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Old 04-16-2020, 12:42 AM
RedRafe RedRafe is offline
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Alizée, that must have been really, really good…

Still, looks good…

Quand ta fille a une insomnie” roughly translates as “When your daughter has insomnia”…

Awww maannnnn…

It appears that they have mighty big, but awfully cute, “Annily shaped” “Mice” in Ajaccio, most specifically in Alizée’s house, that come out at night an scoff most of your unguarded “Strawberry gorgeousness”…

<Note to self: remember to send Alizée some reaallly big “glue traps" >

(On a la response il etait bon !) roughly translates as (We have the answer, it was good!)

And that comes from the “little”, “little” mouse, herself…

Dagnabbit, now I’m going to have to go and make one myself, to find out…

Don’t have “mice” though, but I have something far, far worse…


‘nuff said..

You betcha…

‘s my favourite snack just before “crashing out”, though in my case it’s usually on “Wholemeal Toast”. The thing is, it is really good for you at that “time of night”. The “protein” in the Peanut Butter helps to satify any “hunger pangs” that you may have, and the “tryptophan” in the Banana help to “settle you down”, and, “destress you”, (for it’s a natural antidepressant), and, thus helps you to maybe have a decent nights sleep…

Far better for you than my other late night favourites: “Deep fried Fish Fingers on toast, with loads of Ketchup”; orrrr; “Fried Egg sandwiches with Sweet Chilli Relish”…

Sounds just so, so “wrong”, but tastes just so, so “right”, although I daresay having a “late night” gaming session, with a few friends, and, maybe a couple of beers, beforehand, does help…

Le jour de la marmotte” roughly translates as “Groundhog Day”.

Oh dear, sweet baby girl…

Now. y’see, she has this all “sussed out”, the best way to deal with “containment”…

A nice, soft, plush dog bed, in the “perfect spot”, to “catch” her very own “personal sunbeam”…

Result: “pure contentment”, with a nice, warm, “side order” of “sheer enjoyment”…

Repeat as required...

Looks good to me too, don’t y’know…

Y’all could stay at home and try it too. I think you’d like it…

Y’all please be safe, ‘k…

Really don’t want anything “happening”, to any of you, for we are “not out of the woods yet”, so to speak, if you know what I mean…
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Old 04-17-2020, 11:58 PM
RedRafe RedRafe is offline
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An interesting day, with some interesting IG posts…


I’m so glad she posted this one, for I was starting to wonder where Greg was, and was getting kind of worried, for, we haven’t seen him in absolute ages. Nor Jon Snow…


Thanks Alizée…

Il ne faut avoir aucun regret pour le passé, aucun remords pour le présent, et une confiance inébranlable pour l’avenir” roughly translates as “There must be no regret for the past, no remorse for the present, and unwavering confidence for the future”

Jean Jaurès…

It almost sounded like a set of Buddhist precepts to me, as in “Accept your past without regret, handle your present with confidence, and face your future without fear”…


I absolutely love this pic, it’s “candid”, and we see the “real” Alizée, in her “natural environment”, no "pretension", "au naturel"…

Thank you, yet again, “little” lady…

The “caption”, however, worried me slightly for a while, for being Buddhist, even a really bad one, I understand this particular concept, only too well. I hope to god everthing is “cool”…


This is one of these instances where it would be really “chill”, just to sit down with Alizée, over a Coffee, or “something” and say, “ok, “little” lady, “spill”…

Yeah, I know, more chance of me winning the Lottery Jackpot, every week, for the next 10 years, let alone once, than that happening, but it’s a nice thought...

<Inserts “Wayne’s World” fantasy “transition”>

Lets see…

What would I say, over a Coffee, apart from, “that Cake looks good”!?

“There must be no regret for the past”…

There is utterly no point in this, for you can change absolutely nothing. Whatever it is/was, is “done”, “gone” “finished”. Learn whatever lesson was taught, move on, and don’t “look back”…

And if you spend too much time looking back, you may miss something wonderful in the “now”, or “ahead of you”…

<Which is “great”, coming from me>

<Strangely tempted to start singing “My Way”>

“no remorse for the present”…

Live every day to it’s “fullest”, “earnestly”, and as wisely as possible. And if you “mess up”, “own” the mistake, “acknowledge it”, “fix it”, quickly, and “move on”. “No use crying over spilt milk”, so to speak. “Life”, is too “short”…

“and unwavering confidence for the future”…

If you have “learned” the “lessons” of the “past”, and if “now”, is “stable”, with all “outstanding” concerns “addressed” and “fixed”, then the “future” will most likely be “fine”, for you plant its roots in the “now”, it just kind of, follows on from where you “left off”…


Just… “no looking back”. No point, whatsoever…


As always, y’all please be safe, stay well, and just, generally, “be excellent”, to each other…

Last edited by RedRafe; 04-18-2020 at 11:56 AM..
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Old 04-18-2020, 12:43 PM
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This one was shared by Julia last week. I was thinking that it is nice to have it on the forum, so here it is:

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Old 04-19-2020, 11:57 PM
RedRafe RedRafe is offline
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What have we got?

A couple of really “sweet” posts, in more ways than one…

<I couldn’t resist it, sorry >

Le bonheur n’est réel que lorsqu’il est partagé” roughly translates as “Happiness is only real when shared”.

There could be a lot of truth in that, if you think about it…

I do know, however, that this post did make me “crack several smiles” on a “dark”, "stormy", and generally just “meh”, to “really quite irritating day”…

Sweet “babies”…

I see nothing but “contentment”, and “love” there, and that, to me, is a very rare, precious, and wonderful, thing…

Thanks, Alizée…

Oh look…

There’s that word, again…


Cette fois: tiramisu speculoos pour @_annilychatelain” roughly translates as “This time: tiramisu speculoos for @_annilychatelain”…


Brings a really nice “spicy” “cinnamonny”, “biscuity” crunch to the top…

Would make a really nice “base” too…

Looks great, and know for a fact is going to taste just really good…

“Ginger Nuts” and “Digestive Biscuits” also make a really good tasty and crunchy topping and/or base, but they can be hard to get outside of the UK…

Worth the effort, though…

Respect to the “little” lady, for her cooking skills, and “good taste”…

<Has this sudden urge to go munch on some “Digestive Biscuits” and Cheese >

Y’all please, just be safe, and stay safe, ‘k…
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Old 04-20-2020, 02:12 AM
Mr Coucou Mr Coucou is offline
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Originally Posted by Aragorn97 View Post
This one was shared by Julia last week. I was thinking that it is nice to have it on the forum, so here it is:
Thanks! I've never seen this pic; I didn't even know that Boudennat was there.
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Old 04-20-2020, 03:02 AM
24Shepherd24 24Shepherd24 is offline
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Originally Posted by RedRafe View Post

This baby has the most beautiful eyes.
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Old 04-20-2020, 01:39 PM
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Originally Posted by Aragorn97 View Post
This one was shared by Julia last week. I was thinking that it is nice to have it on the forum, so here it is:

Wow! Great photo. Thanks for posting. It's like the best of France in one shot.
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Old 04-20-2020, 10:32 PM
RedRafe RedRafe is offline
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Originally Posted by 24Shepherd24 View Post
This baby has the most beautiful eyes.
She really has, hasn’t she…

But when you look at who her parents are, it’s really not surprising….

There’s Alizée, I mean, good grief, has she not got the “most wonderful”, “utterly spellbinding” eyes, in the world…

<RedRafe, deliberately, does not, look at her eyes >

And then, jeez, there’s Greg, Mr “Luckiest Guy in the Universe”, very happily married to Alizée, “living his dream”, "supremely" talented, "disgustingly" cute, and dagnabbit, does he not have just the cutest darn eyes, also?

<If I did not “respect the hell” out of both of these guys, I could find it in my “flinty” little Scottish heart, to hate his overachieving self, but, he is just such a nice guy >

<And he makes Alizée happy, soooo>

Mind you, not that I spend any time AT ALL, checking out Greg’s eyes, ‘cos I’m not that kind of boy…

At all…

Just… Nooo…

So, speaking of little ones with beautiful eyes…

Le meilleur moment de la journée”, roughly translates as “the best time of the day”.


Such moments are… “infinitely precious”, just… “priceless”…

Belle soirée” roughly translates as “Nice evening”…


I’m “seeing stars” everywhere…

Originally Posted by Aragorn97 View Post
This one was shared by Julia last week. I was thinking that it is nice to have it on the forum, so here it is:

Originally Posted by Mr Coucou View Post
Thanks! I've never seen this pic; I didn't even know that Boudennat was there.
Originally Posted by CleverCowboy View Post
Wow! Great photo. Thanks for posting. It's like the best of France in one shot.
That, was an interesting shot, to me, in many ways, with a lot of “intriguing”, possible “implications”…

However, I liked ske_leton’s take on this, (which, like a darn fool, I did not “save”), which had a certain gentleman, you know who I mean, to the centre/left of shot, saying/thinking that he wishes that she would “come back”…

There is an immense amount of “talent” portrayed, in that shot, and I acknowledge them all, but, I will be honest, (probably to my own detriment), to me, this is a “lop-sided shot”, for you see, all of the “real” talent, is concentrated on the “right” of the pic…

The rest, “do nothing” for me, they are, merely, just, “also rans”, “mundane”…

They lack that certain, “spirit”, that particular, “magic”, that the “little” lady, her “ little, “fey”, self, alone, amongst them all, possesses…

<Decides to “step back into the shadows”, “shut up”, and “leave it right, there” >

Y’all please take care, be safe, and if you are going out, please wear a mask. I know it’s a “pain”, but I like y’all alive, for I’m not even going to think about any potential alternatives, ‘k…
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Old 04-22-2020, 01:01 AM
RedRafe RedRafe is offline
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IG posts!?

Yep, a couple of really, quite, sweet ones…

Happy Birthday” “Mom”.

A young lady that we do not see very much of, which is a shame, though I do understand her desire for privacy, for she does seem to shun the “limelight”, which I fully understand, and respect…

Take a very long, and careful look, people, for this may very well be Alizée, in another 20 years or so…

Still, absolutely stunning…

Jo, you are truly “blessed”, in so many ways…

Gateaux by me”.

Alizée, “little” lady…



<Official/Serious “mode”, engage>

Mme Lyonnet, you, have serious cooking skills…

Respect, seriously…

It was also a very sweet thing to do, a very sweet, sincere gift, from the heart…

The very best kind…

My respect for this “little” lady grows yet again, if that’s at all possible...

I may have to stop calling her Alizée, or “little” lady, from now on, and start calling her Mme Lyonnet, as a mark of respect…

For, y’know. there is an AWFUL lot to respect, about her…

Forever young”…

ABSOLUTELY, and I for one, always will be…

Y’all buy me a beer sometime, and I will fully elucidate, on this matter…

Hmm, now, motorbikes…

I have a “love/hate” relationship with these…

Back in the UK they were my “preferred” mode of transport, due to the fact that they were economical, fun, and, were remarkably easy to “store”. I was always getting “transferred” all over the place, so this was a real, ongoing concern...

I had a Kawazaki Z1000, my everyday “steed”; a Kawazaki z1300, for just generally “posing around the town”; and; a Triumph Tiger, just to scare the living hell out of myself. “To Infinity and Beyond”, in 0.0 seconds “flat”…


So much fun…

I don’t know how I ever survived it…

Y’all stay safe, ‘k…

Last edited by RedRafe; 04-22-2020 at 08:49 AM..
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Old 04-22-2020, 06:24 AM
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Originally Posted by RedRafe View Post

Gateaux by me”.

Alizée, “little” lady…



<Official/Serious “mode”, engage>

Mme Lyonnet, you, have serious cooking skills…
I was really impressed when I saw Alizee's "gateaux" here. We already know she has won a pastry contest, and the skills needed to make good pastries are different than being a regular chef. The precision of ingredient measurements are extremely important. Timing is everything. Patience is a virtue. It very different than being a cook where ingredients are often eye-balled and the taste buds are the best judge of how much to use.

These cakes (or pies) look pretty much perfect. They have caramelized meringue, which means only one thing - Alizee knows how to use a blow torch, and very well.
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