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brad 01-18-2009 09:20 PM

AAP 011: En Concert DVD Fan Commentary
Thanks to Ruroshen and company for the next addition to our podcast feed. It is a commentary on En Concert.

More about this recording:

And join the next one!

TheBarrett 01-18-2009 09:54 PM

Oh wait...
I'm at the wrong...

(Nice podcast, I enjoyed it quite a bit :))

Ben 01-18-2009 10:05 PM


Originally Posted by TheBarrett (Post 124286)
(Nice podcast, I enjoyed it quite a bit :))

Shenanigans, how'd you listen to an 100 min podcast in 40? Probably didn't even get to the first mention of you yet! :p

Thanks again Ruruoshen. I'm about half-way through, good job on the editing!

TheBarrett 01-18-2009 10:16 PM


Originally Posted by Snatcher42 (Post 124288)
Shenanigans, how'd you listen to an 100 min podcast in 40? Probably didn't even get to the first mention of you yet! :p

Thanks again Ruruoshen. I'm about half-way through, good job on the editing!

I skipped a bit actually. ;)
I didn't really enjoy some of the super-detailed elaborations. :p
And you mentioned me? Well, here goes another listen. xD

brad 01-18-2009 10:19 PM

yeah i agree with snatcher, listening to it now and this really turned out great. fantastic actually. looking forward to more :)

I might suggest using skype the next time, and using something like call recorder to record with. that way you get different tracks for everyone. probably a lot easier to edit, and would give better sound quality.

but this is fantastic, thanks everyone that participated.

Ruroshen 01-18-2009 11:00 PM

Wow, that was fast. I didn't expect to see this go up until later in the week. Thanks, Brad!

Once again, huge thanks to everybody who came out in support of this. It turned out really spectacular, far beyond my expectations. You guys totally made it what it is. Hats off all around.

Extra-special thanks to Lowbean and Roman for inspiring the idea, Jung for being so cool about us taking over his Vent server on short notice, and ImRawdg for lending his awesome Amelie/ACC medley for the intro and outro music!


Originally Posted by brad (Post 124291)
I might suggest using skype the next time, and using something like call recorder to record with. that way you get different tracks for everyone. probably a lot easier to edit, and would give better sound quality.

Yeah, this may be something to consider. My single biggest frustration in all this was struggling to strip out background noise from seven different sources on a single track. It would be easier (and probably a lot faster) to have everybody on their own track.

The only headache I can foresee would be in syncing them all up properly for editing, but that's likely something we can overcome easily enough.

Ben 01-18-2009 11:06 PM

Hah hah, love the end! ;)

woohoo 01-18-2009 11:17 PM

Still watching it so i will listen to the podcast later.

Ruroshen 01-18-2009 11:23 PM


Originally Posted by Snatcher42 (Post 124293)
Hah hah, love the end! ;)

Heh. I thought you might. :D

brad 01-18-2009 11:25 PM


Originally Posted by Ruroshen (Post 124292)

The only headache I can foresee would be in syncing them all up properly for editing, but that's likely something we can overcome easily enough.

Well that call recorder program I was talking about automatically syncs it up. everyone records their own track, so it is excellent quality, and then afterwards they just mail or upload their mp3 track. it is really nice, only problem is it is for mac only...

im sure there are windows versions of a similar thing out there though.

here is the mac one, as an example:

but even if u just keep doing it like you are it is still great.

Ruroshen 01-18-2009 11:30 PM


Originally Posted by brad (Post 124298)
Well that call recorder program I was talking about automatically syncs it up. everyone records their own track, so it is excellent quality, and then afterwards they just mail or upload their mp3 track. it is really nice, only problem is it is for mac only...

Blast it, I'm a PC! :p


im sure there are windows versions of a similar thing out there though.

here is the mac one, as an example:

but even if u just keep doing it like you are it is still great.
Cool, thanks Brad. I'll hunt around for something similar for Windows. If I can find something that's relatively easy to use, we may indeed wind up using Skype to record the next one.

Either way, we're doing sound checks first to make sure nobody's DVD is up too high! I've learned my lesson! :mad: :p

You should totally come out for the next one if you can make it, Brad. We'd love to have you on! (That goes for everybody, in fact!)

brad 01-18-2009 11:33 PM

I think you will get a much better quality with skype, even if you dont use call recorder or something similar. only problem with skype is there is a limit i think on the number of people. 4 maybe? but you probably would want to limit it anyway.

all this said, i do think the quality was quite good with ventrillo, definitely good enough.

Idéaliser 01-19-2009 12:02 AM

sounds fun! It's downloading as we speak via my subscription on itunes :P

Ruroshen 01-19-2009 10:55 PM


Originally Posted by brad (Post 124301)
I think you will get a much better quality with skype, even if you dont use call recorder or something similar. only problem with skype is there is a limit i think on the number of people. 4 maybe? but you probably would want to limit it anyway.

Actually, according to their FAQ, Skype can handle up to 24 people at a time on a conference call, which should be more than adequate for our needs. :D

I can't find any free Windows-based programs that function like that Call Recorder one, but I'm thinking that if everybody who participated just downloaded Audacity and recorded their part of the call, then either uploaded or mailed it to me, that should do the trick. The only issue would be syncing them in editing, and I think that would be easy enough to overcome.


all this said, i do think the quality was quite good with ventrillo, definitely good enough.
Well, I think what we'll probably do is a test-run with Skype prior to the T@keo commentary, see how that works out, then make a game-time decision based on that. We'll see what happens.

edgar93 01-20-2009 09:27 PM

LOL already listened to your spanish welcome in the comentary :p

Chommpers 01-23-2009 05:32 AM

Well I just got enough time to sit down and watch it with the commentary and I really enjoyed it. You guys pointed out a lot of the things I liked or noticed along with those I never did so yeah a new experience all around, Thanks ;). You guys are actually pretty funny too :p, just thanks again for taking the time to edit and put this up for those of us who couldn't make it, I really appreciate it.

Tomtentp 02-10-2009 03:54 AM

When and how is the next podcast(s) going to arrive?

Wow, that was like 5 questions in one :D

Ruroshen 02-10-2009 11:13 AM


Originally Posted by Tomtentp (Post 125387)
When and how is the next podcast(s) going to arrive?

Wow, that was like 5 questions in one :D

The second T@keo recording was just Ben, Roman and myself--and I'd frankly shot my wad with the first one as far as saying anything particularly insightful was concerned, so it's mainly just Ben and Roman--so I've decided that I'm just going to edit the two together into a single podcast. There's actually a lot more dead air in the first one than I initially thought, and a lot of the comments made in the second recording either dovetail really well with the conversation from the first one, or cover points that we completely missed.

Unfortunately, this means that it's going to take a bit longer to drop, as I do my best to stitch the two together. Work is kicking my butt this week, but I'm still aiming to have it to Brad by Saturday or Sunday at the latest. Look for it early next week.

Ruroshen 02-14-2009 01:33 PM

Actually, it looks like it may take even longer than that, as a bit of a family situation has come up. Nothing super-serious, but it's going to occupy the majority of the next few days. I likely won't have a chance to finish it until Wednesday or Thursday. Recording the next one next Saturday should proceed as planned, though.

Sorry guys. It'll be up as soon as I can manage.

lowbeam 02-14-2009 04:53 PM

Well I for one am mad as heck! You organize these commentaries, clean them up for us and have the nerve to make us wait and just because of your family. I'm really upset, you know we're more important. :p

Thank you for your hard work for our community. The reason I didn't join the commentary last week was because one of my girls needed daddy's help with home repair. I really need to get my priorities straightened out :rolleyes:

Roman 02-14-2009 05:41 PM

Speaking of messed up priorities, it looks like I am going to be starting a class early next month that will keep me busy all day every Saturday. So, unless we change this to Sunday or something...
By the way, good decision on the editing Ruroshen. You rock man! I love that there are still some people around here who put so much into the community. I may have to listen to that final edit even though I was at both of them (maybe).

Tomtentp 02-14-2009 07:52 PM


Originally Posted by Roman (Post 125536)
I may have to listen to that final edit even though I was at both of them (maybe).

Yeah, I wonder how that will turn out. Like you are talking in two different dimensions or something:D

And I agree, thanks alot to all you guys putting up alot of work for the sake of our community. I wish I could do more to contribute :(

Roman 02-14-2009 10:32 PM


Originally Posted by Tomtentp (Post 125537)
Yeah, I wonder how that will turn out. Like you are talking in two different dimensions or something:D

And I agree, thanks alot to all you guys putting up alot of work for the sake of our community. I wish I could do more to contribute :(

Well, if you can't do a netcast (podcast), how about something really fun and amazing that as far as know no one has done ... something that would require a lot of time and artistic ability perhaps ... create Lilly Town in Second Life - an island or city full of Alizée styled "stuff", an art gallery for photos, tinkerbell statues, flourishes with the various Alizée designs. One can even create and sell merchandise. It is a completely untapped environment for Alizée fan expression as far as I know. I was actually into Second Life a little bit before discovering Alizée, but then I found it more fun to just talk to people about her and download stuff. A real woman is much more interesting than drawing them on a computer, but if one could combine them... hmm I don't know.

Tomtentp 02-15-2009 07:35 AM

Well that's a funny idea, as I haven't tried Second Life I'm not familiar with the tools and how free you are to create in this game. And for the reaching out, selling merchandise through the game thing; I'm not sure how many Alizée fans there are playing this game.

But of course, if I manage to create this wonderful world with Alizée as a theme people who visit it might become interested in finding out who she is. I'm gonna check it out ;)

Roman 02-15-2009 07:00 PM


Originally Posted by Tomtentp (Post 125544)
Well that's a funny idea, as I haven't tried Second Life I'm not familiar with the tools and how free you are to create in this game. And for the reaching out, selling merchandise through the game thing; I'm not sure how many Alizée fans there are playing this game.

But of course, if I manage to create this wonderful world with Alizée as a theme people who visit it might become interested in finding out who she is. I'm gonna check it out ;)

Well, yeah. That's the whole point, to promote Alizée and it might be a fun thing to create. I've seen people create really cool avatars and even a pretty cool art gallery. It's not really a game per se as much as an environment that's cool to mess around in, at least for a while.
One can get an account for free and create stuff, but one must pay for "land". You can even make your land private and prevent people from flying in. Obviously even years ago many people have taken it way more seriously than I could see committing to, but that's me.

Maquis 12-05-2009 11:20 AM

No way there is a podcast of the whole En Concert DVD?

And I missed that.
Better late than never. ;)

User22 01-12-2010 06:03 PM

Dos Taquitos por favor!!! hahahahaha

User22 12-07-2010 07:33 PM

Just bumping this thread for some new people to recognize it. You guys should really listen to it, it really shows how this forum was back in 2007-2008 and it just makes me happy to listen to it because 1) it is super funny and 2) it is very informational :) Enjoy and thanks for everyone who made it :D

kulli 09-14-2017 03:07 PM

I want to listen to this podcast but it is down (error opening file). Would appreciate it if someone could upload the file.

Ray4AJ 09-14-2017 08:20 PM

I have not been able to locate that file in my archives. :(

Scruffydog777 09-14-2017 11:07 PM

I wonder if we contact User22 directly through e-mail if we have a current e-mail address if he might have it. User22 was Aaronius31 I believe and we had a lot of personal interactions I guess you'd call it so if there's a way to contact him and he has it, we'll get it.


I tried sending him a pm. There was no e-mail address available through the forum. Maybe he'll get in touch with us. Aaron's story is kind of a funny and good story with this forum and he really helped to shape it along with MerciAlizee.

Ray4AJ 09-14-2017 11:19 PM

The weird thing is that I have 001 through ~017 in my files except 011 (the one in question) and 013 are missing.

Digging into Brad's post:


Originally Posted by brad (Post 124285)
...It is a commentary on En Concert.

I guess those files got deleted from the forum maybe. Or perhaps they are still there somewhere we can't access.

I would bet that User22 would have a copy though.

comjoz 10-03-2017 04:27 AM


Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 (Post 259111)
I wonder if we contact User22 directly through e-mail if we have a current e-mail address if he might have it. User22 was Aaronius31 I believe and we had a lot of personal interactions I guess you'd call it so if there's a way to contact him and he has it, we'll get it.


I tried sending him a pm. There was no e-mail address available through the forum. Maybe he'll get in touch with us. Aaron's story is kind of a funny and good story with this forum and he really helped to shape it along with MerciAlizee.


Originally Posted by Ray4AJ (Post 259113)
The weird thing is that I have 001 through ~017 in my files except 011 (the one in question) and 013 are missing.

Digging into Brad's post:

I guess those files got deleted from the forum maybe. Or perhaps they are still there somewhere we can't access.

I would bet that User22 would have a copy though.

Have you ever sent him some of those signed Alizée dédicace CDs to his home address?
You can try to reach him that way also, but there were also other members you guys contacted via email to arrange to send them a CD, as it's seen at
perhaps some of them still have the file.

What about the Alizée hub?

Scruffydog777 10-03-2017 01:49 PM


Originally Posted by comjoz (Post 259202)
Have you ever sent him some of those signed Alizée dédicace CDs to his home address?
You can try to reach him that way also, but there were also other members you guys contacted via email to arrange to send them a CD, as it's seen at
perhaps some of them still have the file.

What about the Alizée hub?

I have sent stuff to his home, in fact there's kind of an amusing story to that, but he was in high school then and moved on to college and I'm quite sure he's out of college now so I'm not sure where he's living now. He has checked in here once in every blue moon and I think there's a good possibility he will again so the best thing is to send him a pm as I have and hope he sees it. In the mean time, I'll look up his full name and maybe check FB.

I found I still have his e-mail address so I sent him a letter. Hopefully it's still good.

Ray4AJ 10-03-2017 06:27 PM


Originally Posted by comjoz (Post 259202)
What about the Alizée hub?

I had checked my hub files and I didn't find that one. I expected that if someone else had it they would have posted here.

Scruffydog777 10-03-2017 07:12 PM

I e-mailed Aaron this afternoon. I just sent him a note to make sure the address I had for him is still good and he replied within about 2 hours. So I sent him a letter saying a member was interested in the podcast concerning the En Concert DVD fan commentary and I gave him the link to this thread so he can see for himself what is going on. That is what you were looking for?

Scruffydog777 10-04-2017 09:31 PM

I received a reply from Aaron and it's not a good one. I don't think he'd mind me sharing it so here's what he said, "Unfortunately I dont have the commentaries on my PC. Funny you asked cause I was just going theough a lot of it yesterday since I was switching harddrives in my computer. I do however have most files from the DC++ hub. Probably have 20GB-30GB in total. And I’m doing great, thanks! Moved from VA to IN just a few days ago with my wife of two years. How are you?".

I asked him back if there's a chance he might have the file in his DC hub files, but I'm doubtful.

kulli 10-09-2017 03:40 PM

Many thanks for your effort. It is a pity, I hoped he still has the files but it does not seem to be the case.

Scruffydog777 10-18-2017 04:00 PM

I chatted with Merci Alizée via FB today. He says he has 3 podcasts, but not the one in question. He said I should get in touch with Luc of this forum, who also is one of the admins for the DC hub, which I did and he says he doesn't have any of the podcasts. The trail has gone cold! Looks like Davedel may be our last hope.

kulli 10-19-2017 03:50 PM

Which podcasts does he have?

podcast 001, 014, 016, 017 are on Soundcloud

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