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Old 06-25-2008, 10:11 AM
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Originally Posted by rcs View Post

Quick details from Puebla:

1. No Lili swing on stage for her to swing on. It was replaced with a bench.

2. TV screens were sharpley focused on her face. In fact, the camera men filled the screen with more Lili than the previous shows. However, the screens were too angled for balcony sections. Go figure. Ask ggin or Aldo since they sat balcony.
The screens looked great from where we were sitting. We were in the center, toward the front. Josh982 was with us also. It was a great place to see everything. I don't think that they could attach the swing to anything because the stage in Puebla was smaller. I thought Puebla was a great show.

RCS, RMJ, Roman, and lowbeam - Have a great time tonight in Monterrey! Patyl, I hope you make it to the show! My heart is aching that I can't be there also!

Any of you going to try to get back to Mexico City for the autograph signing?

I'll post more soon about the whole trip.

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Old 06-25-2008, 10:39 AM
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Sorry, someone please post these in new pics thread.






Sorry, you can always go to my gallery for the smaller photo of these full blown versions.

Alizee: Wowww!

Last edited by rcs; 06-25-2008 at 10:48 AM..
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Old 06-25-2008, 11:08 AM
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Originally Posted by rcs View Post
Sorry, someone please post these in new pics thread.
It is done. Nice to have bandwidth again!

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Old 06-25-2008, 12:11 PM
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Cool Seventh heaven!

Originally Posted by rcs View Post
Gotta love the look on the face of the little girl in the pink dress. She looks like she's in seventh heaven! Has anyone seen a posting for the video of this song?

Last edited by Scruffydog777; 06-25-2008 at 12:18 PM..
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Old 06-25-2008, 07:00 PM
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We went by Alizee's hotel in Monterrey today, woo-hoo! But, Lowbeam has one-upped us. He went inside! Security has not allowed anyone within 100 meters near the hotel unless you're staying there, and that includes no media/press. Lowbeam hooked up with some lucky mexican fans who are staying there. Talk about luck. Also, I saw a picture of the female arliquin without her make-up. She's a hottie too.

I'm rested up now from our Puebla pyramids and today's Monterrey cave hiking. I'll try posting more immediately. Sorry so lazy folks.

Yesterday, we checked out the arena as they were setting up the equipment. Surprised the security let us in! They must think we're part of the band. Everyone asks RMJ if he's the drummer, or if we're the staff. We're honest guys, we always have said "No, we're just fans." I keep telling RMJ, if you are asked again, you say " 'Yes,' use that European accent so we can work our way into everything."

Just a few minutes ago, Roman roamed over to the arena to see if he could catch any vendors. Nadda, can't understand it. DF had tons of stuff. It was a Lili flea market of sorts there. But, Roman still got inside and heard them performing the sound check with some of the songs.

Well, it's almost that time. Last one for the Mexican tour. We bought Lili flowers and a stuffed pair of lips (almost like a stuffed animal). The lips are to symbolize 1000 hugs and kisses...you know . Wish us luck trying to actually hand this stuff to her instead of trying to throw it up on stage. The stage is high! We have signed cards from us attached to both gifts.

Hopefully, Lowbeam is able to get us 3 extra new CD releases. He's apparently in good hands.

Alizee: Wowww!
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Old 06-25-2008, 07:21 PM
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Originally Posted by rcs View Post

Yesterday, we checked out the arena as they were setting up the equipment. Surprised the security let us in! They must think we're part of the band. Everyone asks RMJ if he's the drummer, or if we're the staff. We're honest guys, we always have said "No, we're just fans." I keep telling RMJ, if you are asked again, you say " 'Yes,' use that European accent so we can work our way into everything."

RMJ? Drummer? They really don't know sight-stereotyping, RMJ is obviously the lead guitarist.
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Old 06-26-2008, 04:19 AM
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WEll, the concert is over.. .and so is the whole Mexican tour...

But this was damn good way to end it !!

The audience in Monterrey wasn't that excellent but we tried to keep the thing up and cheer Alizée through out the concert ! And she was pleased of our cheering I think, it was basically our seats that was keeping it up so she noticed us many times !

We also gave her little gifts... We gave her bucket of flowers.. 10 roses and 10 some other flowers which I don't know... But anyways, it was beautiful bucket of flowers ! We got photo of it of course and we'll show it later I gues.. Or maybe you'll catch it on the DVD (I hope ! ).

Also.. We gave her another little gift which she picked up from the stage. It was cute too.

But that's nothing yet... During L'effet we went up to the front (our places was in 4th row really) and was like meter or two away from her during whole song. I took video of the song with my camera (yeah, I got it inside once again.. even though they had really hard security check). It's almost full song, not the very start because I got couple photos from it.

Then we had to go back to our places because security didn't like people going up front... Well, we went back to third row (yup, not our real places). And we stayed there until Psychedelices. During the end of it, I gave sign to guys to move to the end of the row (the far right), even though Roman wanted to go the other way toward center... but thankfully he followed me. Well, we got to the end of row and stuck there... Alizée went away from the stage... we were chanting her back to the stage for the encore... and bam ! I give sign to run to the front ! And we run all the way up to the center of the stage, against the fence they have there ! Yes, in front row, and in a moment Alizée will most likely come down to touch hands ! ! And yes, that's what she was going to do !!! The JEAM started and Alizée came down via small stairs ! Landing right in front of us ! I reached right away to touch her hand and as I'm relatively tall, I easily reached up to her elbow or so... and she started to walk to the right and she had to take several steps before se was out of my reach ! And I was hold her hand all that time ! Second or two ! Or minute ! Who knows ! Well, Roman and Ron got to touch her too ! And then... She comes back to the center from the far right !! And once again I get to touch her ! This time with my left hand as I'm trying to figure out with right hand where I put my camera... And I grab her hand again and takes forever before she's again out of my reach ! WOW !! That was amazing ! Much better than in Mexico City ! And she smiled so sweetly all the time ! But anyways, then I got my camera out of my pocket but she was already far left out of my sign.. I put camera on video mode and finally she comes back to center and I get small video her climbing back to the stage. I wished to take video when she was right next to us but well, I was so excited about that ! ! I just missed my chance... But I got to touch Alizée twice !!

Then she went back on the stage and continued the JEAM.. And I get some really fucking awesome videos and some photos.. And at the end of the song she comes to greet her band and stuff once again and we stay there against the fence, so amazing ! The security didn't care anymore if we were there or not, they could not have done anything anyways anymore, too many of us there... And they didn't even bother with my camera even though they saw it for sure, I didn't even try to cover it anymore.

Well, then she goes out of the stage... the concert is over...

Some other stuff...

After the concert we stayed on the arena and meet the other fans and took some photos... And Alizée's DJ came back there and let us took some photos and gave us autographs and stuff like that. But then he had to go...

Finally after many photos we decided to leave too to the lobby. And there we met few other fans again, and well... again the DJ comes there ! We chat with him good while, take photos together, talk about what he is gonna do in following months... He's gonna be on touring with some other band in September (meaning Alizée doesn't have concerts in September ? ) and then he goes with Alizée to Paris in October... we told we come there and he was surprised and was like nice !! We'll see there again !

Oh well, anyways... After that we went outside because evryone had left and Alizée supposely too... We went to outside and waited the cars to left the place. There was few vans with dark windows and we weren't sure in which Alizée was in... we waved for each van and we saw some people waving to us.. .but no idea really in which Alizée was...

Another interesting thing... Like I earlier mentioned, I went to see the sound check before the conert. Yesterday we just walked in to the arena when they were setting up things there and since we looked like Europeans or whatever the security didn't give a shit what we were doing there... I guess they thought we were supposed to be there. Altho, funnily enough one security guy came to say not to take photos.. Maybe they knew we were fans but just didn't care. Or thught we were working there and it was simply dissallowed to take photos. Well, of course I took photos anyways...

And that was just yesterday.. Today Roman walked into the arena and looked around in the lobby and came back to the hotel and told me that there was sound check going on... Well, I had to go to the bank and after that I walked straight in the arena... Other people, mexicans, stopped to front door to talk to the security and stuff... and I just walked in like I was supposed to be there... I walked all the way to the area... Sit down... and watched them doing sound check ! Whole band and staff, excluding Alizée, was there. They played her songs, without Alizée singing. It was kind cool. And they played some well known songs to check their equipments... I took some videos and photos, which of course I wasn't allowed... But well, who gives a shit. It was quite an experience too...

But then I had to leave for a dinner... and after that for the concert !

Here's some photos from today..

The DJ

Photo from sound check before the concert :
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Old 06-26-2008, 04:37 AM
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Must suck the whole thing's over, I mean getting together with other Alizée fans, must be a feeling undescribable, I don't walk down the street in London, all of a sudden start a conversation about Alizée and expect a happy smile and reply...

The DJ guy seems pretty cool, I mean he seems useless, but I guess Lily staff is Lily staff. God how I would dream to be one of those musicians onstage, which guy's the guitarist, if my stereotyping is right, it's the overtly Dimebag Darrell looking guy with the tangly long hair?
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Old 06-26-2008, 05:12 AM
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Sorry, Barrett, that dude's the bassest.

Ok, well this was probably the crappiest crowd yet, but screw them. There were some cool dudes and we got closer, like 3rd row center, but the best is when we got up against the rail for l'Effet and really close to Alizée for that, smashing up against the rail. And then, really dashing and smashing in for the last song when she walked by and we all got the hand come by twice. So, we all got to sort of pet her arm for a moment or whatever you want to call that. We were jamming and she was jamming; so, it was cool.

Merci Fanny
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Old 06-26-2008, 09:48 AM
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Great photos RMJ. Glad you guys had a great time.
I wish I could have been with you for the last one too. It was really hard last night knowing when it was going on. I listened to RMJs audio recordings of the Moscow concert to help get me through it!
But it was still really hard not being there.

I hope you all have a safe trip home.
RMJ and Roman - have fun in Paris and learn lots of French!

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