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Old 11-21-2009, 04:15 PM
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Originally Posted by JimmyDean23 View Post
PC gaming is just too expensive these days, and most games only work on Windows, which is pure evil to me. I really wish Apple would let people run OS X on any hardware, I miss building PCs from the ground up.
PC gaming is expensive is a myth. You could even build a PC for $300-$400 and it will still be light years ahead of any consoles. The parts that they use in the Xbox 360 and PS3 are so old that they don't even make those equivalent parts for the PC anymore. So even a low end PC with mid to low-end graphics card and CPU will still be better than any consoles. I spent about $655 on my gaming rig and that was almost a year ago. If you were to build the same one you could shave off up to $50 -$100, if not more.

Originally Posted by ImRawdg View Post
Yeah many people caved and bought the game anyway. I had to because I had a couple friends who bought it. It sure is fun with a group of friends. And hackers already worked around IWNet to allow dedicated servers which I will look into but I'm afraid it may be pretty complicated...
Yeah, IW actually stated that they actually sold more copies on the PC than they did in the first Modern Warfare:;title;3

"While boycotts were threatened and more than 220,000 gamers signed a petition asking developer Infinity Ward to reconsider dedicated servers, sales of the PC edition of the game don't appear to have been affected greatly. In a post on the developer's official forums, community manager Robert "fourzerotwo" Bowling revealed that, "The PC version of Modern Warfare 2 has actually outsold the PC version of Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare in its [sic] first week. Making it the most successful PC version."

And people think PC Gaming is dying... I guess that also explains why ATI's new graphics cards are all sold out on Newegg, the DEMAND IS SO HUGE for PC Gaming hardware. ATI can't keep up with demand! Even ATI's brand new top of the line $600 graphics card the HD 5970 is all sold out on newegg as well as HD 5870, HD 5850:

Anyways, here's a graphics comparison of the PC vs PS3 vs Xbox 360 for Modern Warfare 2. They had to dumb down the resolution to 720P so they can compare it to the consoles because consoles can only handle 720P on Modern Warfare 2 not full 1080P like on the PC. The PC is all over the consoles and pawning it:

^^ Makes you wonder how much hundreds of thousands of more copies of Modern Warfare 2 they would have sold on the PC if they had dedicated servers because I know people who have boycotted it. I would think it would have been even less programming for IW if they had just dedicated servers instead of having to program for matchmaking. Seriously, only up to 18players, WTF, they should have kept it 64 players like in Warfare 1, none of this dumb-down console $hit. You haven't played Modern Warfare unless you have been in battles with 64 players. That was some crazy stuff in Modern Warfare 1. That's what I call Warfare. :P You are getting an inferior experience on the consoles in every way. I think I might just stick to Warfare 1 until Battlefield Bad Company 2 comes out which will have dedicated servers with up to 64 players on the PC. . You could even drive tanks and $hit unlike Warfare 2:

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Last edited by Ali; 11-21-2009 at 06:03 PM..
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