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Old 06-17-2009, 11:33 PM
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Default Writing

I didn't see any threads to post and discuss writings so I made one. So if you have something you wrote and would like to share feel free to post it here. This could be any writing Alizée related or not, stories, poetry, or it could be a place to "test drive" those contest entry writings as well. Anyway to start off here is something I just wrote last night, what do you all think?

Where is my Anchor?

I lie on my back, afloat in the ocean.
I can see the beach, it’s not far away.
I dare not try to swim to it, for I know not if I can swim.
What does the beach offer anyway, solid ground, security?
If I was content with security I wouldn’t have left it.
I will just let myself float for a bit.
Then I feel that splash of water from a nearby jet ski.
I look around and see people jet skiing, boating, water skiing, and some even swimming.
That’s right I left the water to do what these people are doing.
I dare not interrupt them though; I mean they are already doing what I want to do.
That would be quite rude of me to stop them.
Maybe if I just lie here they will see me and invite me to join.
No, seems I just let them float by, I would attempt to swim back, but I am too scared.
That’s weird, I see words forming in the water now, no, it’s questions, questions are forming.
There are many questions, all around me and their starting to gather into waves.
Oh no the waves are coming after me, they hit me one after the other.
I gag and choke but I dare not answer back for I might take on too much water and sink.
Eventually they stop and float by.
I have now come to calm, clear waters.
I look back and the beach is quite far away now, I couldn’t swim back even if I knew how.
That’s when I feel something on my leg, I tilt my head to look and see it’s a chain link.
Why are chain links attached to my leg?
Of course, an anchor!
If I had only known sooner!
With an anchor I would never have left the beach, Oh life is cruel!
I would never have had to see people do what I wanted to do but was too afraid to ask.
I wouldn’t have encountered the questions I was too afraid to answer.
I would have stayed on the beach, just me and my anchor.
If I had known by time I hit water I could have asked the people for an anchor so as to stop me.
If I had known I would have asked the questions for an answer on the location.
But I let them float by.
But an anchor would drown me!
Yes, yes it would, and there is something peaceful about death, serene.
At least an anchor would have saved me from floating by.
Now I float tormented by the things I didn’t do and the questions I didn’t ask.
Even if I knew how to swim I no longer have the will; all I see is sky and ocean.
I think I will just float here a bit longer.
Where is my anchor?

^ By the beautifully creative Amelie! Merci!
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Old 06-17-2009, 11:45 PM
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TheBarrett TheBarrett is offline
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Well. I've compiled my old improv poems into one series called Love in a Wilderness.
I've kept it abstract enough for it to be used for any occasion, or any woman.

Love in a Wilderness
Forever your shining brilliance
It tortures my tainted self
Your eyes pierce my heart in silence
Yet you stand there far away

Your beautiful face inspires
This poet to start anew
A voice sparks the sweet reaction
Melodies all through the day

I, the shadow
Exposed to light
Aura brilliant
Through eyes so bright

Undeath takes my life so easily
Seeing you is to live, again
The nightmares are dreams no more
My mind is a scar wartorn

You come in the times of peril
To bring me out from my grave
Forever to see your brilliance
My mind is a scar, no more

Bring me, back to life
And shadows be no more

When seasons change
And years pass through
Life carries on
But the spirit remains

To see you in light
Dear free-moving wind
Is a blessing so bright
For your poor earthen kin

Flying over me
Flying below
I feel your presence
All around me

You are everywhere
But yet nowhere in sight
Yet you influence me greatly
Oh wind ever-so-bright

If ever I was to take you
I will not dare to make you
Go to all the places
Or see all the empty faces

Of the lands you do not wish to see
Or the air you do not wish to breathe
I only long to see you smile
In your time with me, let’s make it a while

Would you prefer to walk calmly?
Upon the beaches of sea and sand
Would you prefer to stand idly?
Or dance together hand in hand

Would you like to see the world?
A vast realm to you, one girl
Of people and countries and endless dreams
A world near-endless or so it seems

Would you like to dine out?
Amongst the blanket about
Of blackest night with shining stars
Of heaven’s calling near and far

Would you like to be thrilled?
Live life to be fulfilled?
Or shall we sit down
Look all around
and say to each other…

The time we have spent was ever so lovely
Like the grass on the ground or the sky above me
Let us treasure this moment, be it short or long
A story to tell, in a moment’s song.

You are a flower that touches my heart
A charm unchallenged, God’s beautiful art
I see in you radiance, and hope in me springs
However did you do to me, these wonderful things?

The importance of life, and all of love
Has been given to me, by God above
Yet you stand there calmly, looking at me
My happiness endless, was given by thee

Your eyes break my heart
then rebuild it with passion
Your touch, ever so soft
like a plentiful fashion

Of the darkest of nights
Or the jolliest of days
They are all tied to you
In every single way

You are the gentle wind
Yet your breeze is strong
To change a man’s heart
Through the course of a song

My wish is a dream
Your life a fantasy
Yet my dream is desire
for you, my wind, sailing gently
Ever so gently, through the calm summer sky.

An imperfect being
that is what I am
No life to live
No life to love
Nothing but darkness
like the night sky above
Walking endlessly
Aimless, without mind
Through valleys or mountains
Through roads or streets
Through buildings or homes
An imperfect being
that is what I am

Yet you have been there
A perfect creation
A light that shines brighter
than ten thousand suns
Your hair how it flies
through and through gently
over the winds, calm or wildly
For I, just me, an imperfect being
Holds little to no interest, for someone like you
A perfect creation
Nothing less, everything more.

I strive to become
someone that matters
someone that matters to you
Yet however hard I try, to no avail
I remain imperfect, alone in my world
Whereas you, my dear goddess
soar through life
a perfect being, through and through
A voice of mystery
A song of night
Yet bright is your personality
That of a perfect being

You live your life lovingly
my perfect being
I strive hard to become
what you always were
Strive hard I shall always
Give up, I never shall.

However sweet your melody haunts
A deathly shade forever lost
I'm cursed with darkness
You blessed with light
A memory serves for wrong and for right
I wait here chained
You walk in ease
You're forever warm and i'm doomed to freeze
I require to see
If only a hint of bliss
Your eyes or your voice
Brings the shade to rejoice
Upon his hateful corpse
Or his dark frayed soul
Forever in harmonial happiness stands
Forever the peace in me never resides
Upon the nonexistant touch of your hand
I shall never die until you stand by my side
Until then the shadow remains
Watching and Waiting
As you, the blessed
Shine in the world beyond me

The songbird sings in the dawn of morn
The faithful man, he sits and stares
The songbird sings with zeal forlorn
And the man is entranced by the voice mysterious
Forever the songbird sings and flies
Forever the man watches and sighs
He follows the songbird through her journeys around
The great large world, just to hear the sound
Of the songbird's voice, each time another
He is entranced by the songbird's fervor
The man cares not, for material things
But to enjoy natural beauty
Such as that of our songbird
Is the priceless cost, that should always be paid
Abandon your sword, your shield, and your worries
And hear the songbird, sing her song
For all the world to hear
For enemies to fear
For all mankind, to forever Revere.

A bright summer day
Is the fear of the frayed
Your realm is much strange
To the heart of this stranger
Who patiently strides
Amongst darkest of nights
Awaiting the light
That shines zealously bright
A lady amongst
the wretches and slaves
She gives them her hand
And with the other she waves
Her windswept hair
Move like leaves in the fall
Her kind eyes meet ours
We turn our heads in fear and cower
The lady sings kindly
As we turn our heads
From the cowering state
To meet our own dread
We see a small lady
Yet presence so great
And the wretches and slaves
Defy their cursed fate
And they rose to form men
not wretches not slaves
But brave, willing men
Not wretched, not pained
The strength of this lady
In all her fairness
Finds the most lost of souls
Soothes the most pained
And breathes life unto millions
In all her fairness
the unknown strength of one lady
"I will write Peace on your wings, and you will fly all over the world."
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Old 06-18-2009, 02:07 AM
pepelepew pepelepew is offline
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Here goes:
Beginning as a young man
A reoccuring dream
She has the face of an angel
Watching over me
A voice so heavenly
Moves with poise and such delicacy
My nocturnal princess
Beautiful from every angle
Sheer ecstasy, Sheer ecstasy
Those brown eyes glistening
An intelligent gaze
The intense feelings they raise
Vulnerability, tenderness and grace
The kind of spirit compels artists to paint
Little or no restraint
Don't wake me now, Don't wake me now
This time with my guardian angel I want to spend
Don't want it to end
Don't want it to end
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Old 06-18-2009, 02:18 AM
pepelepew pepelepew is offline
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Thinking of my Corsican Belle
From that island off the South of France
Summer of romance
On the back of my iron horse
Met In a restaurant In Jackson Hole
Across from the park with the elk antler arc
She moved my very sole
She moved my very sole
Atinkerbell tat in the middle of her back
Said it was a good luck charm
Keeping her from harm
Any time astride that iron horse
She's with me in spirit
Keeping me on course
Thinking of my Suthern Belle
Thinking of my Southern Belle
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Old 06-18-2009, 11:30 AM
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The first thing i thought of when i read this thread is a certain scene from Pink Floyd The Wall:

Teacher: What have we here, laddie? Mysterious scribblings? A secret code? No! Poems, no less! Poems, everybody!
[class laughs]
Teacher: The laddie reckons himself a poet!
[reads poem]
Teacher: "Money get back / I'm all right, Jack / Keep your hands off my stack / New car / Caviar / Four star daydream / Think I'll buy me a football team." Absolute rubbish, laddie.
[whacks him with a ruler, growls at Pink]
Teacher: Get on with your work.
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Old 04-22-2010, 10:57 AM
djwise djwise is offline
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The only competition I see
is the man standing in front of me.
Staring me down, eye to eye,
he remains the only man that is left to beat.
The only man that I have yet to defeat.
And he just stands there & stares at me.
Gazing endlessly from his glassy prison,
his eyes crossing the schism and piercing my soul.
Capturing the very essence of my being,
he's the only one who can stand eye to eye with me,
it seems.
But though his movements should capture mine,
he moves in ways that boggle the mind.
While I stand still, he inches closer,
aching to break from his prison,
trying to accomplish his mission.
Taking control of my soul and
overcoming my mind & body is his ultimate goal.
This struggle I face, every morning when I wake.
This battle I fight, every night when I turn off the light.
The dark beast within me, only seen in my dreams
& in the mirror, where I witness his shadowy figure.
That's why I can't glimpse in the glass,
cuz the moment I see my reflection,
I'm scared it may be my last.
It's why I don't ever sleep, for fear that my mind he will break,
my soul he will take.
A constant struggle to keep the evil intact,
ensure that my rage stays back.
But every day, he comes closer, every day, the glass grows thinner,
the cracks grow wider, his form becomes bigger.
With no hesitation, he inches near.
This rage I've held back for far too long
& now he wants release, unleash the beast,
blaze the world into a fiery hell, no tellin' what type of damage he'll expel...


*Old piece. Just felt like posting it. Enjoy. And comments/critiques are always encouraged & appreciated*

Last edited by djwise; 04-22-2010 at 11:42 AM..
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