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Old 12-28-2008, 02:27 AM
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Default Instant-mag2 interview, biography, photos

This really should have gotten it's own thread in the first place and since I don't think anyone ever bothered to post a translation of the actual interview with Alizée, which should have been the first thing just like it is in the book, here is what I have done. I will only post the English translation. If you want the original text, you should buy the book (from K&B - www.kandb.fr) or look for it elsewhere. It is a 96 page magazine shaped book with a long interview, biography, interviews from people who know Alizée and photos. It's described in another thread no doubt and of course all of this is at Alizee-forum.com. In case someone does not know me and sees this, I do not know much French and make heavy use of automatic translators, dictionnaries, etc. - mostly: translate.google.com, fr.wiktionary.org, wordreference.com.
pages 5-15 pages 12-15 are not part of the interview


Independance Day

Liberated from the sulferous costume sewn from golden threads by the tandem Farmer/Boutonnat, the tinkerbell of pop returns to her career with lucidity and modesty, references and reverences. Interview.

Your third album has been in the stores since the 3rd of last December. Is it still too early to take first account of this adventure with Psychédélices?

What is happening around this new album is very positive. I am especially pleased with the reception of music professionals who seem to have appreciated the work done and I am pleasantly surprised by the public who have followed me. I have had loyal fans for nearly eight years. In changing the musical register, nothing was certain about their feelings, while I presented them an album more personal and more in phase with my desires today.

The promotional plan of your new label RCA around Pychédélices is focused and important. Up until then, your former producers had not distilled your interviews but as a trickle. Do you consider this renewed media as a blessing or were you worried to be, this time, thrown once and for all into the lion's den?

In facing the challenge of producing Pychédélices alone, many things have changed. It has not escaped anyone that I left Mylène Farmer and Laurent Boutonnat who had supported me until then and have started my career with success. All that they taught me is essential for me today and with them, I was in the best school there is to confront the world of music. However, the profession has evolved since my first single. I accept the new rules and while controlling the periodicals and broadcasts in which I appear, I have accepted more interviews. At the release of my first album, Gourmandises, I was very young and not really at ease with responding to questions from journalists more or less well intentioned. It's no secret, Mylène Farmer has a singular rapport with promotion and that suited me well. I am grateful to her for having protected me. Today, I have grown up and I feel more able and more armed to defend my music.

You defend your first disk "of heart" (my note: referring to the personal nature of this album), that you have brought artistically and financially via your production company, Wisteria Song. You seem remarkably serene ...

Pointless to impose useless pressure. I have known success from my adolescence. I had a lot of fun and I was very happy during this period of my life. During these early years, I learned to live quickly as well as the requirements of this job and the constraints of the whirlwind media. Today I try to avoid at all costs allowing myself to be overtaken by events and I try to take time for me and my family. I sing, I live my passion and I just released a disc that I love. Why shouldn't I be serene? In addition, this new album brings a nice surprise: the incredible welcome of foreign countries.

You get a trip to Latin America where you become a star in Mexico. Psychédélices sells as much there as the latests opuses from Britney Spears and Alicia Keys. Did you expect such a success?

This is a totally new adventure for me. With my first two disks, I was successful in numerous European countries and Asian countries. Things started to happen in Mexico via the Internet during my break. Actually, the Mexicans knew me by way of my live DVD (ie: Alizée en concert, 2004) and we decided to release Psychédélices at the same time in France and Mexico. It was the first time that I had gone there and frankly, it was crazy! Obviously, it's always the same thing when one goes to a foreign country to promote one's album, one never has the time to take advantage of it or visit. In general, one must concentrate into one week what we would have done in six months in France. Despite all I tried to eat Mexican as often as possible. It ends up being frustrating not to discover the culture of the country that welcomes you. I had time to do two or three things, not much ... but I already know that I will return there in the month of June and will have been brought back because a tour has been organised there after Moscow and Saint-Petersburg.

Your Corsican origins make you a Mediterranean. Does the geography of your childhood attract you more toward the Iberian languages?

Español was my second language in highschool. From there to talk or sing is another story! The surprise is that my Mexican fans wish that I sing in French and are not seekers of Spanish versions.

The craze is such that the majority of videos concerning you on the Internet are about to be all subtitled in Spanish and that you had to cancel an autograph session in a store...

The fans in Latin America are more hysterical. They are very tactile when they greet you, readily putting their hand on your shoulder and and liking to toucher your arm or hair. It's always a bit disconcerting. In France, Tokio Hotel gets mob type of attention (note: literally more like "one watches/participates in crowd movements") for example but for my part, my fans are respectful, they always approach gently and stop there after having asked me for a photo or an autograph.

Your international career starts following "Moi... Lolita" in the Netherlands, in Germany, and in Great Britain. It is however just the first steps (note: or something like that)...

I went to number 9 in sales in England with "Moi... Lolita", which permitted me to be programmed into the mythic musical program "Top of the Pops". I'm pretty sure that I was the first (female) French singer since Vanessa Paradis to enter the Top 10, and this plateau is really a nice memory. It's much rarer to enter the English charts than to go there in Spain, Italy or Germany.

A country where your public, at the time of "Moi... Lolita", was older than in France. This corresponds, more or less, to your current public, no?

Yes, they grew up with me and I hope to interest a new fringe of listeners. My public has evolved and new ones discover me... what more could I hope for?

Would you have been able to continue this journey without the presence of your mom by your side?

I think not. She has supported me in permanence and to have her next to me while traveling was reassuring. My family and friends have been a great support throughout the first part of my career, and also at the moment when I decided to slow down, when things calmed down and I could finally think a little about me and my little girl who would arrive soon.

In June 2002, you receive at Monaco an award at the World Music Awards. For you who has already gotten an M6 Music Award in November 2000 and an NRJ Music Award in January 2001, is it just another award?

No, this was not just another award... I realized what this prize represented. The French artist who sold the most records abroad, that's certainly not nothing! All my awards, including this one, are in my room in Ajaccio.

Do you hope for a nomination to the Victoires de la Musique 2009 for Psychédélices?

I don't run after that type of honnor, but I would be delighted to have that happen for this album. When one does things for oneself, it's not quite the same as when they are done for you, even if they are done well. One feels more responsibility and it's also more fun. The ransom for this liberty, it's the verdict of the public: make or break! In any case, recording this album has been a great adventure: to be able to choose the people with whom one wants to work, to chose the sounds, to chose what one wants to say and to tell. (note: from the time Alizée was a young girl she had been doing performances at the direction of others and it had gotten pretty intense by 2003. Finally as an adult she got the chance to take time and do things her way.) I am proud to have successfully managed this project to the end. Some will like it, others less so. Regardless, one can not please everyone.

Mylène Farmer and Laurent Boutonnat never managed to make an impact with the Anglo-Saxon versions of some of their songs like "My mum is wrong" or "My soul is slashed". It is hard to believe that they had considered an international career for "Moi... Lolita "?

Originally, there was no intention to initiate steps to break abroad. As for me, just the fact of recording a disc already seemed crazy. I had rather followed the course of dance, and I had never thought to become a singer. If there had really been an artistic domain I thought inaccessible, it was singing! When "Moi... Lolita" started to make headway in foriegn countries, everything was faster than the music. I did not know if this success came from the song itself, or if it was on account of me, or if it was everything as a whole (note: I'm going with the third.). I only had one thought in mind: to take advantage of it. I have had not only the chance to meet producers, to make a single, then an album, but moreover I was allowed to travel. It was so exceptional, I wanted to live life to it's fullest. And actually, not once but twice (laughs)!

When you published Mes courants électriques (note: my electric currents), did it seem obvious to record « I'm fed up », « Amelie », « I'm not twenty » et « Youpidoo » in English?

Yes, I recorded those titles at the same time as the original French. This means that we made those versions for nothing since the the foreigners made fun of the songs in English. The French [versions] had more charm [for them], even if they didn't understand everything. We had a foot in the international market, but we had had luck with "Moi... Lolita". We couldn't believe that success would still be met with only French lyrics. We decided not to mess around or take it easy and we worked on English versions. Finally, I admit that I was rather pleased that the public chose (note: plébiscité is what it sounds like and carries the idea of the people's choice or vote)
the original versions. To tell the truth, English was never my strength. (poor Alizée. The lyrics came off a bit odd the first couple times, or certain word choices, but she did a fabulous job herself. On some of those one would not even know that she was not American, and moreover, it's the way she sang and what she communicated with the style of the singing. Sadly she may never really understand that some people thought so. I guess she must think of and speak of what the grand majority thinks. La Isla Bonita was another example of her very good singing in English. Maybe it took a lot of work to be able to do that, but just judging by what they did put out back then, in the studio anyway, I would not count anything against her when it came to English. Though yes, for my part while I do still think it's cool to have gotten some songs in English sung very well by Alizée, it was not necessary. I just wish they could have maybe been written a little better and had more impact in the US for example.)

Another part of the world where you do well: Asia. With Mes courants électriques you made an impact in the Chinese, Japonese and Korean markets as well as Taiwan where your first ablum was released after your second...

It's unsettling to have to manage releases always shifting around. When "Moi... Lolita" was release abroad I had already defended (note: like "defended the crown" of a champion I guess. Sounds a little strange, but I don't know what else to use.) "Parler Tout Bas" and "Gourmandises". At each country, one must start over again, respond to the same questions often posed in the same order and again explain the same things. With Psychédélices I was anxious to avoid the disorder. Everyone has discovered "Mademoiselle Juliette" at the same time, and each country is at the same place with "Fifty Sixty". (I will concur with all that though from my experience with Psychédélices. In the first few months after the release (especially the first month) she was constantly on tv shows and written articles answering all the same questions every time.)

What reaction did you have when you saw yourself for the first time on the big screens in Japan in a commercial for the biscuit brand Elise?

It was a bit strange, but I had a nice experience with this publicity spot. The whole tour team was Japanese and the only thing I understood was that I was supposed to crunch into a biscuit at a given moment! (note: :-P ) I had the impression of being on another planet. When the Sofia Coppola film Lost in Translation was released I found myself in this Bob Harris with his bottle of whisky who had to run an advertisement in Japan. He was without landmarks and didn't understand was going on around him except by his sentations. (dang, Alizée talks like she's in show biz. :-) I must say, it's really great to hear (read) her talk about all this stuff. I don't know why, just to maybe fill in something that I missed from years ago and tie in that with her current self. We'll not talk about why I didn't do this sooner.)

I imagine that you were not as depressed and exhausted as the character!?

No, but at the moment when the director speaks to him for long minutes and the translator summarizes it for him in two words, I really had the feeling that they were filming my life during fifteen days in Japan! Once again, I didn't have occasion to visit this country and get to know better the atmosphere that reigns there, but the bit that I have seen of it was interesting.

You are the latest French icon in Japan since Jane Birkin (i.e. "L'aquoiboniste" was a generic soap broadcast three times a week, making Birkin's, a few years ago, the best selling discs in Japan for nearly four months). Gainsbourg is a figure who pursues you since one has frequently associated "Moi... Lolita" with "Sucettes". (note from wikipedia: " [Gainsbourg's] next song for [France] Gall, "Les Sucettes" ("Lollipops"), caused a scandal in France: Gainsbourg had written the song with double-meanings and strong sexual innuendo, of which the [teenage] singer was apparently unaware when she recorded it. ... The controversy arising from the song, although a big hit for Gall, threw her career off-track in France for several years. " Damn! Those Frenchies won't quit it eh?) What pleasure did you feel when revisiting his songs on the 20th of last March for a gala in support of Fight Aids Monaco? (note: the gala which specifically featured a tribute to Serge Gainsbourg.)

That evening was a revelation, notably because I sang only accompanied by guitar. That was not planned, but Jane Birkin being absent for afternoon rehearsals, Jean-Félix Lalanne suggested that I sing "La Javanaise" (note: the Javanaise is a dance referred to in the song) "en guitar voix" (in guitar voice - apparently referring to such an acoustic solo guitar accompaniment). I thought I would be afraid of this form of nudity. Against all expectations, I adored this acoustic experience. A few weeks later I rejoined him at the Casino de Paris for "Autour de la Guitar" (around the guitar) where we again played this reprise. That makes me want to do two or three titles of my repertoire in acoustic during my coming concerts. During the course of the evening, I also sang a very difficult to sing bossa(nova) version of "Ces petits riens" (these little nothings) in duet with Élie Semoun. At the level of the rythm and implementation I had never sung a title so hard...

Regarding the humorist, Pierre Palmade is in good placement in the aknowledgements of Psychédélices. Had he tried to write some lyrics for you?

No, he's just been a really good friend since we met at Les Enfoirés during the first time I participated in the event.

How did you find yourself in a duet with Adrienne Pauly for "La Gadoue" during this event (note: still talking about the Monaco concert.)

She's not just an extraordinary girl, but also an artist in her world, fully living in it. I really enjoyed her and she came several times to see me to develop the song. At first glance, "La Gadoue" (note: very informal for mud) doesn't seem to be a song that needs comedy or staging but for Adrienne, it was essential to discuss the story of two girls who are tired of the rain, and want to go home! While we were preparing in the dressing room, she began to write a song about handbags. Grandmothers' bags, marble bags ...a bit like Gainsbourg could do.

A song about bags? She could not have fallen in better than with you who are a devoted admirer of hand bags...

It's true, but I had managed to not talk about them until then [laughs]! I was in awe of this girl, and now when I listen to her album, I hear it differently because I understand what she thinks when she performs a particular song.

(note: haha Check out this video. Adrienne Pauly is so french, the stereotypical french singer I guess you could say:

One has the habit of associating you with your camarade Jenifer (ie: they have both recorded a third album closer to their desires, are both young mothers, both Corsicans and both strong personalities in the face of paparazzis), but do other feminine rhymes in the French musical landscape interest you?

I have listened to the albums of Émilie Simon a lot, a real creator and a consummate artist. As to the most perfect voice in the world, it's that of Maurane. She's a woman I appreciate with discretion, but above all. Her performance is always in tune and full of emotion. For me, she is the most beautiful voice of the Francophonie. It's just the best!

Merci Fanny

Last edited by Roman; 01-01-2009 at 10:08 PM..
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Old 12-28-2008, 02:30 AM
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Thank you sooo much Roman, I would imagine your french has gotten even better working on all these translations
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Old 12-28-2008, 02:54 AM
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Originally Posted by Amigo! View Post
Thank you sooo much Roman, I would imagine your french has gotten even better working on all these translations
Je ne sais pas... je travaille parce que je dois savoir les penses de notre fée. J'essaye un peu, et je puis lire quelques texts. En même temps, je comprends toujours à peine français orale. J'apprends petit en petit. Entre mon faible français et le faible anglais à Alizée, nous nous converserions très bien , d'accord pas si bien (encore).

Merci Fanny
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Old 12-28-2008, 03:47 AM
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Originally Posted by Roman View Post
Je ne sais pas... je travaille parce que je dois savoir les penses de notre fée. J'essaye un peu, et je puis lire quelques texts. En même temps, je comprends toujours à peine français orale. J'apprends petit en petit. Entre mon faible français et le faible anglais à Alizée, nous nous converserions très bien , d'accord pas si bien (encore).
Aku enga bisa ngomong bahasa Franca!
"I will write Peace on your wings, and you will fly all over the world."
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Old 12-28-2008, 08:40 PM
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Wat een prachtig stuk werk heb jij gedaan, fantastisch! Hartelijk bedankt !!
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Old 12-28-2008, 10:08 PM
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good thing google translate can also automatically detect your indonesian and dutch comments as such
et je vous en pris

Merci Fanny
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Old 12-29-2008, 03:03 AM
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Klaatu barada nikto!

Try that.
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Old 12-29-2008, 03:08 AM
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Originally Posted by Snatcher42 View Post
Klaatu barada nikto!

Try that.
So we're resorting to SciFi now?

01000010101110100000101000010100100000111101000111 0100
"I will write Peace on your wings, and you will fly all over the world."
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Old 12-29-2008, 03:15 AM
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Originally Posted by Snatcher42 View Post
Klaatu barada nikto!

Try that.
I got it, I got it! I know your damn words, alright?!

KLAATU...BARADA...N...necktie... nectar... nickel... it's an n-word, definitely an n-word...IT'S DEFINITELY AN N-WORD!

Originally Posted by TheBarrett View Post
So we're resorting to SciFi now?

01000010101110100000101000010100100000111101000111 0100
What did you just call my mother?!
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Old 12-29-2008, 03:31 AM
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Originally Posted by Snatcher42 View Post
Klaatu barada nikto!

Try that.
LOL ok, you got us with that one.

Merci Fanny
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