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Old 03-27-2010, 12:15 PM
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Edcognito Edcognito is offline
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Edcognito is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 View Post
Well I've pretty much finalized my list. I don't really have time to post it here but I've contacted the majority of the people that were chosen. I tried not to exclude members from foreign countries who have been very devoted fans of Alizee and have posted here many times. I've locked horns with some members here in the past and I will probably lock horns with them in the future but I let that in no way influence my decision to include them. The thing that matters is that they are devoted fans of Alizée. If you feel you have been unfairly left out, please contact Ben who I will stay in contact with and if there's room to squeeze one or two more people in, I will try. I've tried to do my best in the short amount of time I've had. I will probably miss some people who should be included and for that I apologize, but time has been so limited, I really dont know any other way I could have handled it.
Dude, I'm so blown away that you are getting this chance, that your taking time out of your life to get these things done (really, for AAm) and your letting us take part (however vicariously) in your moment.

A very very deeply heartfelt "Thank You sir!"



"Most men serve the state thus: Not as men mainly, but as machines . . . "
Henry David Thoreau
Civil Disobedience
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