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Old 09-05-2024, 06:07 PM
Marshal Davout Marshal Davout is offline
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Default Le Civil War ( American )

In a miss-spent youth; I became enamored of the US Civil War and so I became a "Buff" back in the day as they called them. And so I know too much about the Civil War; except that there is no Money in it ! Blast ! And so I can recognize most CW Generals by their picture and if I was transported back in time; I would know who they were !
Lincoln had some dispatches for the army; but the telegraph lines were not strung yet and so he sent some Lieutenants from the war dept riding down to the army to give them to Grant ( who was commander of all the US armies ). However they didn't know Grant on sight; so when they got to the army; they reported to the most dapper looking Major-General they could find; which was Custer of the Cavalry. Custer had his own batman who kept his uniforms clean so he had a new one on every day ! So they reported to Custer; but Custer had to tell them; that guy over there by the wagon in the dirty and dusty uniform is Grant; and so they had to report again to him !
Later; in the war, Grant had stolen a march on Lee and had got two of his Corps south of the James river and was advancing on Petersburg. Grant was going to cut Lee off from his supplies before he knew it ! It was held by only 2 small brigades under General Beuaregard; who telegraphed Lee "I have caught prisoners from two corps of the Army of the Potomac advancing on Petersburg ! This place will fall; unless you send reinforcements immediately. I am Sir your Obedient Servant, P.G.T. Beauregard, General, C.S.A. !"
Lee played Leap-frog with his army ; sending the forces from the middle fortifications south to hold Petersburg and then moving his northern forces into the vacated fortifications. Burnside the union commander didn't realize that the Confederate forces opposite him had left their trenches and so Lee got away with this slight of hand !
And so Beauregard had saved the Confederacy for about another year !

Last edited by Marshal Davout; 09-05-2024 at 06:21 PM..
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Old 09-06-2024, 04:39 PM
Marshal Davout Marshal Davout is offline
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Default Grant's Name changed around

I heard this as a story; so I am not sure it is true ?
But when Grant was processing into West Point; the Upper classmen were signing in the new recruits. Grants name was actually Simpson Ulysses Grant; however the upper classmen figured out that if they changed his name around then he would be Ulysses Simpson Grant or U.S. Grant as in United States Grant; and since he was joining the army they thought it was appropriate ! Ha ! Since they addressed everybody by their last name as Mr. Grant; Grant didn't find out about it until he got his Diploma as U.S. Grant ! Of course records being what it is; they refused to change all of the records ; so Grant was stuck ! Later, during the war when Grant attacked Fort Donelson; he pushed the Confederate army back into their entrenchments; and so the Confederate General asked for Terms. Since it was a combined army-navy offensive; as a courtesy Grant asked the navy admiral what terms should I give him ? The Navy Admiral replied No Terms to the (Blank) Rebels ! Grant thought this was funny and laughed; So Grant wrote back; I have no terms for you except Unconditional Surrender; I propose to immediately attack your lines within the hour. So the Confederate General surrendered his army and the Fort.
The Newspapers got wind of it ; so then they called him "Unconditional Surrender" Grant !

Last edited by Marshal Davout; 09-06-2024 at 04:43 PM..
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Old 09-07-2024, 10:48 AM
Marshal Davout Marshal Davout is offline
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Default Custer gets a Regiment

Custer got out of West Point early ( because of the war, they graduated all of the Juniors early ) so he went to Washington as a new Lieutenant in the army. He went to see the old General Scott ( who had commanded in the last war ), but there were 150 officers waiting to see Scott. So Custer climbed out the window, went along the ledge and then climbed in Scott's aide's window. Here now the aide said what are you doing ? I'll have your arrested. But the old General heard the commotion and told him to bring Custer in. What do you want Custer, I'm busy; there's a war on ! I want a Regiment of Cavalry Custer said ! And why should I give you a Regiment ? Because I will take it to Manassas and charge the Rebels Custer said ! We'll said Scott, I do have a Regiment with no Officer; the 20th Michigan ! So Scott wrote out a order breveting Custer to the rank of Lt. Col and assigning him to command the 20th Michigan. But Scott said I don't want you to charge anybody just yet, just get the Regiment in ship shape ! So Custer left. But the aide remonstrated with Scott. That Officer's Crazy and you just gave him a 1,000 man Regiment of Cavalry !
But Scott looked at the aide and said it's Going to be a Long War and it's not going to be over in 6 months or with 100,000 men like the paper's say ! We're going to need officer's who have initiative and are crazy like Custer, before it's through !
Much later in the war; Stuart was bringing his Confederate cavalry in behind the Union lines; ostensibly to charge the back of the union center at the same time Pickett struck them from front; which would probably have resulted in a union rout and a Napoleonic victory for Lee ! But Custer saw the Confederates coming and started to charge them with all the union cavalry on the right flank, So Stuart was unable to get behind the union army , but had to retreat. So, in a strange way Custer saved the union at Gettysburg !

Last edited by Marshal Davout; 09-07-2024 at 10:59 AM..
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Old 09-08-2024, 02:07 PM
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Default Why Outlaws were from Missouri in those days

I didn't realize this for a long time; but this is the reason.
The Legislature of Missouri was actually meeting to secede from the Union at one point in St. Louis. But some Infantry regiments from Illinois crossed the Mississippi River and broke into the legislature and prevented the Vote ! So Missouri never actually seceded ! However the Confederates added a star onto their flag to stand for Missouri; and there were Missouri Regiments in the Confederate army.
The union however regarded all Missourians in the Confederate army as being Illegal. And so if they found the name of a Missouri man on the Confederate rolls; they would seize his farm or property and sell it at auction ! Thus when the troops from Missouri went home after the war; they had nothing. So , many of them decided to rob the Union Banks and Trains a la Jesse James and the Younger Brothers !
This is kinda shown in the movies "The Outlaw Josey Wales" and the movie "The Unforgiven" both by Clint Eastwood.
"You be William Munney, outa Missouri, you blew up the Rock Island Railroad in order to Rob It !" said the Sheriff.
When the Troops from Virginia and Tennessee went home their properties were usually left intact; except for the major players; such as Robert E. Lee whose Arlington plantation was seized by the US Government !
Anyway this is my interpretation of events; maybe I could be wrong ?
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Old 09-14-2024, 11:33 AM
Chicago Express Service Chicago Express Service is online now
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Originally Posted by Marshal Davout View Post
I heard this as a story; so I am not sure it is true ?
But when Grant was processing into West Point; the Upper classmen were signing in the new recruits. Grants name was actually Simpson Ulysses Grant; however the upper classmen figured out that if they changed his name around then he would be Ulysses Simpson Grant or U.S. Grant as in United States Grant !
US Grant was born as Hiram Ulysses Grant - however, due to a clerical error on his West Point application (which was written by a US Representative from New York, who did not know Ulysses - but knew his father), it was submitted as Ulysses S. Grant (with no detail of what the S stood for). West Point told him that fixing it would require re-doing the appointment, which would cause his father displeasure, so Ulysses just went along with it. Later, he would write his wife asking for recommendations on what the S could be - she recommended Simpson, the maiden name of his mother, which he accepted.

He'd also affectionately be known as Uncle Sam Grant by his men, which I'm sure boosted morale!
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Old 09-14-2024, 08:43 PM
Marshal Davout Marshal Davout is offline
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Originally Posted by Chicago Express Service View Post
US Grant was born as Hiram Ulysses Grant - however, due to a clerical error on his West Point application (which was written by a US Representative from New York, who did not know Ulysses - but knew his father), it was submitted as Ulysses S. Grant (with no detail of what the S stood for). West Point told him that fixing it would require re-doing the appointment, which would cause his father displeasure, so Ulysses just went along with it. Later, he would write his wife asking for recommendations on what the S could be - she recommended Simpson, the maiden name of his mother, which he accepted.

He'd also affectionately be known as Uncle Sam Grant by his men, which I'm sure boosted morale!
You are undoubtedly right and got me ! I read a lot of this stuff years ago and my memory sometimes fails !
Another story; but I forget the particulars it was either Maj General Rodes or Brigadier general Gordon who was seated at a veterans dinner in New York city after the war and he noticed the place setting next to him was made out to Brigadier General Barlow, USA. Now the Confederate units had hit the yankees in the flank and so Barlow was mortally wounded or so everybody thought . The Confederate officer ordered some of his men to take Barlow over to some shade trees and had his surgeon look after him. But then he lost track of him.
So when Barlow sat down the Rebel General asked him "Are you related to the Barlow who was killed at Gettysburg ? " But Barlow had survived and told him "I am the man, sir !" Are you related to the Rebel General who killed me ?" And so the Rebel General had to admit; "I am the man, sir !" ( It was actually one of the Rebel General's men who had shot Barlow ! )
And so they developed a friendship after the war !
And as they say, if you visit the battlefield at Gettysburg, you will find a re-named Barlow's Knoll there !

Last edited by Marshal Davout; 09-14-2024 at 08:52 PM..
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Old 09-16-2024, 07:52 PM
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Default Little Round Top July 2nd, 1863

The Staff Officer told him Put your Regiment here facing south !
Shouldn't we be facing West ?
No. The Rebels are going to lap around our flank and when they do; they're going to run right into you !
What's your Name and Unit ?
Colonel Joshua Chamberlain and the 20th Maine Volunteer Infantry.
Well Chamberlain; you've got your work cut out for you ! You're the left flank of the army !
Under no circumstances are you to lose or retreat from this Position ! If you go, the flank goes, and if that goes then we lose the battle !
If we find out you retreated, We will Court-Martial You !
What about reinforcements, asked Chamberlain ? There are no reinforcements ! The enemy is attacking all up and down the line ! we'll reinforce you tomorrow !
I'm low on Ammo ! I need some ammo ! I'll see if I can get you some ! Remember Chamberlain; No Retreats ! The staff officer rode off.
Chamberlain thought they always being bad news and never stay for the action !
The battle started and sure enough the Rebels started to come around the flank !
They were screaming the Rebel Yell; to see if they could panic you !
Chamberlain and his men repulsed them a lot of times. Then his Sergeants came to him ! We are all out of ammo ! If the Rebels come up the hill again they will just blow us away ! What are we gonna do ?
Chamberlain said the only thing we can do; Fix Bayonets ! If they start up the hill again, we will execute a Bayonet charge starting from our left flank and rolling down the hill on them !
So, that was what they did ! The action surprised the Confederates and they took lots of prisoners. A rebel Colonel was firing his pistol in Chamberlain's face, but his gun was empty , so Chamberlain took him prisoner with his sword. Then they herded the prisoners back up the hill taking their ammo from them !
Chamberlain's attack had bested the Rebels, so they fell back !

Last edited by Marshal Davout; 09-16-2024 at 08:07 PM..
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Old 09-17-2024, 05:44 PM
Chicago Express Service Chicago Express Service is online now
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Originally Posted by Marshal Davout View Post
The Staff Officer told him Put your Regiment here facing south !
Shouldn't we be facing West ?
No. The Rebels are going to lap around our flank and when they do; they're going to run right into you !
What's your Name and Unit ?
Colonel Joshua Chamberlain and the 20th Maine Volunteer Infantry.
Well Chamberlain; you've got your work cut out for you ! You're the left flank of the army !
Under no circumstances are you to lose or retreat from this Position ! If you go, the flank goes, and if that goes then we lose the battle !
If we find out you retreated, We will Court-Martial You !
What about reinforcements, asked Chamberlain ? There are no reinforcements ! The enemy is attacking all up and down the line ! we'll reinforce you tomorrow !
I'm low on Ammo ! I need some ammo ! I'll see if I can get you some ! Remember Chamberlain; No Retreats ! The staff officer rode off.
Chamberlain thought they always being bad news and never stay for the action !
The battle started and sure enough the Rebels started to come around the flank !
They were screaming the Rebel Yell; to see if they could panic you !
Chamberlain and his men repulsed them a lot of times. Then his Sergeants came to him ! We are all out of ammo ! If the Rebels come up the hill again they will just blow us away ! What are we gonna do ?
Chamberlain said the only thing we can do; Fix Bayonets ! If they start up the hill again, we will execute a Bayonet charge starting from our left flank and rolling down the hill on them !
So, that was what they did ! The action surprised the Confederates and they took lots of prisoners. A rebel Colonel was firing his pistol in Chamberlain's face, but his gun was empty , so Chamberlain took him prisoner with his sword. Then they herded the prisoners back up the hill taking their ammo from them !
Chamberlain's attack had bested the Rebels, so they fell back !
Talk about a risky move. Reminds me of the old Chesty Puller quote at the Battle of Chosin Reservoir in Korea "We've been looking for the enemy for some time now - we've finally found him. We're surrounded. That simplifies things."
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Old 09-18-2024, 06:15 PM
Marshal Davout Marshal Davout is offline
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Originally Posted by Chicago Express Service View Post
Talk about a risky move. Reminds me of the old Chesty Puller quote at the Battle of Chosin Reservoir in Korea "We've been looking for the enemy for some time now - we've finally found him. We're surrounded. That simplifies things."
Yes, Risky moves; sometimes that's all you got ! Like General Rosecrans at Chickamauga. His left flank was being turned; so he took a division out of the right line and sent it over to the left flank and ordered up a division from the reserve to replace it. However just at that moment Longstreet's First Corps from the Army of Northern Virginia ( which had been sent west on the trains ) came out of the woods and hit his line, resulting in half the union army being routed ! [ It is a manoeuver which should only be tried by someone with the skill of Napoleon ! ]
Then the Confederates turned east and attempted to rout the union left flank under Thomas ! A staff officer was cobbling together a line. Shouldn't we be facing south ? But he said no, in 5 minutes every Rebel in the world is going to top that rise a screaming the rebel yell and charging you ! The staff officer put some cannons on the road with the regiment around it. I have to find some more troops somewhere and rode off !
A union General guarding a ford further up the river realized that no Rebels were near him; so he marched his division south [ As Napoleon would say; In the absence of further orders; a General should always march his troops to the sound of the Guns ; because the army is engaged in a desperate battle ! ] He got there and asked Thomas; Where do you want me ? Thomas told him to shore up his right flank; so the Rebels couldn't flank him there ! If we can hold out till night, we can retreat the heck out of here !

Last edited by Marshal Davout; 09-18-2024 at 06:40 PM..
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Old 09-19-2024, 12:04 PM
Marshal Davout Marshal Davout is offline
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Default West Point Military Academy

Just about all the officers of the Union and Confederate armies were Graduates where they had studied Napoleon and others !
Thus it was that the old General of the armies; Winfield Scott, had offered Lee the command of the Union armies; but he had turned it down as he wouldn't fight against the state of Virginia !
Actually you may not know, in a strange kind of way, I once took the test for West Point; as I wanted an Appointment, but some other guys placed higher than I and so I missed out or I might be a General right now ! Ha !
Lee was a savvy commander; so you didn't leave a flank in the air around him ! As late as March, 1865, the Union 5th Corps had advanced into a new position; but they didn't cover their flank and so Lee found 3 small Rebel Brigades and got them to hit the Corps flank and routed them back across the river !
Earlier in the war the Union commander Pope had found Stonewall Jackson's IInd Confederate Corps around Manassas and so the Union army was busy hammering him; but Pope had lost sight of where Longstreet's Ist Rebel Corps was. Longstreet was in the woods aligning his Corps of 50,000 men and when he was ready he advanced out of the woods in a double 3 mile long Battle Line ! Only one union regiment was in front of him ! It was like seeing a Tsunamai coming at you and nothing you could do ! They fired their guns once and ran, as they were only 1,000 men ! Longstreet routed the union army which only barely managed to form a new line before Longstreet threw them up the road to Washington !
Lincoln Relived Pope because of the Disaster and had to reinstall McClellan as the army commander asa he had no one else !

Last edited by Marshal Davout; 09-19-2024 at 12:11 PM..
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