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Old 08-26-2010, 10:42 PM
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Ahh azhiri yea too much heat especially when its that sticky kind making all your clothes stick to you so uncomfortable.

Like that one week in Toronto where it was 50C or 115F if your American
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Old 08-27-2010, 12:38 AM
wasabi622 wasabi622 is offline
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-When I fall asleep with my contacts in and wake up to all these greenish goo around/in my eye. (Seriously..wtf is that stuff?!)

-When a complete stranger walks in front of you and goes to the exact same place as you're going but they keep looking back at you as if you're creepily following them.

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Old 08-27-2010, 01:30 AM
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Originally Posted by wasabi622 View Post
-When a complete stranger walks in front of you and goes to the exact same place as you're going but they keep looking back at you as if you're creepily following them.
That happens to me alllll the time! It's always really awkward.

"In any case, being sexy includes being natural. Anything can be sexy, except vulgarity." - Alizée
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Old 08-27-2010, 01:36 AM
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Yea that happens to me as well, in the car as well ive had it where a car has gone the exact same direction as me for 10 minutes, like right to my house then drives by :S.
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Old 08-27-2010, 03:48 AM
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- when in the school hallways there's always that group of at least three kids that fan out to fill the entire width of the hallway, they're all talking and walking slowly, at least one of them is looking at their cell-phone, at least two others are constantly stopping to turn around and talk to people
- when two girls get mad at me because I shoved them out of the way because they *(I don't know how to describe it, but they hugged in such excitement that they came into my path)*
- when your teacher cares more about the fifteen freshmen he coaches in football than the 200 kids he teaches math too
- deciding to lay down on the floor in the living room, and wake up five hours later with your 10 year old sister caressing your head like a friggin crystal ball and watching tv
- moving said sister out of the way and going back to sleep
- waking up an additional four hours later to the same
- people who wear long sleeve shirts underneath short sleeve shirts and pull the sleeves up to their elbows
Be the leaf.
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Old 08-27-2010, 11:58 AM
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Originally Posted by Jalen View Post
- when in the school hallways there's always that group of at least three kids that fan out to fill the entire width of the hallway, they're all talking and walking slowly, at least one of them is looking at their cell-phone, at least two others are constantly stopping to turn around and talk to people
i hate that shit. self centered idiots who think they run things but really are just wasting space on our planet.

Originally Posted by Jalen View Post
- deciding to lay down on the floor in the living room, and wake up five hours later with your 10 year old sister caressing your head like a friggin crystal ball and watching tv
that is so cute
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Old 08-27-2010, 01:45 PM
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Originally Posted by bbk View Post
i hate that shit. self centered idiots who think they run things but really are just wasting space on our planet.

- Getting so excited that your internet was working fast enough that you downloaded the iOS 4.0.2 for your ipod
- downloading iOS 4.0.2
- how iOS 4.0.2 took out everything I enjoyed and used frequently with my ipod, and replaced them with a bunch of bullshit that doesn't work properly. (When I double-click the home button, I want to bring up my ipod controls so I can pause quickly, not be given a selection of things I could possibly "multitask" to (which in itself is fucking dumb, it's an ipod for christ's sake) or turn on "black to white"
- somehow getting your body schedule to the point where you're falling asleep at 3pm, waking at midnight, and trying not to pass out on your computer in the library at half past 11
- did I already mention my math teacher?
- when I do a fairly simple math equation (regarding ratios), and I do each step correctly, and I get a fucking negative number
- these weird-ass white kids who full heartedly believe that they're of pure Japanese descent, are an authority on Japanese culture, and that their anime sketches on their notes about 1984 are as good (though more logically, better) than what's currently published (Shut the fuck up Chad Ratzlaff who was born and raised in Parker, Colorado and who has never left the state for any reason, and take off your damn kimono, I don't give a shit even if it is a club meeting day for the anime club)
- people (particularly my French teacher and my old AP Art History teacher (who btw has a medical condition which makes her brag about how often she visits Italy)) who don't realize that "culture" isn't a set of facts and trivia that you can answer on a test, and that "culture" is what you live
- cheaply made American flags that are red, pink, and an odd blue
- realizing that the guy who is in charge of the cub scout thing at my old elementary school looks almost identical to Papa Jo
- when Papa Jo blocks you on Facebook
- the chick who just walked in the obvious who is trying to show off her mosquito bites that could barely fill two bandaids (seriously, tube tops don't work for that... you look like a painted band on a croquet mallet)
- How I've sat in this same chair, desk, used this same computer, at the same time every day, for about 9 months now, and some guy (saw in the corner of my eye) got all frustrated that I was on this computer (he must've not noticed the four empty computers I'm staring at)
(btw I love this desk. At this particular section, theres two desks (two comps on each) facing eachother (2x2 grid) and this one 1 1/2 table at the head of it... I feel like I can whip them when they fuck around or call people on their cellphone)
Be the leaf.
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Old 08-27-2010, 02:41 PM
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-When the lame Spanish teacher takes away the candy your band director gave you because there's a big game today (afjghjhgf I love Mr. Stout)

-When you make sure to fall asleep early, but then when you wake up the next morning you still feel like you've only slept for two hours.

"In any case, being sexy includes being natural. Anything can be sexy, except vulgarity." - Alizée
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Old 08-27-2010, 03:00 PM
AlizéeInspired AlizéeInspired is offline
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Originally Posted by wasabi622 View Post
-When I fall asleep with my contacts in and wake up to all these greenish goo around/in my eye. (Seriously..wtf is that stuff?!)
Oh, that? Don't worry about that. It's just the Sandman, bro.

Haha. But seriously though, according to Wikipedia, it isn't exactly the Sandman... I found this:

Rheum is thin mucus naturally discharged as a watery substance from the eyes, nose, or mouth during sleep (contrast mucopurulent discharge). Rheum dries and gathers as a crust in the corners of the eyes or mouth, on the eyelids, or under the nose. It is formed by a combination of mucus (in the case of the eyes, consisting of mucin discharged from the cornea or conjunctiva), nasal mucus, blood cells, skin cells, or dust. Rheum from the eyes is particularly common, and is called gound or, in common usage, eye boogers, sand, sleepydust, sleep, or sleepies. "Rheum" and "gound" are accompanied by the adjectives rheumy and goundy.

Normally, blinking causes gound to be washed away with tears. The absence of this function during sleep, however, results in a small amount of dry gound forming in the corners of the eyes even among healthy individuals, especially children. Still, the formation of a large amount of crust or the presence of pus within it may indicate dry eye or other more serious eye infections including conjunctivitis and corneitis.

Adults and older children can easily remove the crust by washing the eye with water or simply brushing it away with fingers. In young children, however, the buildup of rheum can be so severe, that opening one's eye upon awakening can be difficult or impossible without washing the eye. Very young children or people under care may need to have this done by another individual.


... I still say it's the f'n Sandman!

Originally Posted by wasabi622 View Post
-When a complete stranger walks in front of you and goes to the exact same place as you're going but they keep looking back at you as if you're creepily following them.
That's always funny when that happens lol. Especially when driving somewhere. Like we'll pull into wal-mart (or whatever destination we both arrive at) and the other person gets out and gives me an odd look. I just give them a big smile and a wave . lol.
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Old 08-28-2010, 08:05 PM
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-This one guy I know who says "That's what she said" in response to almost everything, even if it doesn't sound funny/sexual.

"Hey dude, can you hand me that pen?"

"Where did we park?"

"Are you retarded?"

"In any case, being sexy includes being natural. Anything can be sexy, except vulgarity." - Alizée
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