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Old 02-23-2007, 06:39 PM
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Rocket - you or your family are from which "old" country?- "root cellar" could be any backwoods agrarian-that has another meaning in my country-lol- but your family is from France, or are you or your hubby Canadian- your husband speaks french? You are perhaps, like Celine & Mylene, Quebecquois? Am I being too curious?
Ainsi, you say "my husband likes her because of her looks. Which is why I come here." Huh? You dont mention Alizee style, moves, singing? What makes her so fantastique?
Her looks are tres bon-elle est bien faite~but its the whole person~Alizee's unique abilities that makes her so special...
Btw saw a promo of "A good year" with Russell Crowe and they played "moi Lolita" over the top! YESSS!! Just love the opening air of that song- LAurent B is such a good composer- worried about Mr Chatelain tho...lol
Vive Alizee !
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Old 02-23-2007, 07:22 PM
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Originally Posted by Rocket View Post
PHYSCOLOGICAL MUMBO JUMBO! Do what we used to do in the old country....lock 'em up in the root cellar 'til they snap out of it.
I was going to say hold they're head underwater untill they decide that they want to live, but I guess your way is a little less brutal... must be the whole men are from mars thing.
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Old 02-23-2007, 07:59 PM
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Originally Posted by RMJ View Post
Some people simply don't see anything in her.
Unfortunately, this is so very true.
Some folks catch the Alizée bug, and some folk don't. Those that do can't understand why others can't, and those that can't can't understand why others do.
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Old 02-23-2007, 10:49 PM
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Originally Posted by NANAKI View Post
hilarious Rocket we must be like they do in Russia we break them till they are good again if no work we kill.

I can make fun of Russians I am of Russian blood and I have a good friend who is Russian
"Turn right at fork in road. In Soviet Russia, road forks you!"
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Old 02-23-2007, 11:08 PM
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I am the only person I know that is a fan of Alizée. Everyday, I catch a train to the city and every person I look at, I wonder whether they're a fan also. Sadly, I know for a fact that a HUGE portion of these people would have never heard of her. And even more sadly, if I were to introduce her to them, they'd brush her off as easily as I was sucked in.

My friends and I like to bum at another friend's place. He has a laptop and on that laptop, all I ever do is surf Alizée stuff. They never question it! Being such critical people, I don't understand how they don't question why I'm surfing her only. They've never asked why I'm a fan. One once told me "She's ugly anyways", assuming I'm only a fan because I "think" she's hot. Oh how it made me mad. I wanted to throw him off balcony!! ... What all this means (in my experience)? People are ignorant. People don't care. They are too conservative. Too proud to admit that something so foreign, so far from the norm that it would be critisiced by the masses (ironic word in this context - might as well say "by themselves"), may bring them joy and a new outlook on life. It just makes me appreciate even more that I've found this website

If anyone else feels this, please say so - I'd like to know I'm not the only one.

Tu es l'envie du monde

Last edited by SupaKrupa; 02-23-2007 at 11:11 PM..
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Old 02-23-2007, 11:11 PM
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Originally Posted by badog7 View Post
Rocket - you or your family are from which "old" country?- "root cellar" could be any backwoods agrarian-that has another meaning in my country-lol- but your family is from France, or are you or your hubby Canadian- your husband speaks french? You are perhaps, like Celine & Mylene, Quebecquois? Am I being too curious?
Ainsi, you say "my husband likes her because of her looks. Which is why I come here." Huh? You dont mention Alizee style, moves, singing? What makes her so fantastique?
Her looks are tres bon-elle est bien faite~but its the whole person~Alizee's unique abilities that makes her so special...
Btw saw a promo of "A good year" with Russell Crowe and they played "moi Lolita" over the top! YESSS!! Just love the opening air of that song- LAurent B is such a good composer- worried about Mr Chatelain tho...lol
Vive Alizee !
LOL I was making a joke. I'm from Chicago, Illinois As far as the 'old country', my dad is from Spain and my mom is half French and half Irish.

Back in the day, many people had gardens and they would pickle or can vegetables and store them in a cover hole in the ground known as 'root cellars'. Root cellars were cool and dry and, at the time, was a great storage place.

My husband learned French the same as I did, in highschool. He just happened to pick it up faster and remembers more than me.

I have never heard Celine, Mylene or Quebecquois' music. What makes Alizee so fantastique? Too me, nothing. I just like some of her songs. I know that's hard for some of the members here to grasp. To me, she could be a 300 lbs hunchback and I would still enjoy her singing. Some of the members feel the same as me, but most equate her looks with her singing talent. Alizee is beautiful but that has nothing to do with why I enjoy her songs. I don't place her on a pedestal and worship her as some sort of diety.

The first song I heard was Moi-Lolita and loved it. I wanted to see if she made anything else and that's why I joined this forum. I found a ton of information since I've been here. When the movie A Good Year came out, I wrote to several television shows to have her as a musical guest. I've set up her music videos on myspace to reach more people. When the movie came out, I rushed to see it. It was a good movie but my favorite part was when I heard Moi-Loita being played in beautiful Dobly. he he
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Old 02-23-2007, 11:15 PM
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Originally Posted by RMJ View Post
Well, Some people simply don't see anything in her.
so they are like zombies .
* Mr.atra201's myspace

"Such a shame to believe in escape
A life on every face
And that's a change, till I'm finally left with an eight
Tell me to react, I just stare
Maybe I don't know if I should change
A feeling that we share...
It's a shame
(Such a shame)
Number me with rage, it's a shame
(Such a shame)
Number me in haste, it's a shame
This eagerness to change
It's a shame..."
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Old 02-23-2007, 11:45 PM
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Originally Posted by garçoncanadien View Post
well see I don't understand how someone who has completely altered my personality has no effect on other people. Just like new members make their confessions, I have made my confession

Si c'est pas la peine je voudrais vous rencontrer comment j'ai découvert la chère fée clochette et ce qui s'est passé après... désolé si c'est trop ennuyeux

Je l'ai trouvé en lisant le site-web Metacafe, comme d'hab parce que j'aime bien les blagues américaines comme celle-ci, avec un chat:


Après avoir rigolé fortement je l'ai vue dans le coin inférieur gauche de mon écran et les sous-titres m'ont dit qu'il s'agit bien de la variété française, et je me suis dit "mais c'est cool je n'ai jamais entendu la variété française. Je veux cliquer sur ce lien". C'était le tube "J'en ai marre".

Et puis je me suis tombé immédiatement en état de transe... j'savais pas comment est-ce qu'on peut le décrire... mais j'ai pas pu parler ou même bien fermer les yeux. Cela n'avait rien d'érotique, mais c'était pourtant très très sexy. Néanmoins, j'ai pensé que cette fille m'attirait très fort, mais cela n'était pas du tout une attraction typique. Peut-être que je suis tombé amoureux d'un mélange de sa musique et sa personalité mais d'ors et déjà je sentais l'ivresse du vrai amour.

Dans les prochains jours, je voyais des images du joli visage d'Alizée partout... dans mon expérience, dans ma boîte de Pétri, dans le ciel... partout partout. Elle a complètement bouleversé ma vie et je me suis tombé amoureux d'une fille que je n'ai jamais vu!! Quelle folie. Mais le pire est encore à venir... un ouragan était pas loin.

Il y'a eu des moments que je me suis dit que, probablement je ne pourrai jamais rencontrer cette fille qui s'appelle Alizée. Mais, après avoir laissé entrer cette information, elle a brisé mon coeur. Ça a été comme mon 1e rupture avec quelqu'une. Wow, je portais le poids d'un coeur brisé et je me suis senti que le ciel s'est vraiment tombé sur les épaules.

Maintenant, je suis un différent homme (j'ai récupéré du coeur brisé by the way ) . Elle a changé ma personalité. Une seule fille m'a appris plus de choses que j'ai jamais pu y croire. Une seule fille m'a rendu plus gentil, plus patient, et plus réspecteux parmis beaucoup d'autres choses. Je fus transformé comme Jean Valjean dans Les Misérables. Elle m'a rendu plus proche de tous ceux que j'aime et tout ce qui est belle dans cette vie.

cette poème que j'ai écrit est un résumé de ce qu'elle a fait pour moi:

Elle me tua et je suis
encore vivant
Elle me brisa et je suis
encore reconnaissant
Elle me fit parcourir jusqu'
au fond de mon cœur et
là je trouvai une autre vie
là je trouvai mon âme et mon bonheur

-le gars canadien

I don't understand other people when they say they don't care for this kind of people and music. can you pleeeez help me understand why they don't understand why I was changed for the better, and that they can be as well ? Life is so happy for me now that I have known Alizée that I feel like I need to spread the joy, but my preaching is on deaf earrrrrssssss...
I definately see where your coming from, but people come in all shapes and sizes. Something as clear as day to us means nothing to the next guy. It's crazy but true. That being said, there still are people who would benefit I think, so voila.
Vive Lili!
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Old 02-23-2007, 11:56 PM
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"One man's trash is another man's treasure" eh?

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Old 02-24-2007, 12:00 AM
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Default I work in a hospital -

I have for 14 years now.

Suicidal Ideation is VERY often not "rational".... You can't just "fix" it. Sometimes its just brain chemistry, and sometimes its biological (disease) related.

As for your example of the cancer patient. I've seen it man, with my own two eyes.

When Morphine or Diloted (spelling) won't touch the pain, when every second is horrifying, when a person is afraid their going to die, and even more terrified they wont - because it gets worse, and will NEVER get better (except in that one in 500,000,000 chance).....

Alizee' would only insult them. Not HER, but YOUR belief that they could somehow "recover'. Sometimes there is NO recovery. Your going to have to learn that if your working in a hospital/health care setting.

Death is NOT to be feared. It WILL come to all of us in time.....

And if your a Doctor, how could you not want to "Allivate" their suffering at the end?

I've been here too long, and seen too much not to know that for some people, at the very end, Dying with dignity is a FAR greater gift.....

(Just IMHO (my $0.02 worth)......

Good luck
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