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Old 06-11-2010, 12:14 PM
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Default Alizée ads 30 seconds long will air on Boston, U.S.A. radio station

On June 14th, A radio station, Magic 106.7 in Boston, Massachusetts ( http://www.magic1067.com/ ) will play over the course of the next two weeks 48 commercials, 30 seconds long each.with the first 25 seconds being a cut from one of Alizée's songs and the last 5 seconds will consist of an announcer saying "learn about Alizee at Alizee America.com and they will also spell out the name Alizee. The 48 commercials will consist of 8 songs from the Gourmandises, MCE era exclusively and I'll get into why later. The 8 songs will be,
I'm fed up
I'm not twenty
Amelie (English)
Youpidoo (English)
A Contre Courant
Ella Ella
Lou ou Toi
Hey Amigo

Here is what they will sound like.

As for why we are posting these commercials? We've debated in AA for some time now different ways of promoting Alizée in the U.S. giving away cd's, posting flyers, calling radio stations to get them to play her music, contacting magazines, tv shows, encouraging them to do a story on Alizée and nothing has really worked. We've gained a few fans here and there, but never anything to a noticable extent. I've been preaching in the past few months that we should try and do something on the radio.

I suggested advertising, getting a radio station to play some of her music. Nobody knew the first thing about how to go about this. We did discuss what songs to play, what sections of songs, what cities to target, what kind of radio stations and really couldn't reach any kind of agreement on anything. So we were getting no where.

I was determined this was probably our best and maybe our last chance of getting Alizée's music heard on a large scale here, so I was going to find a way to make it happen. I especially wanted to do something like this to thank Alizee for what she did for us at the autograph session in Paris this past march.

So I decided to take it upon myself to make this happen.

I contacted about a dozen stations. 3 in the city where I'm from, Boston, 3 more in this area but in smaller cities. 4 more in cities in nearby states. Then I also did a little research on the internet to find some college towns far away from big cities, that have a local radio station. Thought it would be a great venue for her music. Came up with Iowa city, Iowa and Ithaca, New York. Contatced radios stations in both those areas. Of all the ones I contacted, I only heard back from 2. One was a station in Boston, but it was clear with the amount of money I was offering ($3,000.00) they only wanted me to advertise on their web page, and not the radio.

Then I recieved a call from Magic. Best part was they were enthusiastic about it (maybe they're desperate for money though it doesn't seem so with the rates they charge). I talked to a young woman by the name of Jessica (kind of ironic in a way). Very pleasent woman to talk to. I initialy told them I was doing this to promote our forum, thinking they might think it was a little odd to use older songs to promote her, but the truth of the matter is it's for promoting Alizée. As far as the songs being older ones. I could not have cared less that it was close to seven years old. In fact I've probably listened to that song more than any other song in my life.

At first I thought the best songs to use were her songs in English, mainly because few people in this country speak a second language and one thing I've learned in my 3 years since finding out about Alizee is people enjoy the music a hell of lot more if they can understand what the singer is saying. So I initially asked that just 5 songs be played, the top 4 from the list above, and La Isla Bonita. Now we all know the English versions of some of these songs didn't make much sense and as Alizee said herself, some of these songs were laughed at, but the beauty of short commercials like these is you can pick a section of a song that does make sense (even that wasn't that easy in some cases).

But after discussion in the forum, I decided to drop probably her most beautiful English song, La Isla Bonita. Mainly because I thought people might confuse her with Madonna, and another thing I worried about if that was the case, then they might think some of the other commercials were by Madonna.

So after dropping LIB, I figured I would add one French song. Now the natural choice would probably be Les Collines. But this is Boston. We have a bitter sports rivalry with New York city. If we were to win some fans with the English songs, we could lose them in the blink of an eye if they knew the song was based on something that invloved New York. I like the rest of the album, but I don't think it has the real capture power of the songs of the MCE-Gour era. So after long and careful consideration, I decided to use A Contre Courant. One of the main reasons besides it being a beautiful song is there is a section in the part I'm using that's fairly easy to follow, even for English speaking people. For example,

Il me panique In my panic
D'electrocution of electrocution
Mon insolant my isulation
C'est la passion Is the passion

When I first spoke of including a French song, Jessica sounded a little taken aback, which worried me, so I asked her about it the next day and asked if there was a problem. She said no, no, it was just a misunderstanding, there was no problem with the use of French songs. Well if that was the case I felt well if we have 36 slots (as originally planned) it would make sense to have 6 songs to divvy it up evenly. So I searched for another French song. Couldn't decide on one. Thought if I could make a couple of more choices, it would make it a lot easier. So I upped the ante.Now we had 48 slots. If each song played 6 times that woud mean, I'd have to choose 3 more songs. Those were tremendously tough choices to make.

I thought about PLP, a beautiful song, but to tell you the truth, I don't think it has the same capture power of her earlier songs. Would have loved to use Moi Lolita, but our cultures are different and I think a lot of people here would be upset hearing a song about a youn girl being a lolita. So I selected first Ella Ella. It's actually down the list a ways of my favorite songs of her, but that short section of the song I'm using from this song, is one of my favorite sections.The last 2 were Lou ou Toi, a beautiful, beautiful song in my opinion, then Hey Amigo. I was real torn between this and L'Alize, but thought maybe the use of the word amigo, might spark the interest of the Spanish speaking population here. It's reaching but I had to find some way to decide between the two songs.

This may not be the best choice of radio stations. I had mainly targeted radio stations with a variety format and this station plays soft rock. I thought about top 40 stations, but if I used a top 40 station, I thought if people heard these songs in Boston and called the station to request they play one, the station would be a lot less likely to play these songs because they're older songs. A variety or soft rock station doesn't care about the age, all they care about is the type of song and I thought these songs would fit in very well with them. I also think a good top 40 station would have rates too high for what I could afford. So most of the stations I contacted had a variety format, but I didn't hear back from them. I heard from Magic, talked with their sales agent named Jessica and kind of thought that it was fate that her name was Jessica. She was very informative and freindly, so this was the station I chose.

She's been great too. I had originally asked that in the last 5 seconds, they say " Learn more about Alizee at AlizeeAmerica.com". They came back and suggested it should be "Learn about Alizee at Alizee America.com", then after that, they're going to say again, this time spelling out her name, "A-L-I-Z-E-E America.com". I was surprised they could squeeze it all into 5 seconds but they said they could.
Then they e-mailed me asking about the pronunciation of her name, wanting to make sure the annoucers get it right. I sent her a short video where Alizee says her own name. So you can see they're really trying to do a good job with this.

So I pretty much financed this on my own. Mainly because I felt strongly about what songs would and wouldn't work and for those of you who think if I had gone to the forum with 3 grand and said if everybody else chips in, we could come up with a really good package. Well I would not be willing to chip in any wheres near as much as I am if it included songs that I thought wouldn't work, Some songs might even do some damage in my opinion, to any good results brought by the other songs.

Another reason for doing this on my own is I look upon it as an experiment. If the results show promise. Then our members wont already be tapped out from donating to this project and will hopefully be able to donate to another project that will do better because of the lessons learned from this one.

Many people in AA have offered to chip in, even though several of them don't agree with the song selections and many of them have offered helpful opinions on how to carry this out. I have to mention Ben insisted I should use music from UEDS, but was still supportive when I said I would do otherwise, so I'd like to think this promotion is by and from AlizéeAmerica, and what we are doing again is in large part a way of thanking her for what she did for us at the Virgin Megastore in Paris this past march.

I've used the songs I selected because I think they have the best capture power. They will do the best job of grabbing peoples attention. They will make them want to go to AlizéeAmerica, to google Alizée, to search for Alizée on Youtube. When they find out that these songs are several years old, they may be disappointed, but if they've gone that far, they will already be hooked. They will also discover the songs of Psych and the songs of UEDS and decide for themselves which they like. Hopefully another by product of this is that maybe a lot of people will call in requesting the stations play some of her full songs. I don't think it's likely, but who knows?

If they do and the station plays some of her English songs, they may get laughed at for the lyrics, but the people who will be laughing are people who wouldn't like her music regardless. To others who hear her
beautiful voice, they wont care and will love the songs just the way they are, and just as much as we do.

Bottom line is we've tried hard to get the U.S. media to give Alizée a chance, and nobody would. Now we are taking things into our own hands. For the first time, within a two week period. Alizée's beautiful voice will be heard by thousands of Americans.

So the great experiment begins June 14th. Will it gain her a few fans, a bunch of fans, or maybe no fans. We'll know by the 28th. The beauty of telling people to go to AlizeeAmerica.com is Ben should be able to tell by the number of hits on the web site if this is having any affect.

You can listen in to the commercials as they are played on their website


I will have a list of the songs to be played on the first day, by late this afternoon. I'll get the other ones a day before they're aired.

One final note. I gave a lot of thought to if this could possibly backfire and maybe even do some damage to her chances of coming here. I can't see how, but I'm sure there will be some who say it will. How can introducing the beautiful voice of Alizée to thousands of people who've never heard her be a bad idea?
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Old 06-11-2010, 12:25 PM
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I think it's a wonderfull idea!
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Old 06-11-2010, 01:01 PM
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^ great job scruff.
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Old 06-11-2010, 03:02 PM
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wow, did you ever think you were gonna create a thread with that title?
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Old 06-11-2010, 03:28 PM
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Hmm... There is a lot to think about with this thread, Scruffy, quite a lot indeed...
the v is back
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Old 06-11-2010, 04:58 PM
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The fact of the matter is.....Scruffy came , he saw, he kicked some royal butt!
Way to go!
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Old 06-11-2010, 05:04 PM
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Scruffy: "Veni, Vidi, Vici!"

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Old 06-11-2010, 09:27 PM
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Cool Times for Monday, June 14th

Originally Posted by Fall06 View Post
wow, did you ever think you were gonna create a thread with that title?

No way indeed!

Here are times for monday.

They can vary from the assigned time by up to 5 minutes.

I think it's great that the assigned times for this day are so close together, because they can assign times anywhere from 6 am to 12 pm.

6:44:00PM Youpidoo

8:14:30PM A Contre

1000PM i'm not Twenty

11:14:30PM Ella Ella

Last edited by Scruffydog777; 06-11-2010 at 09:46 PM..
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Old 06-11-2010, 09:38 PM
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going to get lili bombed! YES!
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Old 06-11-2010, 09:41 PM
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Good luck!
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