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Old 10-09-2008, 11:58 AM
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Originally Posted by lilly View Post
I dunno what you are talking about
He's obviously implying some kind of health/medical thing. Which means she won't be in Mexico either. Well, at least that's my theory.
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Old 10-09-2008, 12:21 PM
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Originally Posted by mavsluver41 View Post
There has been an excess of in the past few days, and with good reason: the situation is dire. But I think one good thing will come from it. For Alizée it is now ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY to communicate with fans. That has been the biggest criticism ever since her return, and it must be assessed now or never. As much as it pains me to admit it, her career hangs in the balance: everything depends her realization of the previously mentioned fact. With the slew of messages urging fan interaction from notable fans like Brian, Roman, and others on her myspace (as well as some harsh "wake up and smell the coffee" ones from RMJ and others), I trust Lili will acquiesce.

Because although we on the forums will continue to support and believe in her, a relatively small group of fans, regardless of dedication, cannot keep a musical career afloat.

The die has been cast and the board is set: its your move, Lili.
Unless one of us was simon cowl, randy johnson, or a top 100's millionaire
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Old 10-09-2008, 12:29 PM
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Originally Posted by C-4 View Post
I have not been able to afford to go to France, or Mexico, or any other place to see Alizée as some here have already done.

I do feel bad for those of you who have made the expensive committment to see her in Paris and wish that I had the cash to have made that trip myself, but when all is said and done, I do not blame Alizée for any of this.
She has a managament company and record company who make these decisions. Yes, she may have a word about it, but the final decision is based on what the company decides the bottom line will be.

Look at the entire world financial market situation. It has hit everyone, and may in fact become more bleak as time moves forward. This being the case, it is very possible that the tightening of spendable income has caused the cancellation of the show, along with other events that may have been planned for other artists, who may not have a top world following. There are those who may not have purchased advanced tickets, but may have tried to buy then just before the show.

I'm sure that unless Alizée had put all of her earned income into gold, that she as well has taken a serious financial hit.

Things are going to change for everyone after the mess the lying crooks in government and on Wall street have left to us.

While I understand the disapointment and possible blame some here might wish to express, remember that no one knows the real story yet. No one may ever know the "real" story. Alizée's company may instruct her on what to say, or she may just state what caused this cancellation on her own.

I have become an Alizée fan not because of expecting to receive something from her, but because she gave of herself and I accepted what she offered openly and without conditions attached.

I will remain a fan unconditionally, which is how I believe a real fan should think about it. Believe me, I would be extremely pissed off to lose the money I hear some of you are losing, and I understand your being mad as hell. However, until I found out the reason, blaming Alizée, or feeling mad at her for no explanation, is like pissing down your own leg. It is all speculation and only speculation.

We don't know how she is taking this news, do we? We don't know how her personal life has been affected, do we? We don't know that something critical in her personal life has happened to affect this, do we?

If in fact it is due to low ticket sales, the concert may not make any money, but instead, may lose money. It's not like she is on tour all over the world and one venue has a low turn-out, so they can afford to absorb the loss and hold the concert anyway. Times are different now, tougher, harder, and money is tighter for all of us, including Alizée and others in France, who also are affected by the world financial crisis.

I would love to be able to see Alizée in concert one day or even get the golden opportunity to meet her personally. However, abandoning her when she may most need our support is not going to make any positive change. It may mean, however, that she may never again record or do concert work. If that happens, we all lose.
Agreed 100%, at least i get to go to the march concert if theres going to be one...having one on octobre 23rd, the day of my birthday, is really gonna depress me
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Old 10-09-2008, 01:10 PM
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Just a few observations here.

I had not intended to go to the October concert because it's not doable at present financially. But if it really is rescheduled for March, I might be able to do that. HOWEVER, under NO circumstances would I make a special trip to France for no other reason than to see Alizée in concert. I've been planning a trip to France for some time, intending to visit Paris and then spend some time in Corsica. If she has a concert when I go, I'll also get tickets and go to that. But to make a trip that expensive, I need other reasons besides seeing Alizée in concert. I suggest that all the rest of you might consider the validity of looking at things this way. If you had, then your plane tickets and hotel reservations wouldn't be wasted. You would have one disappointment (and I assume you'll be refunded the price of the concert tickets at least), but the entire trip wouldn't be seen as wasted effort and money.

I am extremely skeptical about this "award" business as the reason for cancelling the concert. That's lame, and I can't imagine either Alizée or her business managers would sincerely cancel a major concert just to go to an award ceremony; it would be much easier to reschedule the award, or at worst, simply send word that, sorry, she can't make it, she has a concert, but it still means a lot, and merci beaucoup or muchas gracias or whatever.

So no, the award is an excuse, not the reason. The real reason? Most likely low ticket sales -- but there is another possibility. I have sensed something not so good going on in Alizée's life recently. I don't know what it is, and I don't want to speculate publicly, but it accounts, I believe, for her recent withdrawal from the public and the lack of communication with fans. I don't think she would cancel a concert because of this -- which is why I believe the real reason is probably poor sales. But bear it in mind, please, and cut her some slack; she's not quite herself these days.

As for the possibility that the March concert will do better, one reason for the low sales at present is that the global economy is in the toilet. A few months from now, maybe things will get better. IMO, probably not that quickly, but her managers may be hoping.

And finally, I want to say that with Alizée, probably more than any other celebrity I know of, there's a tendency for fans to become obsessed to an unhealthy degree. RMJ's comments reflect this, and make little sense. One should not take this situation personally, or feel as if Alizée herself has betrayed us personally. It sucks, but it's business. To feel personally betrayed is unwarranted, and to try to get revenge, as if one were a lover who'd found her cheating on him, is simply absurd.

I feel it's best to relate to Alizée as an artist rather than as an icon. I understand how she generates the feelings she does. Her magic is powerful. But one has to get it in balance. She's a woman, and a performer, not an object of worship -- nor of anathema when the Goddess fails to answer prayers.
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Old 10-09-2008, 01:16 PM
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Originally Posted by Roman View Post
Well, C-4, without refuting what you say there, I'll just say, that's easy for you to say.
In order to ever go see Alizée and certainly to get her to come to the U.S., you would have to give a lot of yourself and really learn what it means for one to give of one's self.
Then after that you might start to feel like you need a little something more from her to keep doing it, like maybe communication of some sort at least. You might find yourself questioning yourself whether or not only being able to speculate about things is enough.
Being able to do a lot for Alizée (not that I really have done much myself) and being able to do a lot to go see Alizée (that I know about) and not requiring more than some songs and videos occasionally or someday is a difficult art to master. Indeed, one should consider it an achievement in and of itself.
I do understand what you are speaking about. I work two jobs, seven days a week to pay just to get my family by. My wife as well works all the time.
I do wish I had the money and time to be able to go to Alizée's concert, anywhere. I have never been able to travel. All I do is work.
There is no possible way that I would have any money to go to one of her concerts, as that type of money is certainly not within my grasp. I am happy that you and others have been able to go to see her and do the things you talk about, but I have never been in that position and cannot forsee it happening anytime soon. I read about how those of you in a position to go to see Alizée had such fun, and I can only imagine what it would be like to actually have seen her live, but I realize that the possibility of that occuring is probably zero for me.
I can only do what I am able to do, which is not much at all, I agree, but it is all I am in a position to do at present.
Still, I am truly sorry that those of you able to go, have lost such a large sum of money.
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Old 10-09-2008, 01:22 PM
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I can sympathize with the situation- I had tickets for a KISS concert last year that got canceled by the promoters a couple of weeks before the concert date. I was able to refund both the tickets and the hotel reservation, though.

Once tickets are sold, all parties involved have a responsibility to hold up their end. Rescheduling doesn't cut it and a full refund is meaningless. There are certainly circumstances that really would warrant rescheduling, but if that is the case this time around, why were we given such a strange excuse?
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Old 10-09-2008, 01:30 PM
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Originally Posted by Snatcher42 View Post
Why not hold the "rendez-vous réservé à ses fans" on October 23rd? That seems an easy way to compensate fans, save face, not loose money on a concert, and still make it to the awards on October 29th. There are solutions to this. Mexico can wait for one day.
I dont like this "rendez-vous réservé à ses fans". I mean who gets invited?? Only her well known hardcore fans? Or everybody who bought a ticket?? If I went to a concert in a far away place and all I got was a little talk, I would still be pissed. This little rendezvous has failure written all over it.

Originally Posted by RadioactiveMan View Post
Once tickets are sold, all parties involved have a responsibility to hold up their end. Rescheduling doesn't cut it and a full refund is meaningless. There are certainly circumstances that really would warrant rescheduling, but if that is the case this time around, why were we given such a strange excuse?
Actually come to think of it, it's this lousy excuse that has everyone worked up. I mean if they had given us a more genuine and meaningful reason, people wouldn't be so incited. Seriously, an award show?? They couldn't come up with anything better??!

Last edited by lilly; 10-09-2008 at 01:35 PM..
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Old 10-09-2008, 01:32 PM
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I haven't posted in ages, but it's difficult to watch this disaster unfold without commenting. I'm so sorry for everyone who has had their plans, finances, and trust betrayed by this experience. I would guess that most of you, like me, are now feeling the exact opposite of the carefree and joyous feeling you felt when first hearing and seeing Alizee perform.

Alizee, if you're listening, NOW IS THE TIME TO TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR CAREER:

1) Communicate directly with fans on your MySpace and official sites.
2) Stop deleting posts on your MySpace site.
3) Retract the insulting and ridiculous official reason given for cancelling your concert.
4) As Snatcher42 suggested, hold a "rendez-vous réservé à ses fans" on October 23rd in Paris. Perhaps you could rent a facility, accept tickets from the concert to get in and limit the number of seats to keep things from getting uncomfortable. At least your most loyal fans, those willing to wait, would be rewarded.

I would guess that each one of these steps is so critical to your fanbase, and therefore your career, that you should probably fire any of your management that would stand in the way. I really think that you're too talented to let your career be mismanaged into oblivion.
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Old 10-09-2008, 01:53 PM
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even for the concert in march, it's probably not a sure thing. i wouldn't be surprised if it is once again postponed or even canceled. like deepwaters says, don't be planning a trip halfway across the world just for the concert.

i too, like others am somewhat puzzled by the lack of communication with the community. if she came out and said something, instead of not saying anything it would go a long way for those who are heartbroken by this news.
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Old 10-09-2008, 02:04 PM
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If the real reason is health-related, would you demand a full disclosure, or respect her privacy?
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