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Old 12-05-2014, 06:45 PM
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Originally Posted by Shepherd View Post

Why would anyone boo Alizee for handing out a trophy? I can't imagine that.
Well I bet more than a few ignorant people in the audience would've felt it was solely Alizée's jealousy that prompted Greg to quit this seasons DALS and I bet more than a few of them would've took the opportunity here to show their dissaproval, but now we will never know will we?

Alizée, Balayent les maux de cœur
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Old 12-05-2014, 06:49 PM
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Originally Posted by Ray4AJ View Post
I think she with Grégoire are considered to be a draw for ticket sales.
Absolutely, and it's probably also very good money for the both of them.
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Old 12-06-2014, 11:03 PM
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Originally Posted by ALS View Post
I thought she had grown up but obviously I was wrong she is still very immature for her age.
Alizée once stated she had a strong personality when she was only 16 years old and I always felt she was wise beyond her years but she does have a child side to her aswell.

Nonetheless I wonder what's been going on behind the scenes between her and Grégoire

I think most men wish they had a wife like Adrian.

Alizée, Balayent les maux de cœur
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Old 12-07-2014, 11:52 AM
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All the signs are,that Alizée and Gregoire are doing just fine. Their relationship is as strong as it has ever been. Like I said after the third or forth DALS show last year I could see there was real chemistry between them. They're really into each other and dancing brings them closer together.

He makes her happy, could we ask for anymore from Gregoire?
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Old 12-08-2014, 08:27 PM
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Originally Posted by ALS View Post
All the signs are,that Alizée and Gregoire are doing just fine. Their relationship is as strong as it has ever been. Like I said after the third or forth DALS show last year I could see there was real chemistry between them. They're really into each other and dancing brings them closer together.
Yup it seems they were made for each other, it's always good to have something in common.

Originally Posted by ALS View Post
He makes her happy, could we ask for anymore from Gregoire?
I don't think so, I mean that's what matters most.


Alizée, Balayent les maux de cœur
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Old 12-08-2014, 09:30 PM
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It is great to see them happy. I hope they have success in what ever direction they go. Hopefully it might include another album at some point for her, but if it doesn't so be it. I believe all they have on the horizon after this tour is another Disney gig. This summer would probably be a good time to seal the deal and maybe put that bun in the oven.

I wonder how she feels about an official marriage now? She apparently didn't feel very strongly about the civil if that's the proper word for it or the religious institution of marriage that France had available and her first experience with an off market brand of marriage wasn't a good one, so I wonder if she'll even want to go through something that to her is just a piece of paper?
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Old 12-09-2014, 07:32 PM
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I love to see them together. She always seems happy when he is around, and I see the same with him. (Lucky guy!!) It is not essential that they get married, but if that is what they both want for themselves then they should do it. I with them happiness. I hope we have at least one more album from Lilley, but if not... I'll cherish the ones we already have.
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Old 12-11-2014, 09:25 PM
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Yeah it's really good to see her happy again, well if she's happy then I'm happy.


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Old 03-06-2015, 03:20 AM
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I can't believe that I missed the entire controversy around the DALS Finale. Up until now I thought she had not been asked.

Originally Posted by Lucas View Post
So... she wanted to be there, she wanted her five minutes for 1 dance with Greg. But everything was planned and TF1 said no? lol

Its weird - each finale the previous winner had his 5minutes on the light. And this time TF1 was not counting with it by Alizée? Or I understand it wrong? If they would contact her week before the finale, they would have much time for planning everything - dance, choreography, costumes... But now it seems TF1 just "blocked" Alizée.

I understand and I like, that then she said them NO and "go to the hell"... but she could at least give the award to the winners, not cause TF1 but cause people who waited her to be there.
Doesn't sound like her. She is too professional. I think we are missing part of the story.

Originally Posted by ALS View Post
Not a very smart move on her part. Don't burn bridges with the people who found a way to make you relevant again. The public doesn't like divas with attitudes.

You and Gregoire walk out on stage, hand the trophy to the winner, you look very happy and gracious, period. It is the winners night not yours to grand stand.

It was very unprofessional on Alizée's part to have a temper-tantrum and walk out because she didn't get what she wanted. You didn't just hurt yourself you hurt Gregoire's reputation with the producers of the show.

Oh by the way me and Gregoire are working a TV show? After this story got out on what happened during DALS Finals night, good luck finding anyone at any of the Networks who'll put up with your diva attitude.

I thought she had grown up but obviously I was wrong she is still very immature for her age.

Anyone remember what the Producer/ Director of the Mademoiselle Juliet video said, he would never work with her again.
I'm still not sure. They must have gone back on a verbal agreement or something.

I didn't hear about the comment from the Producer either. Do you have a link?

Originally Posted by Ray4AJ View Post
Keeping in mind that this recent article appears in a gossip magazine and has no confirmation, it does seem to be a possible scenario. It makes me wonder how certain her participation in the tour is. Of course the tour is a big money maker for the producers, and though Alizée has been mostly silent on social media these days, she does seem to be posting quite a bit about her and Grégoire's preparations for the tour. I think if it's not being required of her to do this, then the effort may be to stay on/return to the good side of the producers by helping to promote the tour. I think she with Grégoire are considered to be a draw for ticket sales.
Alizée used to let the shows push her around too much, so I am glad if she "rightfully" stood her ground. She would have known the consequences of her action, so I do not believe that she would have acted this way unless they were pulling a fast one on her - like saying that the producers decided to cut the dance if they had previously agreed to it.

(Note: I would also have been surprised if they had agreed to it in the first place - it just would not have been appropriate. This moment is about the new winners, not her. Even without the controversy surrounding Gregoire, I doubt they would have agreed to her doing a dance with Gregoire at that time.)

No one has ever called her a diva before as far as I know (in fact, just the opposite), so I am very surprised if this is true as written. The one part that makes me wonder is the "close relation" reference.

Did anyone heart any more about this?
--- pace e salute ---

Last edited by Rev; 03-06-2015 at 03:37 AM..
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Old 05-18-2015, 07:06 PM
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Default Christophe Licata dit tout (Non Stop People)

Video and article today... Christophe Licata talks about Grégoire's DALS departure last season in "Non Stop People."



DALS : Alizée responsable du départ de Grégoire Lyonnet ? Christophe Licata dit tout (exclu vidéo)

Lundi 18 Mai - 12:28

Vendredi dernier, Christophe Licata était l’invité du Grand Show, sur Non Stop People. Le danseur emblématique de l’émission Danse avec les stars a notamment évoqué le départ de Grégoire Lyonnet en saison 5, et les rumeurs concernant la jalousie d’Alizée. Christophe Licata avait dû remplacer au pied levé son ami pour danser avec Nathalie Péchalat.

Christophe Licata était de passage sur le plateau du Grand Show, vendredi dernier, sur Non Stop People. Le jeune homme fait partie des danseurs emblématiques de l’émission Danse avec les stars, sur TF1, au même titre que Fauve Hautot. Sur notre plateau, Christophe Licata a évoqué l’excellent souvenir qu’il garde de son expérience au Stade de France, le plaisir de partir en tournée, et le prochain jury pour la saison 6. Il est également revenu sur l’un des moments forts de la saison 5 : le départ de Grégoire Lyonnet durant la compétition. C’est Christophe Licata qui avait dû remplacer le compagnon d’Alizée, qui dansait avec Nathalie Péchalat. Christophe Licata et Grégoire Lyonnet se connaissent bien, le second a même été le témoin de mariage du premier. Lors du départ de Grégoire Lyonnet, la jalousie d’Alizée avait été évoquée comme motif principal de l’abandon du danseur. Ce que Christophe Licata dément formellement.

Christophe Licata : "Une décision difficile à prendre pour Grégoire"

Sur le plateau de Non Stop People, Christophe Licata a parlé de la transformation de Grégoire Lyonnet depuis sa rencontre avec Alizée. Et selon son ami, c’est lui qui n’avait plus du tout la tête à la danse : « Ce ne sont que des rumeurs. Je pense que Grégoire et Alizée se sont bien trouvés, ils sont tombés amoureux. Cela fait un an qu'ils sont ensemble, et je pense que Grégoire avait juste envie de passer du temps avec la personne qu'il aime parce que c'était tout frais. Il n'y avait pas de problème du côté d'Alizée. C'est lui qui n'avait pas envie. Cette année, il n'avait pas la tête à aller jusqu'au bout de l'aventure. » Christophe Licata se réjouit du bonheur partagé par Grégoire Lyonnet et Alizée : « Je le connais très bien Grégoire, c'est la première fois que je le vois comme ça avec quelqu'un. Je pense qu'il a vraiment trouvé sa moitié. Je trouve ça bien, Danse avec lui stars lui a permis de rencontrer la femme de ses rêves. C'est magnifique, je trouve que c'est un conte de fée ! Moi, je n'ai pas eu de problème avec Nathalie Péchalat après. C'est la vie qui fait que ça devait se passer comme ça. Pour Grégoire et Alizée, ça n'a pas été évident à gérer. Ça n'a pas été une décision facile à prendre pour Grégoire, car sa vie, c'est de danser ! Il faut avoir des c*******. C'est un conte de fée, ils sont trop beaux et inséparables !

Par Non Stop People TV

DALS: Alizee responsible for the departure of Gregory Lyonnet? Christophe Licata says it all (except video)

Monday, 18 May - 24:28

Last Friday, Christophe Licata was the guest of the Grand Show on Non Stop People. The iconic dancer of the show Dancing with the stars mentioned in particular the departure of Gregoire Lyonnet in season 5, and rumors of jealousy Alizee. Christophe Licata had to replace at short notice his friend to dance with Nathalie Pechalat.

Christophe Licata was passing on the Grand Show plateau last Friday on Non Stop People. The young man is one of the iconic dancers of the show Dancing with the stars on TF1, alongside Fauve Hautot. On our plateau, Christophe Licata spoke excellent memory he keeps his experience at the Stade de France, the pleasure of going on tour, and the next jury for season 6. He also returned to one of the times Strong Season 5: the starting Grégoire Lyonnet during competition. It was Christopher Licata who had to replace the companion Alizee, dancing with Nathalie Pechalat. Christophe Grégoire Lyonnet Licata and know each other well, the second was even the best man of the first. When starting Grégoire Lyonnet, jealousy Alizee had been mentioned as the main reason for the abandonment of the dancer. What Christophe Licata formally denies.

Christophe Licata: 'A difficult decision for Gregory'

On the set of Non Stop People Christophe Licata spoke of the transformation of Gregory Lyonnet since meeting Alizee. And according to his friend, it was he who had no head at all to the dance, 'These are just rumors. I think Gregory and Alizée are found, they fell in love. For a year they are together, and I think that Gregory had just wanted to spend time with the person he loves because it was all fresh. There was no problem at Alizee side. It was he who did not want. This year, he did not head to go to the end of the adventure. 'Christophe Licata welcomes the happiness shared by Grégoire Lyonnet and Alizée,' I know him very well Gregoire, this is the first time I see it like that with someone. I think he really found his own half. I think it's good, Dancing with stars it allowed him to meet the woman of his dreams. It's beautiful, I think it's a fairy tale! I have not had a problem with Nathalie Pechalat after. That's life that makes it had to happen like this. For Gregory and Alizée, it was not easy to manage. It was not an easy decision for Gregory, for his life is to dance! You have to have c *******. It's a fairy tale, they are too beautiful and inseparable!

For Non Stop People TV
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