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Old 03-01-2015, 03:13 PM
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Default "Closer Magazine" Tabloid "speculation"

Unfounded rumor

I'm hesitant to post this, but the article exists so...

A few days ago the French tabloid 'Closer' published an article speculating that Alizée will be marrying Grégoire. That seems to be a safe assumption to write an article about, though they don't cite any sources other than Alizée's and Grégoire's social media posts which express their love for one another.

I can't read the French in the article with any hope of accuracy, but I've heard that it's all speculation. I've attached an image of the text below, it's legible for the most part, if someone wants to give a shot at reading it.
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Old 03-01-2015, 05:11 PM
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"Since December, they walk their love on stages in France. From Paris to Rouen, where the Dancing with the stars tour ends on 28 Alizée Grégoire Lyonnet and put their energy into their passion, dancing. It was she who brought them there is a year and a half on the floor of TFL show "Love, it can happen like that when you do not expect it. This issue has changed my life," said the pretty brunette at the time of his victory. Body to body under the spotlight was born a heart to heart that has only grown. So much so that the singer, who turned 30 last August, and the dancer, two years younger, became inseparable. Not a day without one declares his love to coast on social networks. The simplest way, lovers have therefore decided to live together. This is Gregory who followed her in. The hunk also fell in love with the island home of Alizée, its sun and beaches.

A blended family who asks only grow ...
Naturally, Alizée and Gregory have therefore chosen Corsica to fully live their romance. The 1st of February, between two dates of the tour Dance with the stars, the pretty little blended family that the couple forms with Annily (daughter Alizée and Jerémy Chatelain) is part rejuvenate at the singer, in Ajaccio. And it is already a habit, even for Gregory. "Two days at home," wrote the dancer the next day on his Instagram account. A message could not be more clear. This house, they will finally be able to passer longer. The tour is over, more shows on the roads of France. Their schedules are lightened Only obligations to Alizée, promoting Tinker Bell and the Creature, the Disney animated film released in avrilet where it is the voice of Nyx fairy. But anyway, the next few weeks will not be inactive." We have projects with Gregory," she confided in December Télé Star. If the évaquait a show around his couple lovebirds begin to prepare a more romantic event: their wedding. "I am happy, fulfilled and love," says the singer. So why wait to formalize what she calls herself the big love? This is certainly not Annily who's complaining! Gregory? "She love it!" Confided his mother in late 2013. This summer, the popstar was posting elsewhere on Instagram a photo of her lover with her daughter on the shoulders of Ajaccio on a beach. Complicity does acum doubt. And who knows? This pretty stepfamily could count a fourth member in the coming years. "I hope to have more children. At least one second. I feel like it and I do not want my daughter to be an only child," the singer conflait there is a little less than a year Télé 7 Jours . The beautiful projects now waiting to be realized ..."

Original text:
"Depuis décembre, ils promènent leur amour sur toutes les scènes de France. De Paris a Rouen, où la tournée de Danse avec les stars se termine le 28, Alizée et Grégoire Lyonnet ont mis leur énergie au service de leur passion commune, la danse. C'est elle qui les a réunis il ya un an et demi sur le parquet du show de TFL "L'amour, ça peut arriver comme ça quand on ne s'y attend pas. Cette êmission a changé ma vie", declarait la jolie brune au moment de sa victoire. Des corps a corps sous le projecteurs est né un cœur à cœur qui n'a fait que grandir. A tel point que la chanteuse, qui a fêté ses 30 ans en août dernier, et le danseur, de deux ans son cadet, sont devenus inséparables. Pas un jour sans que l'un ne dêclare sa flamme á l'autre sur les réseaux sociaux. Le plus simplement du monde, les amoureux ont done décidé de vivre ensemble. C'est Grégoire qui a suivi sa belle. Le beau gosse est aussi tombé sous le charme de l'île natale d'Alizée, de son soleil et des ses plages.

Une famille recomposée qui ne demande qu'a s'agrandir...
Tout naturellement, Alizée et Grégoire ont done choisi la Corse pour vivre pleinement leur idylle. Le 1st février, entre deux dates de la tournée de Danse avec les stars, la jolie petite famille recomposêe que le couple forme avec Annily (la fille d'Alizée et de Jerémy Chatelain) est partie se ressourcer chez la chanteuse, à Ajaccio. Et c'est déjà une habitude, même pour Grégoire. "Deux jours à la maison", écrivait le danseur le lendemain sur son compte Instagram. Un message on ne peut plus clair. Cette maison, ils vont enfin pouvoir y passeur plus de temps. La tournée est terminée, plus de spectacles sur les routes de France. Leurs plannings sont allégeê Seules obligations prévues pour Alizée, la promotion de Clochette et la Créature légendaire, le film d'animation de Disney qui sort en avril et où elle est la voix de la fée Nyx. "On a des projets avec Grégoire", confiat-elle en décembre à Télé Star. Si elle évaquait celui d'un spectacle autour de son couple, les tourtereaux commencent a préparer un événement encore plus romantique : leur marriage. "Je suis heureuse, épanouie et amoureuse", assure la chanteuse. Alors pourquoi attendre pour officialiser ce qu'elle nomme elle-même le big love? Ce n'est certainement pas Annily qui s'en plaindra! Grégoire? "Elle l'adore!", confiait sa maman fin 2013. Cet été, la popstar postait d'ailleurs sur Instagram une photo de son amoureux avec sa fille sur les épaules sur une plage d'Ajaccio. La complicité ne fait acum doute. Et qui sait? Cette jolie famille recomposée pourrait bien compter un quatriéme membre dans les années à venir. "J'espère avoir d'autres enfants. Au moins un deuxième. J'en ai envie et je ne veux pas que ma fille soit enfant unique", conflait la chanteuse il y a un peu moins d'un an à Télé 7 Jours. Les beaux projets ne demandent aujourd'hui qu'à se concrétiser..."
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Old 03-01-2015, 06:05 PM
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Thank You for the translation Antares!

Well I "think" that day is coming, someday this year when Alizée and Gregoire will get married, but I wonder if she might have lost faith in what we think of as typical, if anything is typical these days, wedding; be it a church wedding or one with a justice of the peace or what ever. In her mind, I think she is already married and that might be good enough for her, but there are of course 2 people involved in this and I have a strong feeling Gregoire will want something of a more official nature; something that will prove to the world that what he said recently "She is mine" is more than just words.

So I do look for some type of wedding this year and I wonder what type it will be. Does Greg have any religious inclinations that might want him to have a church or temple or what ever wedding or will it be something administered by something like a justice of the peace or what ever equivalent they have in France? Will it be a very private wedding with only a few close freinds of a large wedding with many of her famous peers in attendance?

So I think it will happen, but I just hope they don't pop up one day and say "We were married recently.".

I hope they will announce a date well before hand, because I've been mulling this looming event over in my mind and wondering how it would be best for us as a forum to handle it?

One of my strongest initial thoughts is we get in contact with every member of AAm, past and present and have them send a card to Alizee and Gregoire with thier well wishes. I think they will get a big kick out receiving cards from all over the world.

I would like to get in touch with the other forums such as AF and forums in Mexico to get them on board with this idea too.

Now as far as where to send the cards to, that is something we need to discuss. I'm sure we could find out her address, but we don't want to invade her privacy that way. I thought about maybe sending them to either MM's or Dancerman 1's dance school, but then again that might be an invasion of thier privacy. So what I'm initially thinking of doing is contacting who ever is in charge of the post office in Ajaccio and asking him/her if we send cards to,

Alizée Jacotey (possibly adding Gregoir's name to that too)
Ajaccio, Corsica (# postal code)
Would those cards get to Alizee?

I would also like to discuss maybe the purchase of a gift, but that could get kind of complicated so I would make that the subject of another thread.

So the main thing is what do you think if a wedding date is announced in advance, that we all send cards or well wishes on roughly the same date by as many members past and present that we can get in touch with? It's not about our forum, it's about making Alizee feel good by knowing she still has many fans around the world.
The only thing I would ask people here to do for the forum is maybe add AlizeeAmerica in their return address i.e.,

Scruff Dawg
1000 Pennsylvania ave
Anytown, USA 11711

Last edited by Scruffydog777; 03-01-2015 at 06:11 PM..
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Old 03-01-2015, 06:13 PM
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Do you think they would announce the wedding date? The last thing what Alizee would like to have on her wedding are photographers from all the shit magazines...
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Old 03-01-2015, 08:52 PM
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Who knows??? It's not just what Alizée wants.....Greg has a say in the matter too. So we can only speculate as to what will happen and just have to sit idly by, waiting for that announcement of when it will be, or when it was.
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Old 03-03-2015, 01:59 AM
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I see Télé Star magazine and Télé 7 Jours are in on the action.. so gods speed to them both.


Alizée, Balayent les maux de cœur
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Old 03-03-2015, 01:37 PM
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Originally Posted by Lucas View Post
Do you think they would announce the wedding date? The last thing what Alizee would like to have on her wedding are photographers from all the shit magazines...
+ 1

Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 View Post
Who knows??? It's not just what Alizée wants.....Greg has a say in the matter too. So we can only speculate as to what will happen and just have to sit idly by, waiting for that announcement of when it will be, or when it was.
And Grégoire wants to have a crowd of photographers around for his wedding because...??

I doubt that they will announce a wedding date. Alizée might tell us a lot about her personal life but keep in mind that a wedding is a really special occasion and it's something you want to share with your most beloved and don't want to be ruined by photographers or nasty "fans" who believe that Alizée ruined Grégoire's career and start to throw eggs. (I might exaggerate a bit but there's a truth in this). The press might find out eventually but hopefully after the wedding so they'll let them alone. IF the wedding is going to happen soon.

I'm sure she will tell us as soon they are married (maybe when they are on their honeymoon - far away from the nasty press) but it's her choice to do so or not.

And who says it's true? It's funny that the Closer lately wrote not very nice articles about Alizée and now they are suddenly nicely talking about an upcoming wedding. They probably ran out of "bad" gossip.

And if it's true? Why the fuss? It's obvious that this was about to happen some time. Look at these lovebirds. It's not a huge surprise.
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Old 03-03-2015, 02:03 PM
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Jenny, You should have been around in late 2003 and early 2004 when it became known that Alizée and Jerémy had gotten married. Vicious is not even close to how fans reacted to the news. They vilified both Alizée and Jerémy equally for getting married in November 2003. Jerémy's fans were incensed that he married Alizée and her fans were just as angry at her for marrying him.

It was a no win situation for either of them, when it came to their fans.

I agree they should keep the marriage date under wraps and let everyone know after the fact.
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Old 03-03-2015, 02:11 PM
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Originally Posted by ALS View Post
Jenny, You should have been around in late 2003 and early 2004 when it became known that Alizée and Jerémy had gotten married. Vicious is not even close to how fans reacted to the news. They vilified both Alizée and Jerémy equally for getting married in November 2003. Jerémy's fans were incensed that he married Alizée and her fans were just as angry at her for marrying him.
OMG really? Ok you can be upset when you have a crush on a celebrity and she or he gets married but shouldn't you get you over it? Can't people just be happy? Maybe I'm a simple soul but if you admire and care for someone you should be happy if he or she is happy.
"'Cause the stars in my eyes, well they twinkle when I see your face.
And the butterflies keep flying, flying all over the place.
And the dark and grey, well it fades with the black and white.
And all I see is life, life in a beautiful light."
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Old 03-03-2015, 02:33 PM
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Originally Posted by Jenny_HRO87 View Post
OMG really? Ok you can be upset when you have a crush on a celebrity and she or he gets married but shouldn't you get you over it? Can't people just be happy? Maybe I'm a simple soul but if you admire and care for someone you should be happy if he or she is happy.
You are a woman, not some horny guy, that's it. They didn't really care about her music, I guess.
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