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Old 02-25-2007, 10:04 AM
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Default Alizée America Official Lili News Topic

In this topic you will find the latest news about Alizée from reliable sources and away of rumors and false release dates.News will be separated from rumors that are flying around these days.

The topic will be Updated by Mods and will be kept Locked to help keep the topic from drifting away.

This will be also a good start for our new Members to know whats the latest news related to Alizée.

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From: alizee-fanpage.com
Note sent by Alizée to Emilie, the webmaster of nidalizee.com


Hello everyone!
Just want to let you know that I am currently in studio...
The new songs are great!!
Kisses and I'll see you real soon!
I promise

March 31, 2006

Posted By Snatcher42 26. December 2006
-Michel-Yves Kochmann, professional guitarist, worked the weekend of January 21-22 2006 for the guitars of the album of Alizée at Studio Juno, accompanied by Jérémy Chatelain!

-He confirmed in November 2006 that the Alizée album's release would not be delayed much longer!

-Jean Fauque confirms the release of Alizée's album for 2007 on his myspace blog!

-Alizée also did a passage (no precise date) at Capitol Studios Paris!

Last edited by Moe; 02-25-2007 at 12:53 PM..
Old 03-02-2007, 01:17 PM
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Default [TV] M6 a 20 ans! la révélation d'Alizée à Graines de stars

Posted by Orion from AF:

Part of M6 celebrations of 20 years

18h55: The big M6 channel-surf

Laurent Boyer suggests a return to the big moments that are considered the best broadcasts of the channel. On the program, among others: Extracts from "Loft Story," the debut of Alizée on "Graines de Stars," and the first broadcasts of certain well-known presenters.


It's scheduled for next Tuesday:6th of March 2007
Full Article translation by garçoncanadien

01/03/07: M6 is twenty years old!

To celebrate its 20th birthday, the show is programming a great night next Tuesday. It will start at 6:55pm by a huge montage of shows, the best, the worst, and most of all the laughs, of the years of M6. At 8:50pm, Virginie Efira and Bernard de La Villardiere will come back to the 20 shows that the French will never forget. And at 10:50pm, live, Marc-Olivier Fogiel will present a special show: "M6 prevents everybody from sleeping"

6:55pm: The huge montage of shows from M6
Laurent Boyer offers to again talk about the great moments that made this TV show shine. In the program, among others: extracts from "Loft Story", the discovery of Alizée at "Seeds of Stars" and the first steps of some veteran directors.

8:50pm: The 20 events that the French will never forget
Virginie Efira and Bernard de la Villardiere talk again about the 20 events that the French are not ready to forget. Here is a chance to see again, for example, pictures from the French team working on its corners, about the coaches' advice, Aime Jacquet, and even the day of the 1998 World Cup.

10:50pm: M6 prevents the whole world from sleeping
M6 asked Marc-Olivier Fogiel to dedicate a special show to "You prevent the whole world from sleeping" on the 20th birthday of the TV channel. Whether it be singers, directors, heros of reality-TV or TV series, all the guests on this exceptional show started their careers on M6.

Last edited by Moe; 03-02-2007 at 04:59 PM..
Old 03-05-2007, 09:46 AM
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A little report on nidalizee.com:

3ème album : Après une brève rencontre avec Jeremy Châtelain ce week end, celui-ci nous a confié que le 3ème album sortirait très probablement cette année, mais pas dans les semaines à venir.

Alizée ne chôme pas : elle est sur plusieurs projets et travaille tous les jours sur l'album.

Concernant son retour, Jeremy parle d'un "gros come back musical mediatisé".
Third album: After a brief encounter with Jeremy Châtelain this week end, he confided to us that the 3rd album would most probably be released this year, but not in the coming weeks.

Alizée is not idle: she has several projects and works on the album everyday.

Concerning her return, Jeremy speaks about a “large musical come back reported on in the media”.

The rest of the March 5th update concerns the Mexican DVD, the Chinese newspaper article, and tomorrow's television retrospective.

Last edited by Ben; 03-05-2007 at 01:17 PM..
Old 03-06-2007, 03:30 PM
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A disappointment after M6 celebrations of 20 years special, The show didn't hold what was expected to be. It didn't say anything about "Graines de Stars" and Alizée was shown for short 2 second clip when the show was talking about M6 Awards.

Source:Aevis French Member on AF and AA,Who recorded the show.

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Last edited by Moe; 03-29-2007 at 02:23 PM..
Old 03-24-2007, 03:49 PM
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<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td class="postbody" valign="top"> Small news :
This morning, during Hit Machine, we had a collection of artists from the past 15 years who we miss the most, and what they do now, their projects etc... Alizée was present in the promo, but the top-20 stopped at the 11th position.
So they will probably speak about her next Saturday, and maybe we will have new information, even if they will probably just say that she is preparing a new album</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="genmed" height="40" valign="bottom">
Quoted From Alizee Forum

Alizee ended up in 4th place, they did say she was planning on releasing the 3rd album this year, and they confirmed that Jérémy was involved in it.

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Last edited by Moe; 04-21-2007 at 01:14 PM..
Old 04-26-2007, 07:01 AM
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From Alizee Forum Snatcher posted:

Two producers briefly mentioned Alizée last night during the program "T'empêches tout le monde de dormir" on M6, while talking about artist revivals and the failing of disc sales:

Dove Attia: "And who remembers Alizée...?"
Marc Olivier Fogiel: (responding quickly) "She's releasing an album!!!"
Dove Attia: "Yes, one doesn't want to say that she's less well, her public changed, it grew up..."

Thanks to Anthony and Florent on the Alliance for the information.
there is also a video of this http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1t...el-2504-part-2

It's at 2:10.

Nothing new in this Clip really.

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Last edited by Moe; 04-26-2007 at 08:24 AM..
Old 04-29-2007, 11:59 AM
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Source: fan called petite-cherie

During a fan meeting in Paris with Ange, Cheu, and Julien

Here: we have met Lili in Paris and we stopped her! (You can imagine what we were thinking ^^, we could not have hoped for so much!) She was VERY VERY VERY kind, pleasant, smiling, close to us... CO-OOL!

For info: She confirmed her return, its close! She wishes to release a single this spring and maybe the album in september, it is ready! It only needs a final mastering!
Record company: she has one, but not Polydor, she has found a new one! She was very demanding, its what she chose.
She wanted to take her time to do something good and above all she wanted to evolve.
The album is very varied, no song resembles each other. A new musical orientation.
Always having good relations with Mylène, Alizée wished to work with many people.
She thought about the logo: keep it? refresh it? change it? (we told her we liked police a lot lol...)
Mexico: she is keeping track of things since a short time ago. We told her what we knew about this subject.
NO USE TO SEND PMs or EMAILS! We won't answer anybody.
PS: Watch AFC! It is very probable that coming news will come to us within the week!
Alizée really wants to come back, she wants to do performances, and she wishes to do so quickly.

Source: Alizée !

For the date nothing is certain! She said that she would like to release the first sample before the summer (June), its necessary to check with the record company!
For info, nothing was released before due to the elections! (and yes it was necessary to think about it!) Its true that during this period there was not a single music show and the people only thought about the elections, it was better to wait until it finished...

She is magnificent! She shines! She always has the same sweet face, her drop dead gorgeous smile, she has long hair, she no longer has a piercing and she really has a tinkerbell tatoo on her back! (in color, too pretty!) that made her a bit uncomfortable (I asked here lol ) She is really beautiful, more than before! Wow I am speechless! Sublime, we see that she has matured, grown, but staying the same person.

Really, I was a bit nervous, and for sure I was not disappointed! To the contrary!


Last edited by garçoncanadien; 04-29-2007 at 02:03 PM..
Old 06-01-2007, 07:44 AM
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Lots of goodies on nidalizee.com yesterday:

-3rd album: As usual, nothing percise on the release date of the beautiful one's third opus.

-However, we can officially announce to you that the album is co-produced by Sylvain Carpentier. He has also recorded some tracks for the album. Sylvain Carpentier is a sound engineer and artistic director who helps run studios like JUNO and also the famous RELIEF studios (Swiss).

-Also collaborating on the album is Sebastien Gerbi: Sound engineer at the “PLUS 30 STUDIOS” for the recording of two titles. The recordings were carried out on Sunday June 18, 2006 in these same studios as we already announced to you in June 2006.

-Exclusivley for the site and with authorization from the author, here are two new En Concert photographs: the first at rehersal time, the second a moment from the show. Click the thumbnails for full size.

-"Spotlight on...": Gil Gimenez, guitarist on the "En Concert" tour, grants us an exclusive interview. Discover his remarks in the Goodies > Spotlight on… section.

-Alizée is mentioned in last week's "Choc" magazine:

Silent since she took her distance from her mentor, Mylène Farmer, Alizée prepares her return. Her third album, conceived with her husband, Jérémy Chatelain, should be in the shops this summer.

-Alizée was mentioned yesterday on the TF1 show, "Attention à la marche!". The question was: "Out of 100 teens, how many think that Alizée is still trendy?" Answer: 40%.

Last edited by Ben; 06-01-2007 at 08:01 AM..
Old 07-31-2007, 04:16 PM
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Default Third album news! Finally!

From Nidalizee.com

31 juillet 2oo7 à 19H30 News de Sylvain Carpentier sur Nidalizee.com

Troisième album : Sylvain Carpentier nous donne des nouvelles d'Alizée, beaucoup plus de précisions, sur le troisième album, en effet, Alizée à signé avec une filiale d'Universal, les choses bougent énormément et la sortie du troisième opus de la belle est proche. (on peut compter en semaines... )

- Concernant le silence d'Alizée, il émane de la maison de disque et non de l'artiste, toujours selon Sylvain Carpentier. La chanteuse devrait elle même annoncer son retour par communiquer de presse ou conférence de presse prochainement...

- Alizée est actuellement en studio pour finaliser les remixes du premier single.
And my sloppy translation...

July 31 2007 at 7:30: News from Sylvain Carpentier on Nidalizee.com

Third album: Sylvain Carpenter gives us news about Alizée, that the third album is being finalized, and Alizée has signed with a subsidiary of Universal Music. Things are moving very quickly and the release of the beauty's third opus is close. We could even be talking about a release within a few weeks.

Concering Alizée's disappearance, it was decided by the music company and not by the artist, according to Sylvain Carpentier. The singer should be announcing her return by communicating with the press or in a press conference soon...

Alizée is actually in the studio finalizing remixes for the first single.
Old 08-14-2007, 09:12 PM
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Alizee quits Universal for Sony BMG
Monday 13 August, 2007, by Thierry CADET

The news has fallen: Alizee has left Polydor (Universal) to join RCA (Sony BMG) beside Patrick Bruel, Kamini, Julie Reins and company. Her third album will be in the exams this autumn.

Bigger and bigger rumours have been whispered here and there about the young singer revealed in the summer of 2000 with "Moi... Lolita", but the information about her release are more and more frequent.

First, the group "Alizee/Polydor" is today an old story! The alliance will have lasted seven years, but for certain couples, this difficult seven years was fatal for them. Whom left the other? If certain gossipers don't get irritated to say that it is the label that did not renew the singer's contract, the mystery rests complete... Alizee joins therefore RCA (Patrick Bruel, Thierry Amiel, Luke, Julie Reins, Avril Lavigne, Christina Aguilera, Pink [...]) distributed by Sony BMG. Here you have who will not facilitate business on the level of rights, when the time comes for the singer to publish a "Best Of".

Following, Alizee no longer works with Mylene Farmer and Laurent Boutonnat. The times have changed. The singer has accepted the services of her husband Jeremy Chatelain for the compositions, and would have called Jean Fauque (Bashung...) and Daniel Darc (Taxi Girl, Thierry Amiel...) for the texts.

To finish, concerning the style of the next album (predicted for this autumn), one must (according to those close to the singer), wait for a first single that is strongly dynamic, with a flavour more rock/pop, predicted on radio for the end of summer. The remixes of this snippet would be already in the works...

Patience fans, just a few weeks to go...

from alizeefanclub.net

I want to precise that this information came from http://www.chartsinfrance.net/actual...s65157-22.html, which is a website that the French use to keep up with music pop culture in France, I think its a reputable source, since they gather info for many singers (although I don't read it much myself ). AlizeeFanClub got the article from the Charts in France.

Last edited by Moe; 08-16-2007 at 06:25 PM..
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