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Old 05-19-2015, 12:05 AM
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Thanks. I'm glad the real reason is leaking out (although it won't change the haters minds).
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Old 05-31-2015, 05:38 PM
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More about the 'issue', this time from JMG.


Jean-Marc Généreux : ''La flamme entre Grégoire et Alizée était trop forte !''

Au-delà des rumeurs d'abandon forcé de Grégoire Lyonnet, cavalier de Nathalie Péchalat, sur ordre d'Alizée (qui a d'ailleurs démenti) lors de la dernière saison de Danse avec les stars, les jeunes femmes ont démontré leur complicité sur la dernière tournée DALS, l'hiver dernier.

Interviewé par le magazine Public (numéro en kiosques le vendredi 29 mai 2015), Jean-Marc Généreux, juré du célèbre concours de danse de TF1, a livré ce qu'il sait de cet abandon qui a secoué les téléspectateurs et suscité la polémique. "Si Grégoire Lyonnet a quitté l'émission, c'est qu'il sentait qu'Alizée était importante dans sa vie. Il était dérouté, il avait peur de s'investir 7 jours sur 7 durant 10 semaines. Il redoutait que cela nuise à son couple et aux projets professionnels qu'il avait avec elle", révèle Jean-Marc Généreux.

Pour ne pas mettre en danger leur idylle naissante, en laquelle il fondait de grands espoirs, Grégoire aurait donc sacrifié ses engagements professionnels : "La flamme était trop forte. Il ne voulait pas être séparé d'elle ! Là, ils sont en Angleterre", poursuit-il. L'amour brille plus intensément que jamais désormais pour Grégoire et Alizée. D'ailleurs, cette dernière pourrait-elle rejoindre son amoureux sur Danse avec les stars la saison prochaine en qualité de jurée ? Elle pourrait, en effet, reprendre la place laissée vacante par M. Pokora en raison de ses impératifs professionnels avec le lancement de son RED Tour.

Réagissant aux rumeurs de l'arrivée d'Alizée, le juré montre un certain enthousiasme, mais pointe du doigt la difficulté pour la chanteuse de donner un avis impartial dans une compétition dans laquelle son compagnon serait impliqué : "Je ne suis pas dans le secret des dieux, mais, en tout cas, si ça se présentait, elle serait parfaite. Par contre, si elle est jurée et si Grégoire Lyonnet est dans la compétition, là c'est clair, c'est une mathématique impossible !", estime à très juste titre Jean-Marc Généreux. Le mystère sera sans doute percé très prochainement, la nouvelle saison du programme étant attendue pour la rentrée 2015.

Joachim Ohnona

Jean-Marc Généreux: ''! The flame between Gregory and Alizee was too strong '

Beyond the forced abandonment of rumors Grégoire Lyonnet, rider Nathalie Pechalat by order Alizee (which has also denied) during the last season of Dancing with the stars, young women have demonstrated their complicity in DALS last tour, last winter.

Interviewed by the Public magazine (newsstand issue Friday, May 29, 2015), Jean-Marc Généreux, swore the famous TF1 dance contest, delivered what he knows about this abandonment that rocked viewers and sparked controversy. 'If Gregoire Lyonnet left the show is that Alizée felt was important in his life. He was baffled, he was afraid to invest 7 days 7 for 10 weeks. He feared detriment its torque and professional projects he had with her, 'reveals Jean-Marc Généreux.

In order not to jeopardize their budding romance, in which he had high hopes, Gregory would have sacrificed his professional commitments: 'The flame was too strong he did not want to be separated from her There they are in England.' he says. Love shines more intensely than ever now for Gregoire and Alizee. Besides, it she could join her lover on Dancing with the Stars next season as juror? It could, indeed, take the place left vacant by Mr. Pokora because of his professional obligations with the launch of its RED Tour.

Reacting to rumors of the arrival of Alizee, the juror shows some enthusiasm, but points to the difficulty for the singer to give impartial advice in a competition in which his companion would be involved: 'I'm not in secret gods, but, in any case, if it arose, it would be perfect. By cons, if it is sworn and if Gregoire Lyonnet is in the competition, there is clear is mathematically impossible! 'said quite rightly Jean-Marc Généreux. The mystery will probably be drilled shortly, the new season of the program is expected for September 2015.
The article scan:
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Old 06-01-2015, 04:23 PM
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So will Gregoire dance, or will Alizée judge? It's an interesting dilemma. One of them will have to make a sacrifice for the other. I think Gregoire would be willing to make that sacrifice for her, but this show is much more important to Gregoire's career than it is to Alizée's. But it will be tough for her to see her man in the arms of another woman, after all, she hasn't sealed the deal yet!

Last edited by Scruffydog777; 06-01-2015 at 04:26 PM..
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Old 06-01-2015, 06:24 PM
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Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 View Post
So will Gregoire dance, or will Alizée judge? It's an interesting dilemma. One of them will have to make a sacrifice for the other. I think Gregoire would be willing to make that sacrifice for her, but this show is much more important to Gregoire's career than it is to Alizée's. But it will be tough for her to see her man in the arms of another woman, after all, she hasn't sealed the deal yet!
I don't think they would both be on the show this year. But I'd lean towards Gregoire having another go at it before we see Alizée on the jury.

But my prediction is that in a year or two they will both be on the show as pros and each will be working with separate stars.
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Old 06-01-2015, 09:05 PM
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Originally Posted by Ray4AJ View Post
I don't think they would both be on the show this year. But I'd lean towards Gregoire having another go at it before we see Alizée on the jury.

But my prediction is that in a year or two they will both be on the show as pros and each will be working with separate stars.

As Gregoire has already made the sacrifice to demonstrate his love, I think it would be unfair to expect him to take the fall a second time.
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Old 06-01-2015, 10:55 PM
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Inclusion in the show by either of them would be very complicated at this point. DALS would expect a certain level of loyalty, and this could impact them furthering their career as a couple, as well as possibly limit what they could appear in and when.

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Old 06-01-2015, 11:43 PM
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I don't know what their standards are, but I would think Alizée at this point has not been in enough competitions to be put in the position as a pro to be teamed up with a star, though I think the show would love to have her in that capacity.

As far as A&G's careers, as I said, I think what happens with Gregoire's career is much more important for the sake of their relationship.

When Alizée married Jeremy, I believe she was ready to hang up her skates (hockey term......sorry). I think she would have been perfectly content to be his wife and the mother of his children.

I think the same thing is somewhat true now. I think she'd be perfectly happy having him as the bread winner and she'd still make occasional appearances on something like Les Enfoires or judging in DALS.

We all used to wonder what her financial situation was before DALS, but I think now with her earnings from that, plus her Disney work she is set for life.

But what about Jeremy? This is something I thought about starting a thread about. He's a professional dancer. He turned down that last opportunity on DALS. Can he afford to turn down another? Can he be happy with her being the bread winner in the family. The human ego is a funny and complicated thing. They've had a lot of nickel dime appearances things since then, but can that satisfy him, after going through all it takes to dance professionally?

The honeymoon and what I mean by that is the excitement and the newness of this relationship will abate in the not too distant future and he's a young guy. He may need more than just teaching or an occasional clinic. That's something I worry about. On all my previous trips to Europe (those who are offended by anything religious, I suggest you stop reading right now), I always stop in a church and among other things I pray for, I usually pray for her happiness, but this trip, I probably prayed more than on any other trip, but this time I prayed for their happiness.
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Old 06-02-2015, 02:04 AM
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I agree with you that Grégoire's employment is more important at this point.

Although I do not think that Alizée wants to sit on the sidelines forever, I don't think she would have a problem with just doing occasional projects as long as Grégoire is productively employed.

By meaningful projects, I mean items such as Disney (where she is treated like a star), not just being Grégoire's sidekick.
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Old 06-04-2015, 03:28 AM
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Here's a line I took from Ray's post on the show in Crehan and what the advertisers of that show say about Gregoire;

Champion of France (- 18), double champion France Hope, four times runner-France (- 35), World Top 10 (- 21 years), a finalist at World Cups and Europe. Gregory practice acrobatic rock, ballroom dancing and couples dancing since the age of 4 years.

This is related to what I was trying to say the other day. Can someone with Gregoire's talent be happy maybe teaching in Ajaccio or just doing these occasional shows and clinics? These show opportunites will fade in the not too distant future I'm sure. What will he need to keep him happy? Teaching in Ajaccio might be enought or it might not and if it isn't, will both him and Alizee be okay with him being paired up with some other beautiful woman in a dance competition?
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Old 06-04-2015, 07:07 AM
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Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 View Post
I don't know what their standards are, but I would think Alizée at this point has not been in enough competitions to be put in the position as a pro to be teamed up with a star, though I think the show would love to have her in that capacity.

As far as A&G's careers, as I said, I think what happens with Gregoire's career is much more important for the sake of their relationship.

When Alizée married Jeremy, I believe she was ready to hang up her skates (hockey term......sorry). I think she would have been perfectly content to be his wife and the mother of his children.

I think the same thing is somewhat true now. I think she'd be perfectly happy having him as the bread winner and she'd still make occasional appearances on something like Les Enfoires or judging in DALS.

We all used to wonder what her financial situation was before DALS, but I think now with her earnings from that, plus her Disney work she is set for life.

But what about Jeremy? This is something I thought about starting a thread about. He's a professional dancer. He turned down that last opportunity on DALS. Can he afford to turn down another? Can he be happy with her being the bread winner in the family. The human ego is a funny and complicated thing. They've had a lot of nickel dime appearances things since then, but can that satisfy him, after going through all it takes to dance professionally?

The honeymoon and what I mean by that is the excitement and the newness of this relationship will abate in the not too distant future and he's a young guy. He may need more than just teaching or an occasional clinic. That's something I worry about. On all my previous trips to Europe (those who are offended by anything religious, I suggest you stop reading right now), I always stop in a church and among other things I pray for, I usually pray for her happiness, but this trip, I probably prayed more than on any other trip, but this time I prayed for their happiness.

Well stated Dave. Also, you are correct in your assessment.
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