, she is extroverted but with an underlying genuineness and humility. Needless to say, this is perceived as very attractive.

Last edited by Mr Coucou; 05-10-2022 at 04:05 AM..
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Old 05-10-2022, 09:23 AM
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Originally Posted by Mr Coucou View Post
Previously, I've kicked around a number of theories; here are the theories that I've settled on:

1. She has very feminine-looking eyes.

2. There is something about her facial features such that her appearance changes dramatically from one setting to another, as if she was a number of different women.

The brain perceives this as being very attractive. (And it may be the reason why many men state that Alizee reminds them of "the girl next door.")
I think it would be a good case study as to why men think Alizee is the "girl next door" and why men find that look so attractive.

First, I'm not sure if the phrase "girl next door" is something that is used in countries outside the US. Maybe some of our members can chime in on this.

When I think of the "girl next door" types, I think of attributes like: feminine, traditional, simplicity, charming, modest and an effortless beauty. Since they are "next door", you might see them in all kinds of settings, so they can be dressed up or dressed down, full makeup or little to no makeup. Hair nicely done or messy hair. In any way, you find her always beautiful.

So this would cover your second point in that she "changes dramatically" but yet you like each one.

I don't know why many men are attracted to these types the most. I know I have always been this way. Maybe it is something deep within our genes that we don't fully understand yet.
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Old 05-10-2022, 01:30 PM
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Originally Posted by CleverCowboy View Post
I'm not sure if the phrase "girl next door" is something that is used in countries outside the US. Maybe some of our members can chime in on this.
If you were to ask people here in Australia what "the girl next door" refers to, probably a decent percentage of people would've either heard it in an American film/tv show, or if not could probably guess something close enough to what it means.

It's not a phrase people would be likely to use in casual conversation though. I think I've only ever heard it used in an American context online or in media.

But the US is so darn good at exporting its culture whether good or bad that people in other English speaking countries often know a fair bit about American culture.

It's easy as a non-American to laugh at (some) people in the US that know so little about the outside world, and that bit of laughter is sometimes valid, but when such a huge percentage of films, music, websites, brands, apps etc come from the US, at the very least you can't deny the insane level of influence the US has on the world. Got a little side tracked here haha.
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Old 05-10-2022, 10:11 PM
Mr Coucou Mr Coucou is offline
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Originally Posted by CleverCowboy View Post
When I think of the "girl next door" types, I think of attributes like: feminine, traditional, simplicity, charming, modest and an effortless beauty. Since they are "next door", you might see them in all kinds of settings, so they can be dressed up or dressed down, full makeup or little to no makeup. Hair nicely done or messy hair. In any way, you find her always beautiful.
That's a good definition.

So this would cover your second point in that she "changes dramatically" but yet you like each one.
No, that's not what I mean.

In the case of the typical 'girl next door'-- whether dressed up or dressed down, makeup or little to no makeup-- its clear that its the same girl, the same individual.

Whereas Alizee looks like different girls, different individuals--- i.e. looks like "someone else."

Consider the following:

Does that look like the same girl to you? It looks like two different girls to me.
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Old 05-11-2022, 08:28 AM
Alexx89 Alexx89 is offline
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As a photographer myself I can tell you - yes they do not seem as the same person - especially when your face features are almost simetrical - because any kind of light can modify your look , also to mention the different focal lengths of the lenses used. From a wide to a tele lens, your face can get more chubby or more narrow. So yeh this is from my point of view as it falls into my area of expertise. Also her appeareances especially in MCE and Gourmandises era were spaced in a time where she developed as a human being so hormonal changes and stuff can really change your face appearance aswell as body. But it's a guess...

Other than that : "The girl next door" ideea... Not something we here use so I think it's most of the US that are familliar with the phrase but : In essence it reffers to something familiar that you adhere to . I do not know why we are drawn to these features - she is incredibly beautiful but not the only one out there for sure. Yet you do not feel the same attraction to the rest of them but only a few - and most seem to share the same features. Maybe because you feel she is not as unreachable as you think despite her fame and status. Her attitude makes you think that - maybe that's why a lot of people actually fall in love with her.

But there must be more to this - I mean the fact that I listen to her music and it uplifts me in certain bad times in my life is strange - especially when I do not like this kind of music anyway - I am way too far in genres of the music I like to actually be a fan of her songs - yet I am - I do not have to watch her perform in a video - I can just listen to the song itself. Maybe I am just weird

Also as someone stated in the thread - no matter if she changes looks , style , attitude etc. you get the same feeling. And of course changing from the extrem introvert to the extreme extrovert styles in just moments makes it very attractive. You see this absolute amazing human being perform and see her as a godess because of her dance , attitude etc. and then she steps down and has this shy , modest , kind of like she doesn't know why she's there - attitude and you are mind boggled. It's like a Dr.Banner to TheHulk transformation - metaforically speaking
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