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Old 05-01-2008, 09:52 PM
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Default AAP 003: WOW. You know...

Episode 3 of the Alizée America Podcast with your host Ciara!


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Old 05-01-2008, 09:53 PM
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Alizée America Podcast 003
May 1, 2008

Intro Music

Welcome and bienvenue to the Alizée America Podcast, dedicated to the one and only, Alizée.
You can find us online at alizeeamerica.com/podcast.

Hey everyone. Thanks for listening, again. I’m your host, Ciara. And I’d just like to start this episode by saying a HUGE thanks to all of you at Alizée America for your kind words and encouragement with this whole thing. I mean, seriously, I only got this idea a little over a month ago now, and I have yet to master the software to even produce anything remotely close to what you’d normally hear in a podcast, if you listen to them that is. So either you guys are just being really nice, or you have no standards. Either way, I’m grateful, so keep the compliments coming, please.

Now, I’m still working out the kinks with this thing, and I’m trying to establish a routine, so bear with me while I make some formatting changes along the way. We’re gonna start with a segment I like to call “Le Mot de Moi,” or in English, “The Word from Me,”….I think. Anyway, it’ll just be like a intro monologue sort of thing. Then we’ll hear LiliNews by Ben aka Snatcher42, followed by an interview with forum member, Nurvonic, in a segment called “Getting to Know You.” I know that sounds cheesy, but I saw the King and I on TV tonight and it just fit, ok?! After that I’ll talk about the latest discussions on the forum in the segment called…“Latest Discussions,” how original, I know. Finally, for this episode I’m going to include a French Lesson of the Day. Stick around for “Le Mot de Moi.”


All I can say is wow, or as Christopher Walken would say, “wow, you know”…sorry, bad impression. So, WOW, two weeks have passed already since the last podcast, and like I mentioned it got great reviews from you guys so thanks for sticking behind me on this. I don’t know about you, but a lot has happened to me the last few weeks. Unfortunately, all the alcohol I’ve drank since then has made me forget it all so I really don’t have anything to talk about. No, just kidding…sort of. I’ve been real busy with school as many of you have been too, I’m sure. I gave two presentations, and it’s for two different geography classes taught by the same teacher, and she goes alphabetically so in both classes, I had to present first, which was just annoying. I mean, I don’t think I’ve been forced to do anything alphabetically since lining up for 5th grade recess, and also, my last name starts with a “C” and I was always at least been the 8th one called in class, so I don’t know where all those Addams’ and Brady’s are, but they just keep on, keep on, keep on, keep on dancing into the night, or, or something and screwing me over big time. So like I said, there’s school, and also my 5 year old nephew has been visiting the last couple of weeks, so when he’s here I can hardly get anything done, no matter how hard I try to ignore him. I love the kid, but I don’t like kids in general, and he’s at the age where he asks “why” all the time. Like, he loves watching cartoons, which is fine, and I’m happy to sit there and watch “Fairly OddParents” with him but he’ll ask why someone said what they did, like a joke or something he doesn’t get, and he’s obviously trying to make sense of the world, which is fine, but sometimes I can’t handle it. I sort of feel sorry for putting my parents through the same thing, though, cuz, I still do that thing if I’m watching a sci-fi movie with my dad or something, I’ll ask “who is that? why’d they’d do that? Is that a bad guy? I thought he was a good guy? Where are they going? What the heck is that thing? Is that monkey?” and of course, you know, it’d be something he’s never seen before, so…I’m guilty too. Anyway, that’s enough from me. Next up is LiliNews by Snatcher42.




Nicely done, Ben. Thank you very much. And thanks for the update on the Fifty/Sixty videos, I was wondering about that.

Now it’s time for “Getting to Know You” with forum member Nurvonic, and again I’m reading the interview so deal with it.


Welcome Nurvonic. Let’s start with your nickname. Since everyone on Alizée America uses them, what does yours mean?

It’s quite simple really...I’m a fan of the band Nirvana, so I turned that into "Nirvanic", and decided to spell it my own way. If some hardcore Nirvana fan will notice, even my avatar is a hint of Nirvana. It’s actually the cover of Nirvana's album "In Utero", just a different color.

What's your real name, how old are you, and where are you from?

My name is Mark, I'm 23 years old, and I'm from Jacksonville Florida USA and I live in a van down by the river. Sorry Nurvonic, I definitely can’t do Chris Farley.

When did you first discover Alizée and how?

I first discovered Alizée in May of 2006. A friend of mine was over at my house showing me various websites with videos, websites kinda like Youtube. She showed me this one particular site that had many videos ranging anywhere between people wiping out on their skateboards, and hot French singers. One thumbnail in particular caught my attention. It was a close-up of this sexy Frenchy with the headline and description reading, "Alizée: Hot French singer: I can't get enough of this girl!!" So I clicked the link, thinking nothing of it, thinking it's just another random hot girl on the internet. Within about 20 seconds of watching the video, I couldn't keep my eyes off of it. This video was Alizée's cover of La Isla Bonita. I would go back to the site day after day just to watch this one video.

Have you ever met her or traveled to see her perform?

No. Unfortunately I don't get paid enough to travel to see her. We all know traveling to Europe can be very expensive. Although I'm hoping I could make a trip to Latin America when she tours there. The closest thing I've come to seeing her perform is when I flew up to Washington for the Virtual Alizée concert they had there. As for meeting her personally? In my dreams. But I'll keep my head up for any more autograph signings they may have in the future.

How did you find Alizée America, when was it, and what is your role with it?

After I discovered her, curiosity got the best of me and I did a little Google search, which led me to the Wikipedia entry, which had a link to the newly created Alizée America. It was very new, with only a couple pages of threads, and I was member number 61 I think. It was around June of 2006, I lurked there for about a month looking at the videos over and over again, until I finally joined in July.
In November of 2006, the site was getting really popular with spam. There were non stop spam threads, some often very offensive, all over the place, and of course brad couldn’t keep up with them just by himself because he was busy with his home life. I guess he was looking for people on the site who were on almost everyday, seemed level headed and reasonable and respectable enough to become a moderator. He chose me, along with about 4 other people, and I've been one ever since. Other than that, I feel like a regular member on the forums, posting just like everyone else.

What do you enjoy most about the website (like what do you do the most while on there)?

I like the streaming videos with subtitles. That actually helped a lot when watching the Fun Tv interview, and the Star a Domicile videos over and over again. I like the people on the forum...well, most of them anyway. I like the chat room, even though not a lot people go in there. And just the overall look of the site itself. Brad has done a great job with the site, and I'm just kissing his ass.

What is the most ridiculous thing you've ever read on the forums?

One incident I remember...a member on the board created this thread where he stated Alizée looked like this particular guy, and he posted a picture of the guy. I don't remember who the guy was, but I remember thinking "wtf!, Alizée looks nothing like him!" It seemed everybody who commented on the thread had that same thought. It was just ridiculousness all around. Brad finally got tired of seeing the thread and closed it, to everybody's relief I'm sure. This is just one example of the many silly things I've read on the forums since being a member.

What has your reaction been to Alizée's return to the music scene?

It's been somewhat surreal. After 50/60 was leaked, I remember this overwhelming excitement about Alizée making a big comeback with a new single, a new music video, new performances, new tours, new photographs, new events, new everything basically. I'll admit, her old videos and pictures started to get dated, and there wasn’t any news about her whatsoever, except for non-stop rumors that turned out to be false. After her first radio appearance, it sealed the deal for me. Alizée is making a comeback, and it was good to hear some solid official news for a change. All that waiting finally paid off, but I often wonder about those people who had to wait 3 or 4 years, even longer than I had to. I couldn’t imagine how surreal it was for them. As of now, I'm satisfied with where she went with the comeback.

What is your favorite Alizée song/performance/interview/photo?

I like all her songs, but I'll point out the songs that I listen to the most from each record. Gourmandises is Gourmandises. Mes Courant Eletriques is A Contra Courant, and Psychédélices is Lilly Town. As for performances, I'll make it easy for me and say the entire En Concert DVD. Fun Tv has to be my favorite interview. And I refuse to answer what is my favorite picture because of its impossibility.

What does your Alizée collection consist of?

You might think I have this huge collection of Alizée merchandise, but that simply isn’t the case. All I have are all of her CD’s, the en concert DVD, and a poster of her I got from the virtual Alizée concert in Washington. I'm not all about big displays and decorations like other members on the forum. In fact, if you enter my room, there wouldn't be any indication at all that I'm an Alizée fan, except of course the big poster on the wall that otherwise wouldn’t be there if I hadn’t gone to the event in Washington.

Well, thanks for answering the questions and now we know Nurvonic. And if you ever chat with him, he’s one funny dude.

Next up is “Latest Discussions.”


A lot of threads pop in and out of the spotlight within two weeks, so it’s hard not to pick what’s being talked about right at this moment as far as latest discussion go.

1. Happy Birthday Annily. April 29th marked the 3rd birthday of Alizée’s daughter with Jérémy Chatelain, Annily. This thread is full of birthday wishes for the little one, and I’m sure they’d all appreciate it if they ever viewed the site, and I think it’s a nice way to show that the fans care about the important people in her life. From interviews and the like, and especially the song “L’effet” from Psychédélices it’s obvious that Annily IS her life, and being a mother is something very dear to her, so congratulations to them, and even if I don’t share the same feelings about kids, good for her. And I’d like to point out that, though we haven’t seen many pictures of her, and rightly so because frankly it’s none of our business, this kid is probably going to be gorgeous like her mom. I’d compare her to how Suri Cruise is going to look when she grows up, just genetically the most perfect looking person ever, not that Jérémy is any Tom Cruise, but he’s probably one of the cuter French guys I’ve seen. And I think Alizée is prettier than Katie Holmes, but anyway, good looks all around for these rich, successful people and their kids. Once again, congrats and Happy Birthday Annily!

2. Psychédélices Tour Dates. Snatcher42 did a great job of talking about the upcoming world tour, her first, and even started this thread that has most the dates in it for this summer and fall. So, if you want to go see her in concert, and have the money and time to do so and a passport, don’t hesitate to check this out, and get those tickets. It looks like some people are already making arrangements to go, so good luck to everyone, and we’ll be expecting photos and stories. And yes, it’s a world tour, but it’s only in Europe and Mexico, and sadly not the U.S. But I think we all know why at this point and if you don’t, go rummage through some threads from the past few months and you’ll figure it out, so I won’t be getting into that. But, it’s safe to say why there are so many concerts in Mexico, 6, or six, or ses, because of the autograph quote/unquote riot debacle that occurred in March. The fans in Mexico have made a larger impression on her than those in the U.S., and they earned a promotional trip down there earlier this year. We got a lot of great footage and interviews from her time there, including the “I love sneakers” quote in English mind you, but unfortunately some bad planning and immature people caused some safety issues and they had to call off the autograph session. You can also read more about this topic in the “Alizée in Mexico” thread. But that’s the gist, and now their getting a huge dose of the Alizée to make up for it...or it could’ve been planned the whole time, I don’t know, but either way, WORLD TOUR!

3. Alizée Needs New Packaging. This is one of those controversial opinion-type threads, so I’m not going to pick out any specific posts or anything, or even take sides about stuff like this, that’s not fair for anyone who has opinions in there, I mean, I do, so I’ll be respectful about it, but I think it’s important to let people know this forum does advocate discussion and freedom of speech, so if you have an opinion, say it, but don’t expect everyone to agree with you, and expect to defend your opinion over and over again. This definitely didn’t get out of hand or anything, but differing opinions and communicating online is dangerous territory. This thread addresses that Alizée’s new look isn’t necessarily helping her achieve the success that she previously experienced, and is maybe even hindering it. Um, actually, that’s all I really have to say about that. That not everyone’s happy with her comeback look, and she may not be as popular as she was before, but what are you gonna do? Take it or leave it, I say.

Next up is the “French Lesson of the Day”.


Sound Effect

I’m only half-learning French right now, so I have no qualifications for this, but basically I’m just going to say a phrase in French, and you can add that to your vocabulary.

The phrase is: Le singe est sur la branche.

Which translates to: The monkey is on the branch.
I know it’s random but my favorite comedian Eddie Izzard said it in his bit about learning French, so if you ever see a monkey in a tree, you can say, le singe est sur la branche.

That’s gonna wrap it up for this episode of the Alizée America podcast. I’d like to welcome our newest member “pittgoose,” bringing the member count to 1601, bienvenue to you and all the other new members since the last podcast. Thanks to Brad for hosting the show at Alizée America, and to Ben for the news. You can find the music used in this podcast by the Sinistrals and The Stephen Davis Project at PodSafeAudio.com. Thanks for listening and have a Youpidoo Day.

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Old 05-01-2008, 10:00 PM
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Don't forget to subscribe to the itunes feed (even if you don't listen through there all the time)

it will help with our ratings
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Old 05-01-2008, 10:05 PM
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Thanks, Brad! The transcript is for anyone who doesn't speak English as their native language, and wants to know what the heck I'm saying. I hope people listen and don't just read it though, that might defeat the purpose of recording it

Last edited by ciarac77; 05-01-2008 at 10:08 PM..
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Old 05-01-2008, 10:11 PM
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Originally Posted by ciarac77 View Post
Thanks, Brad! The transcript is for anyone who doesn't speak English as their native language, and wants to know what the heck I'm saying. I hope people listen and don't just read it though, that might defeat the purpose of recording it
I'm sure they will listen

but we can always change it up if you want, maybe a download link or something instead?

great job by the way, you are already a pro
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Old 05-01-2008, 10:20 PM
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A link may be a good idea. And thanks, lol. Even though I said I like compliments, I've never been good at taking them, so I don't believe you haha
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Old 05-01-2008, 10:54 PM
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Cool Toe de mac

This is a first for any Alizee fansite, I believe. Don't let go of this good thing. We are definitely ramping up our viewer entertainment experience. I might add resourcefulness too, although, it's easy for info to come from France first. But, we've got clout in this hemisphere. Ciara, you are great (and responsible).

Alizee: Wowww!
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Old 05-01-2008, 11:14 PM
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Another great podcast Ciara,keep up the good work.

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Old 05-01-2008, 11:47 PM
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Another great Podcast Ciara, I hope you enjoy making them as much as I enjoy listening. You have a very cool and funny personality and it really comes across in the show, keep them coming.

^ By the beautifully creative Amelie! Merci!

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Old 05-02-2008, 12:24 AM
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I have to second everything everybody has said. Another great job, Ciara !
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