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Old 07-23-2020, 10:42 PM
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Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 View Post
I've had for a couple years now a 100gb Google drive capacity and recently upped it to 200. Right now it's badly disorganized. I'd add things to it when ever someone requested something so there's a file of this and a file of that, plus a lot of work stuff and family stuff.

But I just created an Alizee America shared folder and I will try and add stuff to that in an organized manner. I'm adding several things to it as I type and if they have been processed, I will post a link to it. I'll also keep adding to it.

I believe these Google files are accessible 24/7 .

When I first started following her, I downloaded a lot of her files using Sendspace or Rapidshare, two file sharing sites. Later on I learned there were better quality videos of some of those files. So could we have a master file where we know every file in it, especially for the early years is the best quality out there and I'm not talking about the ones that have been enhanced?

Another thing we need to agree on is how we name our files for when we come up with something new. I guess the file name would have to start off with the name Alizee followed by the date, but it's not as simple as that. It's important that we use something like;

Alizée - 2020-05-28 and not 2020/05/28, that way when you do a search, they'll all show up in chronological order.
Naming files is very important. It's vital that we consider all possible scenarios and define a system for naming them. Different sorts of videos will need different templates, and for that should be split into lots of sub-folders.

Live concerts, TV performances, interviews, DALS, Les Enfoires, SAGA, miscellaneous TV shows, official music videos, behind-the-scenes features, Social Media videos, Fan-made videos... that's about a dozen different things already.

The template for a performance on TV for example, following on from what you suggested Scruffy, might have this layout:
Alizée - Year-Month-Day - Song name - TV Station - HD/video resolution - (Other potentially relevant info)

Whilst the template for a video on her Instagram for example might look something like:
Alizée - Year-Month-Day - @alizeeofficiel Instagram - Location - Brief description of what happens in said video

Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 View Post
I think maybe we need to start 2 threads on this, one will be the master thread where you first go to get info on how to share her files here. That will be locked, but one person, an admin, will I believe be able to update it.

That will reference a sharing discussion thread with all the latest talk

I would also like to add my e-mail address to that first thread so even those who are only watchers in the forum can get access to her files. It's an e-mail address I use for everything. I have another one for personal stuff.

Here's a link for my new folder with files from SAGA, DALS, Les Enfoires fan videos. There is also a fan folder with magazine articles. A few years back, AIFC allowed me to download numerous of those early year magazine articles. Many of them had English translations, many of which were done by Backinblack I beleive his forum name was. I found another site that had clearer images of those pages but many of other image links wound up to be dead links so I think I was lucky to get the few I did, when I did.
It certainly is a lot of work to do, but you know what they say, with many hands makes light work (or something like that).

Hopefully there are enough people willing to contribute to this. I myself have to do some organising of my own storage which is quite limited for now, but that should be resolved soon.
It doesn't even have to be a strictly AAm thing. Most if not all of the discussion would go on here, but I see no harm in contacting some established Instagram fan pages to see if they have anything to contribute.

Are you okay with sharing that email address Scruffy? Surely people would need the password for it, and you don't want to risk that one idiot somewhere out there logging in and taking everything down.
Perhaps giving just 2 or 3 people access to the email at all times could ensure it remains operating. If one person drops out for whatever reason, another comes in. That 'other' would need to be a trusted and established user of the forum, which I think we have enough of here. Almost like a Master/Apprentice cycle that can in theory go on indefinitely as long as there are people around who care about it.
But that's just an idea for how to tackle that problem, there's probably a better way to do it.

However we decide to organise this we need to consider anything and everything that could happen, as well as laying out ground rules from Day 1. Making a thread dedicated to this seems like a good place to start, just for discussion and planning of where to start with the project.
Maybe we should give it a name. Has 'Alizée Archives' been taken?
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