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Old 12-08-2012, 09:42 AM
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Default Tatoo Discussion For Those Opposed

I'm starting this thread so people who are pro tattoos can discuss anything they want to about her tatoos in the existing tatoo thread and not have to listen to comments from those who are against them. Her tatoos have been and will continue to be a very controversial subject. I'd like to contain the controversy to one thread. The main problem has been pictures or videos pop up in other threads and people make comments on them and it's no longer contained. So if people want to make a comment on her tatoos that is con as opposed to pro, please only do it in this thread. So if you are pro, I urge you to move on now and not read further.

So I'd like to discuss the ACDLA video that just came out. It's something I really would have enjoyed if it wasn't for the tatoos. Worse part is they show up very early, front row, center stage. You can't miss them and for me, it leaves me shaking my head and with a bitter taste in my mouth. Then the video progresses and I start to get back into it, but then the tats come back.
To me that arm is just an ugly mess now. You can attatch that mess to the most beautiful girl in the world and put it in beautiful surroundings and it's still a mess and in my opinion, it ruins the whole picture. It's something I don't want to see one inch of in her videos. It doesn't surprise me that she doesn't realize it, but I'm terribly surprised and disappointed that Sony didn't realize it or chose to do nothing about it.

I've had a lot of faith in Sony in producing this album. I thought with all their experience, all their tools, all their assets, they'd come up with a really good product and in the case of this video, they were very close, but they let something as obvious as the nose on your face ruin it.

I've said in the past at work on days when we get done early, I'll drag out my laptop near the end of the shift and on so many occassions I'd watch Alizee videos and I usually watch them in a prominent place where all could see, but in the past couple of years, when watching videos such as from Les Enfoires, there might only be a little bit of a tatoo showing, but still I find myself being more secretive of these videos because I don't know how to explaiin how such a beautiful girl, could do this to herself.

This latest video is one I'd love to show off at work, if it wasn't for the tats. I will doctor it and will come up with something I enjoy and will be proud to show.

Maybe it's a case where I'm too old fashioned, too old hat, too far behind the times, to passe, to unwilling to accept change, that I don't realize the newer generations will embrace a video like this. If that is the case, I thought about apologizing for my views, but that would be wrong. What ever the reasons I have for my views, what ever shaped my opinions, I have to state them, just like everyone else here should state theirs. In the end, I might be right, or I could be way wrong. Only time will tell.

I do wish her and Sony success on the path they are choosing to travel down, but if I see them taking a step in what I percieve to be the wrong direction whether with tats or something else, I will say so.

Last edited by BrianO1; 12-12-2012 at 11:10 AM..
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Old 12-08-2012, 10:28 AM
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Monthly I read stories of this Hollywood star and that Hollywood star getting their tattoos removed. Most are in their late thirties to mid forties who thought it was cool to have ink when they were younger. As they grew older they decided it wasn't cool anymore. I think we have already peaked in the tattoo age. The dermatologists have got to be salivating at all the money they're going to be raking in when this fad collapses. Like the Amazon local ad I posted last week offering discounted tattoo removal. Hello, someone is ahead of the curve and sees a emerging market ahead of them.

Why do I think it has peaked? I saw this same thing in Naples Fl. back in 2005-2007. I saw people buying 1,500 sqft ranch style houses by me, bull dozing them and building these thirty five hundred to five thousand sqft monstrosities on the lots. By 2010 the only houses for sale were these same McMansions that people thought they were going to make a killing on, instead they're taking a bath.

Why I pointed this out is I'm seeing a jump in the number of Tattoo shops popping up around the area in the last year or two. When you have this many people jumping in, you know like the RE boom of the 2000's many of these new business owners are coming late to the party. I give it maybe about two or three years until the market turns and tattoos return to the market they had twenty years ago. The established shops will survive and these new businesses will slowly close as the business evaporates.

In Alizée's case she wants to be one of the cool people with tattoos. When this trend reverses she is going to be spending a whole lot of Euros getting this ink taken off, when having tats is no longer cool.

I know Scrffydog, like me I also hate the tats on her but I look at it as a phase she is going through and in time they will get taken off. OK, I hope in the future they get removed. With Alizée you can never be sure of anything, she just doesn't follow the typical stereotypical and thought process of a majority of women.
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Old 12-08-2012, 10:40 AM
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I think you are absolutely right in that it is a fad and it will pass. But she has had a tough time finding songs and music of the level she had in the early years. I think she is close to it, close to a successful level, but I think she needs every asset she has to put her over the top.

One of those assets is her dancing and I don't think this album will be of a tone that can take advantage of that.

The other of course being her beauty. I would've really enjoyed this video if it wasn't for the tats and I'm sure a large number of other people who could be potential fans will be turned off by them too. I think she will lose more potential fans, than she will gain.

She may someday tire of the tatoos and choose to get rid of them, though I really doubt that, but even if she does, I feel it will be way too late.
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Old 12-08-2012, 11:09 AM
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I don't care for the tattoos either, but I don't think they are a career breaker. People in the music industry are used to seeing tattoos. For my own personal sense of taste, I simply don't care for tattoos in general, but I'm not disgusted by them either. I've seen a few tattoos that I actually thought were pretty cool, but Alizée's newer ones seem so "unworthy" of the canvas they are painted on. No doubt her tattoos have meaning for her, but to me they look a bit silly and as a group, they lack artistic appeal.

When I saw her in that dress in the video she looked like such a classic beauty, until my eyes settled on her arm. It just looked so out of place and it detracted from the overall image of classic beauty. There are definitely situations where her tattoos don't seem to fit the image she is going for.

But in conclusion, I don't think the tattoos have any significant affect on her singing career, good or bad, but I still feel that for my taste, many of them are unattractive. But my decision to buy an Alizée CD will never be based on her tattoos, and I think most people who like her music will feel the same.
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Old 12-08-2012, 11:29 AM
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I have a little question not about tats but similar
Were piercing a trend in france in mid 2000s and did it stop ?
In 2004 (and might've got some of them in 05 ) Alizée had tongue and (lower) lip and even between the chin and lip piercing and had like 5 for her ears but she removed them in 06 or 07
Anyone know if she removed them for her return or did the trend stop ?
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Old 12-08-2012, 11:47 AM
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Originally Posted by melovelily View Post
I have a little question not about tats but similar
Were piercing a trend in france in mid 2000s and did it stop ?
In 2004 (and might've got some of them in 05 ) Alizée had tongue and (lower) lip and even between the chin and lip piercing and had like 5 for her ears but she removed them in 06 or 07
Anyone know if she removed them for her return or did the trend stop ?
Good question. I really don't know but to hazard a guess, peircings can be much more of a nuisance than tats. They can get in the way of so many things you do and I'm thinking she just grew tired of them for that reason.
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Old 12-08-2012, 01:04 PM
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Piercings are easy. You just take them out and that's it. Tattoos are a whole different ballgame. It takes multiple sessions to get rid of just one tattoo. It's also expensive. I dunno, I guess I understand her reasoning for getting them, but it's the exact thing that keeps someone like me from getting them. And I'm pretty impulsive. She looks like a mess now. When I saw that picture of her with the black slacks and the sexy bra I thought she looked so sophisticated, except for her mess of an arm. I think it makes her look very generic. But maybe that's what she wanted, who knows.
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Old 12-08-2012, 05:30 PM
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I think there’s some complex psychology at work here – we know that Alizée hit the big time when she was very young and from a very provincial background with the consequence that she did not have anything like a normal developmental adolescence. The early part of her teens was given over to fame and the latter part to motherhood. Rebellion has to happen sooner or later and the tattoos are probably part of hers – post sensational young star and then post Jérémy. Unfortunately there is a now-inconvenient mismatch between what might be good for her as a person and what imight be/is good for her career as a performer.
On “our” side – the fans who started loving her anywhere between 2001 and maybe 2007 - we are still troubled by the thought that those days are gone but they would have gone anyway, one way or another, however things had panned out.
In the Acdl’a video I had the impression that the arm tattoos might have been toned down somewhat as a compromise (maybe with some sort of covering cosmetic) but they are certainly still there and a disfigurement to me as someone who remembers the original Alizée ; potential new fans will either like them or be turned off – nothing to be done about that.
At the end of the piece, Alizée’s career will go wherever it goes – I don’t think it’s for us to have an opinion about her life beyond an appreciation for the inspiration she has given and still does; for my part I am trying to be as unconditional as I can and just love her as a beautiful soul who made a big impact on me and continues to do so. One day she might indeed have all the tats removed and, if so, I will feel relieved about it but I realise that will be my issue not hers.
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Old 12-08-2012, 05:42 PM
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i find some tats amusing, but... you gotta ask yourself when considering one, how will I feel about it when I am 85 looking at it on shriveled skin. Will I be embarrassed by it. It is a tough thing... a quick decision now but mostly un-reversable later.
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Old 12-08-2012, 06:59 PM
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I was okay with her tattoos up to a certain point, now I hope she doesn't get any more (at least not on the same arm) because they all look tacky and crowded... but honestly in the new music video, I didn't even notice them. Maybe I wasn't paying attention? I guess they stand out more to people who really have a problem with them... I was more or less indifferent, now I just think they're unpleasant. That very last tattoo with the sentient feces ruined it for me.

I think right now she is at that stage most people go through where she just doesn't care. That mindset is really fun, but I think if she is like the majority of people and sort of calms and settles eventually, she will probably regret getting at least a few of them.

"In any case, being sexy includes being natural. Anything can be sexy, except vulgarity." - Alizée
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