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Old 10-12-2008, 01:11 PM
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Default The order of Alizée

A wind of doubt and uncertainty swept through the reign as the praised queen was taken away by the enemy. Now when all hope seems to be lost, all paths seems to be blocked, who will stand up to defend what they believe in, who will now fight for what they truely know is the right cause?

I summon you, the high council members of L´ordre d'Alizée. We have a great task at hand!

Sounds like a fairy tale doesn't it? Well that's what I think of this whole situation. When things turn to the bad everyone turn their backs and vanish. When our queen needs us the most everyone seems to think she's not worth it anymore. This is the part of the fairy tale when a group of valorous warriors put their swords togheter and with combined force turn the retreating army back to the fight.

How many tears does she need to shed for you to understand that she cares?
How many times does she have to apologize for others mistakes and for things that simply happen to go wrong?

The stronghold of Alizée is falling apart, the walls are collapsing from the steady catapult attacks, rumours and critisism are beginning to spread as the citizens are fleeing in fear and doubt. Reports of castle AlizeeAlliance have been brought to our attention, it appears to be have seiged by the enemy.

Closing forums will not help her cause, shutting her out or spamming her mySpace with negative messages will neither. Something is wrong, we all know that. But we need to ask ourselves how we can support her rather than tell her how disappointed we are. What can you do for her, what can we do as a group? Many of you have waited years and years for her return, are you willing to give up this quickly?

We know that she isn't a mean person, we know that her heart is good. We know how well she can perform as an artist if the circumstances are the right. I don't know about you guys, but im willing to sacrifice quite alot to get her there again.

I realize many have done this for quite some time, feeling that everything have gone to waste. But it's now that she need you the most. Im very confident that if she only knew what efforts have been spendt in her name, she would be so thankful and happy. I don't think she shut her fans out with purpose becouse she doesn't care. No matter what the cause is, we need to be there to back her up.

So what do you guys reckon?
What can we do to really improve the situation for Alizée and us, her international fans.

Promotion and fan events: It has been tried before, yes I know, but with combined strenght of many 'armies' there is much more that can be done in the name of fan promotion events. Discdrops, card spreading, posters in your naigbourhood. Maybe something we haven't thought of yet?

And let the ideas flow, encourage the creative minds among us. I know there are many ideas out there, all we have to do is adding some spirit and willpower and they will bloom. I really welcome ideas about conventions and events of any sort, we don't need to make the promotion our jobs, it is possible to enjoy it with the company of others. It becomes what you make it to be.

Fan sites and forums: This is maybe the easiest and most power full tool we got. To simply keep up the good spirit and keep promoting the wonderful artist and person that Alizée is in the forums and fan sites is. Especially when she is doing her turn of music genre, there is constantly comming new fans due to her new music style and we don't want to scare them away with all these negative posts about her supposed downfall. Just keep a good spirit in the current fansites/forums, embrace new sites that is poping up and for gods sake keep the current ones up and running.

Fan art: I have been nagging about this one for quite awhile, the importance of promoting the creations made in the name of Alizée. But it's getting clearer and clearer for everyday in my eyes.

There is nothing to lose in this. There is no time to be wasted and there is only joy as an outcome if done with joy in your heart. The pleasure of having done something full hearted for someone and being appriciated for it is wonderful.

For my own site that will be dedicated 100% to this subject, the project is in full motion. Im working hard to learn the ways of web crafting as I don't have the money to buy one, nor do I know anyone willing to do it for me for free. I don't see this as a problem althou, I have good understanding with computers and software architecture, the site will be made trust me on that one.

Art can describe what words cannot, the power of transfering emotion to others skipping all barriers of language, culture, personal ideals in an almost magical way. Hell, it was with art Alizée got us here in the first place.

Silence echos throuout the hall, the elders aswell as the new recruits of the order are all deep in thought. Suddenly someone stands up, this person have a plan, so simple but yet so brilliant. Remorse and dispair is replaced by spirit and hope as the plan is being revieled.
"Ride out with me, and make our efforts atleast good enough for a song!"

Speak up everyone, I want to hear your thoughts. And if you got nothing but critisism and dispair then please remain silent. This is a call to all true Alizée fans, and im sure everyone in here is just that.
This isn't over, Alizée isn't over. It's over when she says it's over. And even then I will still support her.

... I see avatar people...

L´Ordre D'Alizée!
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Old 10-12-2008, 01:52 PM
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I will state that this, is in fact a fantasy ballad being held in more modern times. This event, as it unfolds, reveals itself to be utterly in the hands of others' doing. It is true, we all show some distaste for the situation at hand, but can we help not to? She breathes life into us and thus if that breath is taken away we are left to wither. There are more to blame for this, but in the end is it really a fault? This new recording subsidiary took this chance and moved her date, is it for what reason? The exact reason need not be known, all one does need to know however are all the reasons. They could be for poor ticket sales, they could be for awards attendance, they could be an attempt at wound-and-replenish, it could be to make more time for more promotion. At any cost I don't care, this is the truth, the concert was re-scheduled, and not cancelled, hope dwindles only dimly but you can see it shine through, a little doorway for salvation.

Helping her however, we must see as the situation unfolds. If this new recording subsidiary is making bad decisions for her, then we need to make it known. Hold signs, banners, protest against them, we, the fans, ACTUALLY care more than corporates behind mahogany desks. We actually care what happens to her, we're the kind of people who might go to all troubles just to punch someone who has said bad things about Alizée, we're the kind of people that would help her out, we're the kind of people that wants to see her, the kind that would travel and take time just to attend one of the spells of her concerts under ritual's moon. We're the fans, and let that be known. They say the French hardly cared for her, what makes the recording subsidiary different from the rest of the French? Perhaps these recording-company individuals did not care for her as much as nearly the next person in the French population. As said, you don't know what you have until you have lost it, and so far Alizée is clinging onto her country with a sliver of a string, if they do not treat her as accordingly, then she might lose this hope, let go the string, and let the aura take her to where it calls her, perhaps Mexico.

We ARE the fans, and we MUST make that known. We are not pitiful brainwashed fools who follow this princess in heart, mind, and song. That is merely the basis, but in our hearts we would treat her as if she was our sister of the forest. All I know, is that deep inside, we are family, bound together by interest and affection, whether romantically or fanatically. They have said to never make business with family, but here is my perception, she will learn a lot from us, and I know that sounds quite egotistic, but it is true. She is after all, a star trying to please the fans, what better advice than how to do that than the target of the efforts, the FANS!
I show nothing but the deepest caring for Alizée, I want to see her prosper, as we all age together and see each other dwindle into maturity or seniority. I want to see the coming forth of more albums under the name of Alizée Jacotey, I want to see the coming forth of more members introducing themselves for the very first time on these very forums. I want to see it all whisked away, the very fog that clouds our minds at this moment in time, I want to see it be blown by the wind, and then we shall see, a bright horizon, the calm sea, the sun setting, half gone and half alive, with the snowy mountains behind us, and the forest around us, and the wind ever-blowing in our presence, it is there where we can bask in her aura and presence, I await that picturesque scene through words only she may say, so that we may understand.

Hopefully my wishes come true, I would very much like to see her take the advice of her fans, her adoring fans, everyday people she has turned, with a soothing rise or fall of her voice, the dark toned melody that touches our hearts yet leaves some oblivious. This says one thing, Alizée is a chest of treasure for some and not others, whilst we accept the radiance, others lurk in the dark, unknown to the outside world, unknown to the light, indifferent towards the shadows rushing through their walls. Plato has described it perfectly, within the Allegory of the Cave, we see this happen. Men live in the caves, where darkness roams, and chains bound to the walls so that they may not escape, yet some will, and they will leave the cavern, they will see the light, and they will breathe a new air, they will gain knowledge and tolerance, everything of humanity's Eden-esque perfection, and then he will return to his brothers in the cavern. He will describe what he has seen, and yet, his brothers treat him as a madman. Simply because a world one has not experienced is disproportionate to the facts of perception of one's own world.

Hope is given to those who accept it, will you defy the very destruction of this moment, and pick up the sword in which you sworn to stay by her forever? WILL YOU! Or will you turn your head in shame as you and your hypocrisy show.
"I will write Peace on your wings, and you will fly all over the world."
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Old 10-12-2008, 02:38 PM
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well I'll put my hammer in

may we crush all obstacles and build new bridges across these troubled waters

may we destroy those who are in the way and build up the communities with those who are willing and true fans

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Old 10-12-2008, 06:29 PM
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Grrrrr. Arrrrrrrgh. Rowwwwrrrrr.

Argh. Ruff. Arrrrrrrrrr !

Or maybe just let it all fall to dust. Why fight the inevitable ? Time claims everything; eventually, all that remains are echos and faded images.
I'll stop voicing my opinion when they pry it from my cold, dead mind.
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Old 10-12-2008, 07:16 PM
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My armor pour mon amour.
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Old 10-12-2008, 07:28 PM
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Originally Posted by The Cap View Post
Grrrrr. Arrrrrrrgh. Rowwwwrrrrr.

Argh. Ruff. Arrrrrrrrrr !

Or maybe just let it all fall to dust. Why fight the inevitable ? Time claims everything; eventually, all that remains are echos and faded images.
It sure is to happen some time, but we will make sure it happens once it is truely over. We will delay the hand of time and keep that image crystal clear as long as we need to.

... I see avatar people...

L´Ordre D'Alizée!
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Old 10-13-2008, 06:23 AM
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I will not yield to those that wish her decline!
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Old 10-13-2008, 04:24 PM
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Let me at em'
Anyone who dares to turn thier back...

Rawrglraglralrlrarlgrlrar said the murloc!

Wait.. No Murloc...

Raaawr said the Viking!
playing the life of a simple plumber

Last edited by Runner Simon; 10-13-2008 at 04:28 PM..
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Old 10-13-2008, 07:27 PM
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Originally Posted by Tomtentp View Post

Silence echos throuout the hall, the elders aswell as the new recruits of the order are all deep in thought. Suddenly someone stands up, this person have a plan, so simple but yet so brilliant. Remorse and dispair is replaced by spirit and hope as the plan is being revieled.
"Ride out with me, and make our efforts atleast good enough for a song!"
have you been thinking too much about my story?

i support her no matter what, people are upset because they think too much about relationship between star and fan. Let me ask this question again. If you are an unconditional fan, if you like her not because of her past, not because of her luck, not because she is corsican, not because of her videos, but because of her looks, voice, personality, if you like her unconditionally because of these traits, what really has changed? Your wasted money has resulted because of YOUR decision, you knew the negatives when you signed your soul to commitment as that type of fan. Yet here many of you stand angry toward your idol, because your the one who placed the commitment on your shoulders.

Funny how easily anger and frustration runs through the veins of many people. Funny of easily they let themselves be influenced by others when there own ability to make decisions is weak. It both disgusts me and makes me feel sad for such "civilians". (As well as other reasons that make me think many of you kind of people are pitifull) This is why I feel like such an outcast from society. I know how to do things others never think about. I know how to not express things that have a way of creeping people out. I can do things that will disgust people out. Not because I want to, not because I'm heartless, but because i was both taught to and the things I've experienced in my short lifetime made me this way. I feel so unlike a human, yet I live among them. I cant feel pity, sorrow, or agony, yet i can feel incredible giult. I love violence, but i cant help being disgusted by myself when i cant stop. All i want in this world is peace and to find happiness.....but because of man....I wish that we were extinct. I know how easy it is to succumb to the flow of the world, to join society and accept it as it is, and I am so tempted to, so that I dont have to worry anymore. But I simply refuse to, I cant when it isnt me. It's so hard to stand rightside up in an upside down world, to learn to use both wisdom and logic in my choices. To listen to my brain and not my instincts, not my heart, even when its such a cruel choice, because it is wise and benefits me or the ones i care about. Its hard because society goes against me when i make such choices. Are they simply scared because i dare to do what others cant do, scared that this goes against something they believe in? scared because i seem smarter, scared because im so cold-minded? are they jealous? I just typed out my feelings and thoughts without even realizing it. But I will not remove them, I do not regret what I wrote and what I am. Somehow I know I do things because in the end, it is right, no matter how obscene the means to do it is. Where others courage or morals fail them, mine will not, because my feelings dont matter in such a huge world, only the feelings of others, which are a great many more than mine.
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Old 10-13-2008, 10:20 PM
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Our theme song. Nice blend. Nice message. Would like a knight's choreography, with coat of arms and all the guilding, and some Lili pics....but my skills don't rate...so we're left with the original vid. But it's the words that count. The words fit very nicely for a defender of the faith...whatever it takes.

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/X8gvfEnMXVg&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/X8gvfEnMXVg&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
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