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Old 10-13-2011, 03:39 PM
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In a way falls under mutilation, so just trying to see where your line is at.. todays soceity calls for a certain order of everything (appearance, hygiene, living,speech) so when are we allowed to actually live for ourselves? Some things we do, not what we want but instead expected of us, forced to live in standards not of our own so when and how can we be individuals?
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Old 10-13-2011, 04:12 PM
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Originally Posted by WhiteFeather View Post
If you really wanted to avoid a conflict, you could have chosen better language. Using "archaic", "tacky", "immature", and so forth, was just asking for a fight. There are ways to disagree respectfully.
Originally Posted by HelixSix View Post
I'm curious where Euphoria named and insulted each of you.

She stated her opinion and now is being attacked. Attacked by opinion no more valid than her own but with insults fueled by anger. It's also pathetic when you try to turn your opinion into fact to try and bully her out of the thread. Lastly, some of you just follow her around and oppose anything she says.
LOL, you're insane


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Old 10-13-2011, 04:24 PM
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To get the train back on track, what is everyone's view on her most recent "Annily Anime" tatoo? (besides the fact that some think tatoo's are unnecessary or tacky).
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Old 10-13-2011, 04:41 PM
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Cosmetic surgery is almost always done out of pure vanity. There is a small percentage of people who do it for reasons such as cleft palates, but that is a birth defect and can affect feeding, speech production and how your face grows. If you're seriously comparing plastic surgery to a bone graft, then you're not very intelligent. A bone graft can save someone's life whereas nobody needs a tit job or liposuction. Plastic surgery is barbaric because people go through excruciating pain for the sole purpose of trying to be more attractive.

I find tattoos unattractive and archaic because we have been a civilized society for hundreds of years now and we should be trying to move away from such barbaric practices. All primitive cultures have some form of body art. We are rapidly regressing into a less and less sophisticated society.

Everything changes in your life - your location, your job, your political and religious beliefs, even our personalities. Why would you subject yourself to something that is so permanent? Deep down, everyone does it to look cool and stand-out from the crowd. You end up looking like another sheeple though because tattoos are becoming the norm. Do something productive with your money.
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Old 10-13-2011, 05:09 PM
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I agree, plastic surgery is for self-promotion along with getting tatoos...
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Old 10-13-2011, 09:09 PM
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Originally Posted by Euphoria View Post
Cosmetic surgery is almost always done out of pure vanity. There is a small percentage of people who do it for reasons such as cleft palates, but that is a birth defect and can affect feeding, speech production and how your face grows. If you're seriously comparing plastic surgery to a bone graft, then you're not very intelligent. A bone graft can save someone's life whereas nobody needs a tit job or liposuction. Plastic surgery is barbaric because people go through excruciating pain for the sole purpose of trying to be more attractive.

I find tattoos unattractive and archaic because we have been a civilized society for hundreds of years now and we should be trying to move away from such barbaric practices. All primitive cultures have some form of body art. We are rapidly regressing into a less and less sophisticated society.

Everything changes in your life - your location, your job, your political and religious beliefs, even our personalities. Why would you subject yourself to something that is so permanent? Deep down, everyone does it to look cool and stand-out from the crowd. You end up looking like another sheeple though because tattoos are becoming the norm. Do something productive with your money.
You also failed to mention that certain people who have (non-life-threatening defects) can get and do get plastic surgery to boost there self esteem and self confidence becuase that particular "defect" has caused them to develop a personality disorder and or they had a personality disorder to begin with. Getting these surgeries makes them feel more excepted and less judged in the everyday world, something they view as extremely important and they are actually half right. (Everything in this world comes easier to you if you are good looking ... there is research on that particular topic and it is very interesting, I do subject you look it up if you want a good read). However you Miss are on the other extreme, not judging them for their defects but judging the individual for getting their "defects" fixed; you are just a bad just on the opposite side of the spectrum! Some "defects" only the individual themselves can define, so what may look normal to us maybe something they are self-conscious about. Now im not talking about Hollywood celebrities or (90210 and that BS) but the real world. I think your head is stuck in Dr. 90210 Hollywood fantasy land! These are the obvious and most common reasons as to why people get these painful operations in which you speak .... its not for looks but for acceptance of one, either by themselves or by others! What you said by stating it is mostly done for vanity is a correct statement, but you fail to understand why someone would be so desperate for vanity. What I explained above explains the piece of the puzzle you overlooked!
Notice how I quoted the word "defect" ... is it really a defect if we all have them? The truth being though all us humans share this in common with one another, how we and or society perceives them varies by the individual person, the society they live in, and what exact defect they have. I think that you Miss Euphoria, is being extremely cynical and or might full of yourself .... or possibly both.

Oh god, I am appalled by your second paragraph! Who are you to call someone's culture "primitive." Culture unlike technology cant really be defined on a primitive to advanced scale. A taboo in one culture is something seen as class and etiquette in another! There is no such thing as a civilized society; in fact what you just said "in my opinion" is very uncivilized! How you managed to tie your disgusting bigotry to your argument of tattoo's is beyond me! To say we a getting less sophisticated just based on tattoo's shows pure judgmental ignorance. Culture changes as time goes on, it is very dynamic, but to say it gets more or less sophisticated is a very common and often disturbing misconception; it just changes nothing else. Sophistication of culture is something we define that is not real but solely based on the time period within the society it is defined! In other cutlers what we do here by having a website towards one woman can be considered to be of low sophistication, so I guess that makes us primitive right? Technically we are primitive and sophisticated at the same time and historically I think it has always been that way. Culture is defined based on sophistication but can sometimes lead to what we consider to be primitive actions therefore being both at the sometime. The culture you live by and the one I live by are no different in this respect which puts you at the same level of every culture past or future! It is has been thoughts like the ones you are expressing that have been the seeds for racism, wars, stereotypes, segregation, and obviously violence throughout the history of mankind! I too find tattoo's unattractive but I cant emhpize it enough ... to call it primitive and barbaric is just a disgusting statement on your part!

You are right, life is not static but completely dynamic. We are all on a ride that we dont know where it ends or goes. You state "Why would you subject yourself to something that is so permanent?" , I find that an interesting statement. You subjected yourself to an education which is permanent and no one can take it away from you, you agree to the permanent name your parents subject you to, when and if you have kids you will permanently subject yourself to them .... the list goes on and on! The real question should be, "why do humans subject themselves to anything?" and that is something I do not have the answer to! To answer your question though which I thought was a good one, the same reason you subject yourself to anything that you find important to you and your beliefs ... YOU FIND IT IMPORTANT, worth while, acceptance, expression, desire, you feel its something that defines you as a woman and a person, you think it looks nice, thrill, love, hate, etc! These "things" aka human emotions and feelings I listed apply to anything and everything you "Euphoria" subject yourself to in your life ... and it is no different for people who get tattoos!
Don't read this with a grain of salt, and see where it takes you....


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Old 10-13-2011, 10:44 PM
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Good God, at least spell-check your wall of rambling.

If someone has a personality disorder, they need a psychiatrist, not a plastic surgeon. Unless you have some sort of major disfigurement, you don't need plastic surgery. Period. Some of the most successful people in the world aren't remotely attractive, so that logic is rather stupid. And what about the people that are good looking who are picked on and heckled because of jealousy? That certainly doesn't make one's life easier.

You obviously know absolutely nothing about anthropology if you think there aren't primitive cultures. Tattooing IS barbaric, you're letting someone use needles to permanently drive ink into your skin.

And lastly, you're accusing me of being judging a person on their looks when all I said is that I believe it's an archaic and poor form of self-expression. I never said I think badly of people with tattoos, but generally it is a marker of someone who wants attention.

Haha, you are an absolute fool. My education is most definitely not permanent, we learn new things everyday and forget them as well. Life itself is all about learning and that in itself is always changing. I cannot control what name my parents give me upon birth, but you can change your name any time you want.
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Old 10-13-2011, 10:54 PM
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Really off topic... lots of anger...
Je fais de mon mieux pour vous rencontrer et discuter avec vous. J'espère que vous ne me voyez pas comme une menace, car je suis incapable de faire du mal à qui que ce soit.

Last edited by Iwillmeether; 10-13-2011 at 11:04 PM..
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Old 10-13-2011, 11:57 PM
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(Everything in this world comes easier to you if you are good looking ... there is research on that particular topic and it is very interesting, I do subject you look it up if you want a good read)
Actually, that depends on what you want from life. If you want to lounge in a plush mansion all day, then yes, being beautiful can make life easier.

I once read a book in which one of the characters was a woman who "helped" beautiful women who wanted meaningful careers but were doomed to a "trophy wife" lifestyle; she convinced them to disfigure themselves horribly and throw their good looks away. She then gave them a small sum of money, enough to start college, and she found that in almost all those cases the women became strong, independent, successful, and happy (they would go on to become scientists, lawyers, etc) because otherwise, men were going to teach them to dumb themselves down by improving their lives through shallow behavior.

That story was fiction, but it really got me thinking.

As for the rest of your post, those are all interesting perspectives. But can you really compare things that are productive and progressive, like having children or getting an education, to something as trivial as a simple tattoo? I see your point, but maybe there are better examples.

Anyway, I feel we all need to take a deep breath here because yes, Willy, this is getting heated. Try and distinguish OPINION from FACT.. and remember, nobody's opinion is any better or more right than another. Sorry.

"In any case, being sexy includes being natural. Anything can be sexy, except vulgarity." - Alizée

Last edited by Azhiri; 10-14-2011 at 12:11 AM..
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Old 10-14-2011, 12:31 AM
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Originally Posted by Euphoria View Post
Good God, at least spell-check your wall of rambling.

If someone has a personality disorder, they need a psychiatrist, not a plastic surgeon. Unless you have some sort of major disfigurement, you don't need plastic surgery. Period. Some of the most successful people in the world aren't remotely attractive, so that logic is rather stupid. And what about the people that are good looking who are picked on and heckled because of jealousy? That certainly doesn't make one's life easier.

You obviously know absolutely nothing about anthropology if you think there aren't primitive cultures. Tattooing IS barbaric, you're letting someone use needles to permanently drive ink into your skin.

And lastly, you're accusing me of being judging a person on their looks when all I said is that I believe it's an archaic and poor form of self-expression. I never said I think badly of people with tattoos, but generally it is a marker of someone who wants attention.

Haha, you are an absolute fool. My education is most definitely not permanent, we learn new things everyday and forget them as well. Life itself is all about learning and that in itself is always changing. I cannot control what name my parents give me upon birth, but you can change your name any time you want.
Im an engineer not a typist... I usually have people who are in the writing profession check my work ... get over it and just focus on my thoughts!


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