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Old 01-02-2020, 06:55 PM
RedRafe RedRafe is offline
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Default [Official] Alizée's Twitter and Instagram - 2020


A “New Year”, and a “New Decade”…

IG posts?

There may be a few…


Belle journée” roughly translates as “Beautiful day”…

By the look of it, it is that, though mayhap a wee bit chilly…

Well, I’ll admit it, I’m not at all a “seafood” fan, at all, and, that looks like one of these "dishes" where I would “smile sweetly”, nod courteously, and say, gallantly, “ladies first”, and see what "transpired" after that…

Now, this, on the other hand, would present no problems…

Sweet, sweet bébé Maggy...

Just, so “precious”…

Still “living his dream”, which to me, is just, “pure dead brilliant”. Long may it continue...

2019 restera à vie une des années les plus marquantes de ma vie! Celle où Maggy est arrivée dans notre vie! Mais je pense que 2020 sera tout aussi riche en émotions! Je souhaite une belle et heureuse année à tout le monde! Et un Grand merci à la femme de ma vie @alizeeofficiel qui m’a donné le plus beau des cadeaux”, which roughly translates as “2019 will remain one of the most significant years of my life for life! The one where Maggy arrived in our life! But I think 2020 will be just as rich in emotions! I wish everyone a happy new year! And a big thank you to the woman of my life @alizeeofficiel who gave me the most beautiful gift”.


Je vous souhaite une merveilleuse année 2020💕Merci la vie pour la magnifique année 2019 qui s’achève et merci mon mari @gregoirelyonnet de réaliser tous mes rêves 💫!.
Prête pour écrire la page d’une nouvelle décennie avec ma famille que j’aime plus que tout Prenez soin de vous
roughly translates as “I wish you a wonderful year 2020 Thank you life for the wonderful year 2019 which is ending and thank you my husband @gregoirelyonnet for making all my dreams come true !.Ready to write the page for a new decade with my family I love more than anything ⭐️.Take care of yourself”

<Speechless, again>

The three pictures above, and their corresponding “comments”, kind of, “say it all”, “lays everything out in black and white”, so to speak...

“He”, is still “living his dream”, “She” utterly adores him, and her family, and they have a pair of beautiful daughters…

Is it just me, or does this not just sound like pure utter “heaven”…

It feels like everything is “coming together” for them, everything seems to be “clicking into place”…

They seem to have everything that they “need” and “want”, “Each other”, “Family”, “Friends”, “a vocation that they both love”, in a place that they love…

Sounds like a “win” to me…

“Job”, could indeed, “be a good ‘un”…

A “happy ending”?

Well, it would make a great story, but it’s not a “happy ending”, not at all…

For, you see, it’s still continuing, and long may it do so…

May their happiness never end, and may it continue to “flourish”, “grow”, and, “mature”, into something even more wonderful…


So, a “New Year”, and a “New Decade”…

Time for my annual “Spiritual Retreat”, a time for “meditation”, “healing”, “cleansing”, “reflection” and “divination”…

Time to “re-evaluate”, “detoxify”, “spiritually” and “physically”, and, to release “unnecessary”/”unhealthy” “attachment” and “cravings”…

No “phones”, “computers”, “gadgets”, (apart from my ipod), nor “people”…

Just “Me”, “Myself”, and “Mother Nature”, for a week, or, maybe, for as long as necessary…

Y’all take care, be safe, and, see you in a week or so, maybe…

<Steps back into the shadows, for a while>
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Old 01-11-2020, 05:35 PM
RedRafe RedRafe is offline
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Well, that was a loonnggg week…

Closeted away, way out in the middle of “nowhere”, alone with my “greatest enemy”, my “ultimate nemesis”…


“Educational”, “enlightening”, “healing” and “necessary”, though, I learned a lot…

So, IG posts?

Seems that there were a few, though, due to "circumstances" being what they were, I probably missed a couple…

When I was younger, so much younger than today” “#babyme #1986”.

A very, "sweet" shot of the “little” lady, when she was even, “littler”…

Sometimes so “serious”. Even at that age, I see, “questions”…

Y’know me, I’d be sitting down on the ground in front of her, asking, “’k “baby girl”, what’s the matter? Tell me all about it, and if I can “help”, and fix it, whatever it is, I will”…

Actually, this pic makes me feel seriously “old”...

Back in ’86 I was either just finishing up with the RMC, or, I was just newly “commissioned” as a Captain…

Which easily makes me old enough to be her father, mayhap…

I was recently asked by a friend, “So, how do you see Alizée”? To which my reply was, “On “YouTube”, and the “Interwebs”, just like everyone else”…

Yeah I know. just a wee bit facetious, but true, though…

I did get the general “gist” of the question, though, and to be honest, to me, she does somehow, feel like a treasured “family” member, a favourite "younger sister", or "niece", or close younger friend, or someone like that, if you know what I mean...

Which, when you take into account the fact that she is effectively a “total stranger”, that I have never, and probably most likely never meet, is kind of “bizarre”…

Yeps, I adore a “total stranger”, which, “me” being “me”, sometimes makes me question my own “sanity”…

Or “lack of”, therein…

But there it is, go figure…

Good night 🌙..#fulloflove”

<Shh, she’s sleeping>

<Little wave>

Même s'il fait une grimace sérieuse” roughly translates as “Even if he makes a serious face”…

Y’all take care, be safe, and, please try and stay warm…

Last edited by RedRafe; 01-11-2020 at 05:52 PM..
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Old 01-11-2020, 06:27 PM
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Originally Posted by RedRafe View Post

I don't recall her face perfectly, but it seems to me that she looks like her mother a lot here.
And when I look at this kind of photos where people I know are so young, what always amazes me is their hair: you know someone with brown straight hair and then you discover that, when they were kids, they had curly and/or blonde hair :O
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Old 01-12-2020, 08:42 AM
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Originally Posted by aragorn97 View Post
i don't recall her face perfectly, but it seems to me that she looks like her mother a lot here.
And when i look at this kind of photos where people i know are so young, what always amazes me is their hair: You know someone with brown straight hair and then you discover that, when they were kids, they had curly and/or blonde hair
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Old 01-12-2020, 02:34 PM
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Originally Posted by Aragorn97 View Post
I don't recall her face perfectly, but it seems to me that she looks like her mother a lot here.
And when I look at this kind of photos where people I know are so young, what always amazes me is their hair: you know someone with brown straight hair and then you discover that, when they were kids, they had curly and/or blonde hair :O
She definitely inherited the full head of hair from Michel. I do see features of Jo in that face as well.

She was a cute little girl but pretty average. Nobody at this point could have predicted she would grow into such an extraordinary beauty as she did.
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Old 01-12-2020, 05:53 PM
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Now that I see the photo, I'm not totally sure of what I said XD. Maybe it's because of her look. Anyway, thanks, Scruffy

Originally Posted by CleverCowboy View Post
She definitely inherited the full head of hair from Michel. I do see features of Jo in that face as well.

She was a cute little girl but pretty average. Nobody at this point could have predicted she would grow into such an extraordinary beauty as she did.
Black swan :P (actually no, she was cute anyway)
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Old 01-13-2020, 12:01 PM
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Here's a better picture of her.....

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Old 01-14-2020, 09:24 PM
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Midweek IG posts?

Very “slim pickings”, really…

A really sweet shot of Jo and Annily…

Just makes me feel even older…

She would be about the same age as several of my my “Grand Nieces”, mayhap, and they are even “similar” in “looks”. Though I must admit, my “clan” are waay “taller”, “paler”, and “blue” or “green” eyed, being predominantly from “celtic”/ “Nordic” “lines”…

Y’know, it would take absolutely no effort on my part to regard her in a similar “vein”, for they do look remarkably alike…

Wait, have I just committed “blasphemy, or “something”…

Hmm. Old…

You know that you are “getting old”, when you get invited to the “Passing out” parade, of a certain British Military Academy, for young officers, that are now “passing out”, and are receiving their own “commissions”, that are the “sons” and “daughters” of officers that you “trained” and “mentored”, when you were a “young” officer…

To be honest, they looked so young, like children to me, but that was me, 33 years ago…

Though I was already an NCO, and fully trained soldier, when I entered there…

Long time ago…


I swear, I was NEVER that young…


Y’all be safe, take care, and please stay warm…
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Old 01-17-2020, 10:00 AM
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There were pictures posted of a dance competition a couple of days ago that took place in Monaco that the students of A&G's dance studio took part in. Alizee wasn't in the pictures and there was no mention if she was there. But there was this picture posted today and she still looks sensational, especially now that her hair has grown back in.

Alizee jan 2020 after baby dance competition Monaco.jpg
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Old 01-19-2020, 12:08 AM
RedRafe RedRafe is offline
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More IG posts?

There may be a few…

Sunday “fun”…

Looks like “heaven”, doesn’t it…

Retrouvailles”, roughly translates as “Reunion”…

“Koala lover”..

Cutest, sweetest bébé “Bear”, ever…

Just, awwwwwww…

<cutesy little wave>

Speaking of “cute” and “sweet”…


Princess Lili of the Rebellion…

A Princess, worth fighting for, indeed…

Hmm, now which side would I fight for/on???

Oh dear, can't resist this one...

Ah, I can feel an “alter ego”, my “dark side”, come to the fore…

“Major RedRafe, Imperial Intelligence”…

<Well, I’ve got the “accent”, and “everything”>

Lets see, it would probably go something like “this”…

(Cast: MR = “Major RedRafe”, PL= “Princess Lili”, ST = “Some “random” Stormtrooper”.)

MR: “Ah, Princess Lili, enchanté, ma petit chou, please, make yourself comfortable”

PL: <Ptui>

MR: <Sighs>

MR: “And now, your highness, we will discuss the location of the Rebel Base”...

PL: “Eat Bantha poo and die, Rosbif scum”.

MR: My, my, charming, to the last, Princess”.

ST: “Sir, shall I bring in the Interrogation Droid”.

MR: “Hmm, no, bring me… The “Nutella”. A large jar, and some warm, just baked fresh bread. Maybe some Strawberries, and some Cherries, some sliced Banana too. Oh, and a large, warm, spoon”.

ST: “Is this for the prisoner, sir?”

MR: “No, it’s for me, this is torture, ooops, sorry, I mean interrogation, and if she cooperates, then maybe, just maybe, the Princess may get to play, too”. Also, bring me, “The Pictures”, just in case.”

ST: “My god sir, no, not… “The Pictures”. That’s, that’s just inhumane”.

MR: “Yes, “The Pictures”. One look at some “pictures” of me in a “kilt”, will freak her out, so much, that she will tell us everything, that we’ve ever wanted to know, about anything.”

The Result: After being subjected to such “byzantine”, “inhumane”, and really rather sweet “torture”, sorry, “interrogation” methods, Princess Lili “succumbs” to her “dark side”, forsakes the “Rebellion”, which gets “roflstomped” into “oblivion”, in favour of the Empire, and becomes the first “Dark Empress”, of the Empire...

Major RedRafe, well, he gets promoted to “Grand General”, and eventually retires to the Pleasure Planet, Zeltros, where he lives, happily ever after, on the “royalties” generated by his three epic novels, “The Princess and I”, “69 uses for Nutella”, and it’s award winning, blockbuster sequel, “Moar Fun, with more Nutella”, and, a “huge fat pension”.


Dark Empress Alizée...


Oh my, Star Wars will never quite be the same, after reading that...

Y'all take care, please be safe, and, stay warm...

Last edited by RedRafe; 01-19-2020 at 12:11 AM..
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