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Old 09-20-2009, 06:27 AM
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Originally Posted by Paulina View Post
(This may have already been mentioned but,) now that the tv network G4TV has recognized her as one of the "Hottest Girls of the Web" it is very possible she could make an appearance on American tv.
When was this and is there a video? It would be a great start......I think appealing to that crowd may be a good start. Gamers already know the WoW dance.....I don't know how many or what kind of gamers watch G4 nowadays though. I don't hear good things about it.

Être et durer.
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Old 09-20-2009, 10:49 AM
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Kewl! So her name was on American TV?!? Wow this is pretty sweet. I say we take this and run with it!

I watch G4 but now it's turning into a SPIKE TV. Not really focusing on games anymore. But It's really popular around Comic-Con, the E3. I think had been mentioned around that time people would look her up since that is the time G4 has the highest viewer ratings. So...it may not have worked but it's a start.

Last edited by BlackAnthem; 09-20-2009 at 10:52 AM..
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Old 09-21-2009, 01:07 PM
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Talking Bumpit.

Okay, here's an updated version. Still pretty rough, but taking shape!
Originally Posted by Chuck View Post
For those just tuning in, the purpose of this letter is TO PROVIDE SUGGESTION THAT MIGHT HELP ALIZEE TO REACH MORE AMERICANS AND SELL MORE CD'S HERE IN AMERICA. We're going to finish this, send it primarily as an e-document, but also sending printed copies (so she can frame it). The final document (both versions) will also feature our NEWEST LOGO (courtesy CFH/Ruroshen), and our SIGNATURES on the bottom.


Dear Miss Alizée,

As AlizeeAmerica, the dedicated members of the world's largest Alizee fan forum, we have to start by saying how much we adore you! We currently have ____ members, representing ___ countries, and with ___ new ones joining each month! (numbers/stats about us also sugg. by Alex)

And we want to help you to conquer the US. To that end, we pledge our support as your loyal acolytes. Here are our Top Suggestions on how to reach American audiophiles, wow the populace, sell millions of records in US, and take your rightful place as queen of the world!

1) Alizée we would like to start by letting you know that you already have many fans in the USA. We are very passionate about your music, and would like to extend an invitation and request for you to perform in the USA. We have been very busy trying to figure out a way to promote you here and help you sell more CD's, we would be very happy to receive your approval and or any suggestions from you or your management team as to the best way to do this.

2) Do not be discouraged by all the hip hop music you hear coming from the USA, we enjoy a great variety of different music styles. In fact the majority of the American fans who belong in the many forums to your name would prefer to hear you sing in French !!

3) Because of you we have become interested in learning the beautiful French language, and have developed a passion for other French artist as well. Something none of us here in the USA was interested until we found you. You opened our eyes to the beautiful world beyond our sea, and now we can only wish that our desires be heard.

4) We love you Alizée, and hope you'll find it in your heart to visit us one day, and maybe perform one of your songs for us. It would be an honor for us to have such a beautiful and talented performer come to our country. It would make us very happy to know that you at least think about coming here to the USA. #'s 1 - 4 by Jess (Paradise, FL), who also pointed out that we WILL remove all these numbers and letters!

a) Alizée, do you WANT to sell albums in America, and to perform in America? It would mean you would have to give up being anonymous when you visit this country. You could no longer go to New York or other parts of the U.S. and have no one (or almost no one) recognize you. You would have to be conscious of the public here as you are in France or Mexico. The commercial potential is of course huge. Is that worth it to you? If not, well, I guess we will simply have to accept that. --Deepwaters, CA

b) Don't be discouraged by the fact you don't sing (much) in English. The idea is not to be a mega-popstar-hit, but to reach a reasonable target audience. --Deepwaters, CA

c) Appear on a charity telethon or two! --Jalen, Fullerton, CA

d) Tour with or open for Madonna! ( + any other sugg's besides Madonna?) --Fall06, Annandale, VA

e) Be on Letterman, or O'Brian. Or Ferguson, or Kimmel, or even Leno. Or any or all of 'em! If singing in French, choose a song that can be enjoyed purely for the sound and the visual effect of your performance. (Worked for Lily Allen, Kylie Minogue, Dido, Nelly Furtado, countless other foreign talents.) --BlackAnthem, Deepwaters (+ any other endorsers)*

f)Consider this website as your home base in the U.S., if you wish! We've already got everything set up. And at your service. (uh, Ben, everyone, can we say that?) Seconded by Fall06 (+ any other endorsers?)*

g) Touring is still thought to be the best way to sell records, but today The Internet may be just as good, if not better. (That's how most of the members of our forum became fans.) So ideally, there should be a video clip for as many of the new songs as possible (if not all of them), all in one website. If those vids included subtitles in spanish and/or english, like French films, so much the better! --______(any takers?)*

h) Go shopping, in Beverly Hills. You don't have to buy anything, just cause a stir. If you need bodyguards, an entourage, nanny service, photogs (all recommended) or anything else, just tweet or drop a hint here. --______(anyone?)*

i) Consider playing the university circuit. Huge, beautiful halls, students thirsting for culture, lotsa federal funding. And besides, students buy the most music! Perhaps the fabulous Patriot Center, located on the campus of Northern Virginia's George Mason University! --Fall06, Annandale, VA; Wasabi622, Illinois... (+ any other endorsers?)*

j) What if you just did your entire albums, as you like (mostly or entirely in French), then released English-only and Spanish-only versions also? - Exactly the same, but all the lyrics of all the songs replaced with Spanish or English? (I hope I'm not suggesting blasphemy here...) I don't think it sound too crazy - In fact, a lot of people, once interested, would want to buy multiple discs in any languages, just to hear your incredible voice. --______(anyone?)*

k) If/when you do perform, do whatever it takes to boost your confidence. I know you get stage fright and are shy when breaking into a new venue, and America can be intimidating. But you are so lovely, so talented, and so sweet that you have nothing to fear. Let your light shine, and anyone who sees you will fall in love. --Deepwaters, CA (...um, Deep, y'sayin' she should have some champagne first???)

l) Be Yourself. And stay classy, stay classic, stay French. I think all Americans hold an image of graceful, beautiful, strong french women, yet we know very few faces or names to represent that image. A couple movie stars, maybe? but no musical artists. You would fill that void, so to speak, and knock 'em dead! --(from all of us.) (hmm?)

m) There are many different tv shows and live events that we would like to request and demand they have you in their show, but it would be pointless unless you are willing to take the chance and come to our country. We respect whatever decision you make Alizée, but if you'd drop us a hint, it could greatly help us to help you! --Jess, Paradise, FL

Whatever else anybody else still wants to add.

I know there's still tons of other great suggestions already posted elsewhere in the forum. I'll keep trying to copy some of those to here in the upcoming days. Anyone else noticing those, please do so, too!
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Old 09-21-2009, 01:19 PM
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I could actually see her appearing on Attack of the Show as a guest on G4tv.

@Fyrel: I'm not sure when it aired, but on the G4tv site they have some clips from the show.
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Old 09-21-2009, 01:19 PM
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Originally Posted by Chuck View Post
l) Be Yourself. And stay classy, stay classic, stay French. I think all Americans hold an image of graceful, beautiful, strong french women, yet we know very few faces or names to represent that image. A couple movie stars, maybe? but no musical artists. You would fill that void, so to speak, and knock 'em dead! --(from all of us.) (hmm?)
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Old 09-21-2009, 01:34 PM
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Hey! That "end of ze world" vid was funny! Pretty clever. And the french lady WAS tall and "beautiful", for an amateurish cartoon...
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Old 09-21-2009, 01:49 PM
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Originally Posted by Chuck View Post
Hey! That "end of ze world" vid was funny! Pretty clever. And the french lady WAS tall and "beautiful", for an amateurish cartoon...
yeah, i admit, it was funny... (well, have a nap, zhen fire ze missilez!) but how would Alizée react to that? (I think she would laugh, she has a sense of humor right? how would america react to Alizée being different from that? i think most would would accept her eventually if not immediately but we would have to work at it.
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Old 09-21-2009, 01:57 PM
wasabi622 wasabi622 is offline
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Originally Posted by Fall06 View Post
yeah, i admit, it was funny... (well, have a nap, zhen fire ze missilez!) but how would Alizée react to that? (I think she would laugh, she has a sense of humor right? how would america react to Alizée being different from that? i think most would would accept her eventually if not immediately but we would have to work at it.
hahahaa, i don't think that is much to worry about.

seriously, stereotypes aren't all that overpowering. i mean, especially in the video! accordingly, the only thing worth noting from Australia is kangaroos! (and apparently california, alaska and hawaii and good friends? )

and hell, a good chunk of Americans are some part french or the other.

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Old 09-21-2009, 03:18 PM
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Default Stereotypes.

Look, wasabi, and all you other rice-eaters out there, I don't believe in stereotypes!

So enough! No more stereotypes!

...buncha computer nerds....

ps, i still love these guys, too:
<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/KQ4lvUJ39fE&hl=en&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/KQ4lvUJ39fE&hl=en&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
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Old 09-21-2009, 05:04 PM
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Originally Posted by Chuck View Post
...buncha computer nerds....
no such thing as a computer nerd that can dance (remembers the NumaNuma kid)... like the King of Pop, thank you very much
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