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Old 11-20-2022, 08:35 PM
Marshal Davout Marshal Davout is offline
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Default Thanksgiving Special ! The Reason Why ! Alizee attracts You!

I'll attempt The Reason Why ( The Explanation of the Alizee attraction ) However; in my attempts at the Fairies, the Fairy Queen, mixing Fables and History and the explanation; I always seem to trip a wire and get deleted. It is not my attention to post anything seemingly bad about anybody; and I adore Alizee and Mylene and others in their universe and everyone in AlizeeAmerica; so it is not my intention to post anything bad as I mix up my stories of mostly Fiction, and Fables, with a little History Thrown in. So; I hope everyone Forgives me, as I thought I should post it.
SPOILER ALERT ! For those new to Alizee You may not want to read the thread; but rather to enjoy Alizee a few years first; before you get mixed up in my admitted Fiction! I start next!


Centuries Ago the Fairies and their Queen Dwelt Happily in the land of Italy. No one remembers why and it was just so. The Fairy Kingdom was based near Rome; but invisible to Humans, unless you managed to Bump into it ! The Fairies Kingdom was like a Gigantic Kingdom and City which was built off the ground in a Garden of Gigantic Trees; because, after all , Fairies can Fly ! And Fairies were sent out from there to all the other countries of the world to do the Fairies and the Fairy Queen's business. But some people found out somehow that the Fairies use gold and silver dust in their magic spells and went about trying to catch a Fairy to make them tell where the Fairy Mines were ! But Fairies are hard to catch and see; being faster than Hummingbirds ! But still the Humans were making nuisances of themselves ! So the Fairy Queen decided to change the location of their Kingdom to reduce the chance of a Fairy being captured. and so the Fairies began to build a Fleet of 200 small ships in a secret cove in order to sail to France and establish the Fairy Kingdom there. The Fairies did not want to Fly or walk over the Alps; because Fairies do not like the Cold ! And so the Fleet was Completed in short order and the Fairies set sail for France ! ( To Be Continued; as this is a rather long story and my Fairy confident demands a Jelly Sandwich before continuing ! )

Last edited by Marshal Davout; 11-20-2022 at 08:55 PM.. Reason: Automerged Doubleposts
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Old 11-21-2022, 09:00 PM
Marshal Davout Marshal Davout is offline
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Default But A Violent Sea Storm Came Up

But a Violent Sea Storm Came Up and crashed against the Fairy Ships and Fleet; and they could make no Progress towards France, Nor could they Retreat towards the Cove in Italy. And so it was; Despite all of the Combined Magick of the Fairies together; that their Ships were smashed against some rocks and each other and gradually all of the Fairy Fleet was Sunk and they were thrown into the Mediterranean Sea and the Fairies; were too water-logged in the Storm to Fly, had to swim to save their Lives ! And it took all of their Magick to keep going and to reach some shore. And Finally all of the Fairies were tossed upon the Beaches of an Island, water-logged and sick from swallowing sea water and; you Guessed it; the name of the Island was Corsica ! ( although in Antiquity it wasn't always called such )


The Fairies Are Rescued. Now the Fairies were sick from swallowing sea water and were totally exhausted from swimming in the storm to save their lives. So they could do little except crawl upon the beach and could not fly or do magick.
Then the Corsican children came down to the Beach to play after the storm and found the thousands of Fairies thrown upon the beach. So they went home and told their parents; Little people are ship-wrecked upon the beach ! At first their parent didn't believe them; but gradually they all went down to the beach and saw all of the sick Fairies. So they got their washing baskets and or wheel barrows and brought all of the Fairies to their Homes. ( And the Fairies were sore Afraid because they thought the humans will take us Prisoner and lock us in Bird Cages and we will never get out ! ) But the Humans rolled the sea water out of the Fairies with wine bottles and made them Beds in the washing baskets and ticked them in . Then they made the Fairies Chicken soup and Tea. and tucked them warm in the beds for the night. And so it was that the Corsicans were nice people and saved the Fairies to have a dry place by their Fires. And every Corsican home had 10 or 20 Fairies or more in it ! ( To be Continued as my Fairy co-author is demanding another Jelly sandwich ! )

Last edited by Marshal Davout; 11-21-2022 at 09:11 PM.. Reason: Automerged Doubleposts
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Old 11-21-2022, 09:39 PM
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Good story so far.
I did believe I saw one typo or maybe you meant it that way?

"And the Fairies were sore Afraid because they thought the humans will take us Prisoner"
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Old 11-21-2022, 10:01 PM
Marshal Davout Marshal Davout is offline
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Thank You Scruffy ! My spelling seems to get worse sometimes as i go along ! I mentioned your Alcaline in my circle; so you should have some more views ! I shall try to get this done before Thanksgiving !
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Old 11-22-2022, 11:37 PM
Marshal Davout Marshal Davout is offline
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Default The Fairies and the Corsicans

Now the Fairies perceived that the Corsicans were very nice Humans; so they stayed with the Corsicans in their houses. And the Corsicans made like Dogge Doors; only they were Fairy Doors, in their windows or near the roofs, so the Fairies could come or go as they Pleased. And they didn't mind feeding the Fairies because even a group of Fairies don't eat that much; a large baked Potatoe with Butter being a Feast for a Fairy family. And the Fairies cast their magick and prevented creepy crawlies and spiders, as well as mice or Rats from coming into the Corsican Houses ! And the Corsican Men made small wooden Beds and tables and chairs and benches for the Fairies. And the Corsican women made Comforters, and sheets and Pillows for the Fairies Beds and Couches. ( so that later if a person was in a Corsican House they might say You have a lot of Doll Furniture here ? But the Corsicqns would say that is Fairy Furniture ! ). And the Fairies; who live a long time, knew all of the Plays of the Babylonians and Persians, and Greeks, and Romans, and many others; so they would put on Fairy Plays at night for the Corsicans; so the Corsicans had like Live TV ! But all good things sometimes end and it was so that a robber gang in Italy found out that the Fairies were living with the Corsicans in Corsica. And they determined to raise an army and go to Corsica and seize the Fairies to make them tell them where the Fairy Gold and Silver mines were that they used for their magick. Luckily a Corsican overheard the gang's plans in a Tavern and he went back to Corsica and told the Fairies we will have to fight them to keep you Free! But the Fairies do not like warfare and so the Fairy Queen told the Fairies; We will make another Fleet and follow our original plan and sail to France ! And so the Fleet was made as fast as possible. And then the Fairies told the Corsicans we will have to go; but they told a white lie and told them we are Sailing off to Sardinia, Siciliy, Malta, and then Africa to get away from the Gang. And so the Fairies got ready to sail. But before they left; the Fairy Queen said What will we do for these Corsicans to repay them for saving our lives and letting us live with them for these few years. And so the Fairies decided to use their magick and leave the Corsican Women a Generational Spell and Blessing which made a Corsican women's Singing an Attraction to everybody who heard it. And the Corsican women went about their household duties and cleaning singing their songs and the men loved the hear their wives singing. And so actually Divorce was unheard of in Corsica ! The the Fairies sailed for France and had a good Voyage and landed near Nice or Marseille; before they were Nice or Marseille ! And the Fairies decamped and made their way outside Paris, where the Fairy Kingdom resides to this day in a large Forest between two Farms.


By now you might have guessed that Corsica wasn't always called Corsica in Anitiquity; but because of the Fairy Magick and Blessing to the Singing of the Corsican Women; it was known as Cyrnos or Cirnae or Sirenusse; which means Island of the Sirens. And it was well known to the ancients that Sailors passing this Island would be entranced by the Singing of the women and have to land there. And the Fairy Magick or Blessing was Generational in that it was passed down from Corsican women to their Daughters forever. In Fact this was written of in History in Homer's Illiad and Odyssey; where Ulysses on his way home to Greece had gotten way lost and had to have his men Row his ship past the Island of the Sirens with their ears stuffed with wax so they wouldn't want to land, while Ulysses was tied to the Mast so he could hear the Sirens Singing.
And try as he might they wouldn't free him as much as he wanted to have them land upon the Island !
And so we finally get to our Alizee. And as many of you know; her Grandparents spoke Corsican to her as she has said. But she had to answer in French so they called her their French Lilly and thus her knickname ! So Alizee is a Pure Blood Corsican Girl/Woman and so she inherits from the Fairies Blessing and Magick ! And so her Singing is overpoweringly Attractive to everyone ! And now you know the Reason Why !
But; as my Fairy Confidant tells me, this is not the only reason why ! As the Fairy told me.
1) Alizee inherits the Corsican singing ability of the Sirens.
2) Alizee was Doubly Blessed by the Fairies for saving the life of Tinker Bell.
3) Alizee was trained in Dancing and Singing since she was 4 and so she is very accomplished and highly intelligent !
4) Alizee is a Natural Performer in Singing and Dancing and Acting out the Songs upon the Stage and she Loves Singing and Dancing.
5) Alizee is a Nice Girl, Woman, and Person and this shows in her Performances.
6) And she has something else; as my Fairy told me. Have you ever seen Alizee wrinkle her nose; or wave her fingers at you or the Microphone ? I might have; seen that in a video I said; but what is that ?
I think I will tell you later, said the Fairy walking over by the patio door. You can't tell me now ?, I said.
But the Fairy told me This will play Nicely Here; looking at my computer and starting the Boxing Song. I looked at my computer and then back; but the Fairy was gone ! So I don't know yet what no 6 is ?
[ My apologies to everyone at alizeeamerica and to Alizee whom I adore; as I guess I have messed up again and told another Fairy Fable ! I hope it is in some way amusing to everybody, but maybe I should disappear for a while, Ha! ]

Last edited by Marshal Davout; 11-22-2022 at 11:37 PM.. Reason: Automerged Doubleposts
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Old 11-23-2022, 10:16 PM
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It's a really good story. I can personally attest to the niceness of the Corsican people. On one visit there, I went to the Chez Paulo restaurant, a place that was well know to Alizée. The beautiful woman Blanche, who is one of the owners there, treated me like family. Though the restaurant was closed, she showed me around and allowed me to take some pictures. Later when I returned to dine there, her son, Jean Baptiste, who also worked there treated me to a couple of the local drinks. I stayed at a hotel where another member of the family worked and they treated me like royalty.

On another occasion, I dined at the Forum restaurant which is run by a relative of Alizée and the waitress there, was incredibly kind. Later I will post some pictures but now is a busy time for us with our Thanksgiving holiday coming up tomorrow.
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Old 11-23-2022, 10:54 PM
Marshal Davout Marshal Davout is offline
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Default Thank You, For Your kind words !

Thank You Scruffy, for Your Kind words. Like everybody else I have an inordinate desire to learn French because of Alizee ! And I would like to go to France and Corsica sometime; if my finances ever permitted it ! Do you know the restaurant in your video "Lilly When You're Only Lonely" ? Maybe that is one of the Restaurants ? I try to make out the Menu name behind Alizee; but it is too small to see it ! It just makes me wonder what restaurant they are in ? Another good thread might be a thread of Alizee sayings in French. For instance a lot of times she says "Savant ! " to the audience after a performance ; which I looked up and it seems she is saying the audience is learned and wise for liking her performance and usually the audience roars approval ! Ha! Another saying is "OTE !" she says in the White Dress performance of J'en ai marre; which I looked up and it seems to be French slang ? which seems to mean "The Table is Cleared " or "It is Over ! or "It is Finished !" as in this performance she seems to be breaking up with a Boyfriend ? But; being somewhat of a writer I imagine a lot of things about Alizee ! A Curiosity is when Alizee crooks her Fingers sometimes ! I've seen this in at least two videos; but I lose one ! In this one you can see she does it at about 1:55 at the microphone in the video ? But maybe I am imaging too many things or making too much of it ? Anyway the video is the Gourmandises Videomix by somebody ! She also does this to somebody filiming her walking into the Lobby of a Building ? Lastly ; since you have skill in this area, I do not , I think it might be fun to see a split screen of Alizee doing the J'en ai marre in the red suit with "9" on it on one side and the "I'm fed up" in the same red suit on the othe side of the screen so we could see both performances together ! But thn I'm not trying to put you to work; as this might be difficult to do !

Last edited by Marshal Davout; 11-23-2022 at 11:03 PM.. Reason: additional ides to add
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Old 11-24-2022, 11:24 AM
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Originally Posted by Marshal Davout View Post
Thank You Scruffy, for Your Kind words. Like everybody else I have an inordinate desire to learn French because of Alizee ! And I would like to go to France and Corsica sometime; if my finances ever permitted it ! Do you know the restaurant in your video "Lilly When You're Only Lonely" ? Maybe that is one of the Restaurants ? I try to make out the Menu name behind Alizee; but it is too small to see it ! It just makes me wonder what restaurant they are in ? Another good thread might be a thread of Alizee sayings in French. For instance a lot of times she says "Savant ! " to the audience after a performance ; which I looked up and it seems she is saying the audience is learned and wise for liking her performance and usually the audience roars approval ! Ha! Another saying is "OTE !" she says in the White Dress performance of J'en ai marre; which I looked up and it seems to be French slang ? which seems to mean "The Table is Cleared " or "It is Over ! or "It is Finished !" as in this performance she seems to be breaking up with a Boyfriend ? But; being somewhat of a writer I imagine a lot of things about Alizee ! A Curiosity is when Alizee crooks her Fingers sometimes ! I've seen this in at least two videos; but I lose one ! In this one you can see she does it at about 1:55 at the microphone in the video ? But maybe I am imaging too many things or making too much of it ? Anyway the video is the Gourmandises Videomix by somebody ! She also does this to somebody filiming her walking into the Lobby of a Building ? Lastly ; since you have skill in this area, I do not , I think it might be fun to see a split screen of Alizee doing the J'en ai marre in the red suit with "9" on it on one side and the "I'm fed up" in the same red suit on the othe side of the screen so we could see both performances together ! But thn I'm not trying to put you to work; as this might be difficult to do !
I believe savant which she says after she sings J'ai pas vingt ans at the Eiffel tower, means "How are you?".

I had interpreted some of the things she said during En Concert such as when she was in that beautiful white dress and she's talking to the crowd, she says something like my heart is beating fast and I think we're going to have a wonderful time tonight.

I believe there were 2 restaurants in that video. The second one is a Corsican one but I think you're talking about the first one. Here is a video of the whole scene shown during DALS season 6.

I think this would make for a good picture puzzle which I've already solved but maybe you or others might like to try and figure out. Between the 2 videos, there are enough clues, one has to do with the building.


The video of the restaurant was blocked but here is a link to my drive that has it.


Last edited by Scruffydog777; 11-24-2022 at 11:28 AM..
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Old 11-24-2022, 01:59 PM
Mr Coucou Mr Coucou is offline
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Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 View Post
I believe savant which she says after she sings J'ai pas vingt ans at the Eiffel tower, means "How are you?".
She is saying "Ca va?"

(I'm not sure if there is an accent mark.)

I think it literally means "How's it going?" (in the sense of 'How are you?')
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Old 11-24-2022, 03:13 PM
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Default Thank You Scruffy and Mr. Coucou

Thank You Scruffy and Mr. CouCou !
I Bow to your superior abilities in the French Language as I have to keep referring to an French-english computer translations !

A Funny. I try to put Alizee in for La Legion d'Honneur in the French government ; so then I get government emails with the word Cocorico La Letter d' Elysee on them so I have to look up Cocorico; which I find means cock a doodle -do or meaning the French Rooster ( which is sometimes used as a France symbol, I think ). So it is meaning to be an email from the French government containing updates about everything in France. ( although It makes me busy translating everything in it ) But I don't think I have emailed the right people about the Legion d' Honneur; as I get no replies on that ! Ha!
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