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Old 04-01-2008, 02:15 AM
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Keep up the good work Garcon.
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Old 04-06-2008, 04:18 PM
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sorry this article was a really tough one, I hope my English is understandable. Get out your dictionaries

Originally Posted by Snatcher42 View Post



We hear from here the sarcasm of the embittered. We can even smell from far away the smell of rotten tomatoes that they will fuss about and catapult towards the face of our proud essay when their dismayed eyes see the name of Alizee in the summary. “Cynical and commercial!”, they will exclaim. “A typically independent pose consisting of getting infatuated with a nice old piece of mainstream bad taste to have an air that is more cool! When will we have a file comparing the merits of Deerhoof and Eddy Mitchell?” , the fin psychologists will retort. And everybody – almost – will finally be right. Because an artist that sells six million albums of her “Gourmandises”, all the while being elected by the NME (who chose the sultry “Moi Lolita” as single of the week in 2002) and Jarvis Cocker (who saw at the time in this same piece the quintessence of pop done the French way, perverse and heady, in the right lined by Gainsbourg of the sixties), its not nothing and – most of all – it interests us.

We are in 2007, and the case of Alizee makes us extremely excited. Her benevolent (euphemism) record company put up quite a bit of promotion for the young woman, but only heavy stuff, strictly speaking, and hype. The attached press is very proud: “On the promotional planning we have Liberation, So Foot, vous! On the other hand, we refused the people magazines. A question of image!” Ah yes! The image of Alizee has sensibly changed, even if it were impetous to say that “Psychedelices”, the young woman’s new work, announces a “turning towards maturity”.

The divorce with the multi headed snake Mylene Farmer – Laurent Boutonnat and the announcement of unexpected collaborators (the duo Daniel Darc/Frederic Lo, Bertrand Bergalat, the songwriter for Bashung Jean Fauque) beside the hmmm, arguable boyfriend Jeremy Chatelain to compose this third album “Psychedelices” have still achieved the goal of our participation. Who can actually hide behind the famous “Moi Lolita”, a phenomenon as much musical (irresistible melodic saw in the form of a gift from the sky for Julien Dore) as societal, as much as he has confirmed the impressive and worrying Lolita fashion – the truths, the 12 year old hypersexual little girls – in the recreation courses of France and of Navarra?

The response is without call: nothing. Nothing is hiding behind the wall of fluorescent plexiglass that will give us the place of participant. Alizee is on the face of VoxPop on this Monday 26 November and we are, how to say it, a bit disappointed. We were looking for the lit up Lolita and if possible a little bit lit up. Facing us, a big girl who is 23 years old, quite simply, refusing introspection. Peppered with countless “don’t get ahead of yourself” and others “feeding off of meetings”, the discussion looks like a battle lost ahead of time. Smothered under this avalanche of common links, we run up against the trademark “Alizee” (that the interested party had to buy with “a symbolic euro” after its faithless acquisition by the couple Farmer-Boutonnat), and lets declare it logically forfeited. You’ve got nothing against Thenardier, Alizee, while VoxPop comes to save you? No? Really, nothing? Good…


No, nothing is hiding behind the impeccably smooth surface of this little machine of 23 years of age, and its precisely that thing which, passed the relative irritation of this non-interview, becomes more and more fascinating. More than a singer, Alizee incarnates an entire generation of popstars concocted like pure “media”: we are not talking about being the source or receptacle of discussion, we are talking about assuming and claiming the fact of only being the support or the envelope of it, whatever it may be.
This obviously implies a total dedication to neutrality and distance. Was she a puppet of producers that were vaguely diabolical? “They worked with me and protected me permanently. They brought me everything on a silver platter. I could not have dreamed of more.” Does she feel a responsibility in the problematic evolution of the behaviour of certain girls? Kids don’t see the double meaning of the words to Lolita”. How does one live through a hyper-mediatized exposure that is so sultry when one is 16? ”At the time, I didn’t ask any questions. I doubted that people could have interpreted ‘Moi Lolita’ in a sexual way, but me, the only thing that mattered to me at the time, was to have a good time.” Prudent, the answers sliding far away, without ever taking a stand or point of view, or even a simple change of attitude : “One could say what they want to happen to me: good, bad, I don’t care. It rarely gets to me”. Things pass by her, and don’t really stop.


As consumers and amateurs of a certain idea of throw away and transient pop, it would be hypocritical to play the troubled virgins while seeing this balance between work and singer. It would even be proof of a certain cowardice through our own attraction towards guilty pleasures, these famous “Gourmandises”, that to get the chance to step back, this reflexive and well thought out posture which could consist of apologizing for being superficial. They quite simply can’t do it. Its almost structural. We will certainly concede quite willingly that the famous saying by Nietzche “superficial by depth” is far from being pertinent here, and that the old precept “one must not judge by appearance” knows its limits. Very good. To that, one will only answer that being superficial to the first degree doesn’t really prevent from expressing a certain mystery, or, more modestly, certain obsessive faults. Probably without knowing it, Alizee makes herself the smiling inheritor of people like Bret Easton Ellis or Talking Heads: the norm, is good, and good, is what is normal. “Normal” is certainly the word that comes back the most in her mouth when she describes a situation or a feeling. Some that “went by well” (adolescence, relationships with paparazzi, the break with Aunt Mylene) will “pass normally” – “[i]normally[/I”] – meaning from that moment “what allows her to follow her course without too much damage”. One term chases the other, progressively. The ladder of values shakes but never collapses. Alizee doesn’t see what we are getting at when we compare her to Laure Manaudou, or to it doesn’t matter which high level athlete. She is almost amused by it. Still, when we ask her what inspires her from the hair raising destiny of Britney Spears, this logic of performance and distancing through everything that holds her up achieve their paroxysm: “What happened to her, I think is bad. She didn’t know how to find good people in human life like she did in her musical life. The proof, her new album is great”.


And her new album, in all this? Evidently, these few songs are far enough from the staggering level of her American counterpart. Not “great”, no, lets be honest. But not shameful either. “Psychedelices” (this title, even!) flirts with a pop/R’n’B style that has no soul and is openly garbage. For the time being, the collaboration with Daniel Darc and Bertrand Bergalat really disappoint. And even if it costs us quite a pain in the butt, we have no choice but to look at the ineffable Jeremy Chatelain author of the best moments of these “Psychedelices”. Sung by Fountains of Wayne, the effective “Fifty Sixty” delights more than an independent boy. As for “Mon Taxi Driver”, it sounds more like a Broadcast done by Madonna of “Ray of Light”. Of weird flashes of despair striping an album that is frequently coloured like a stolen car. The sadness of the machines, assuredly.

CD “Psychedelices” (Sony/BMG)

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Old 04-06-2008, 04:53 PM
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Having already translated that one myself, GC, I sympathize. It was hard.
Même si tu es au loin, mon coeur sait que tu es avec moi

The Stairway To Nowhere (FREE): http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/8357
The Child of Paradox: http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/27019
The Golden Game: http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/56716
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Old 04-06-2008, 04:57 PM
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hey why didn't you post your version muchacho XD
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Old 04-06-2008, 05:11 PM
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Originally Posted by garçoncanadien View Post
hey why didn't you post your version muchacho XD
I did.


Même si tu es au loin, mon coeur sait que tu es avec moi

The Stairway To Nowhere (FREE): http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/8357
The Child of Paradox: http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/27019
The Golden Game: http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/56716
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Old 04-06-2008, 05:13 PM
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interesting interview. at least it seems like they're being honest with their criticisms. a lot of the interview i have no idea what is being said, but it seems like their stuff is targeted at somewhat intellectual readers. anyways, thanks GC, great job.

add: no wonder it seemed familiar. deep already did it. heh
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Old 04-07-2008, 08:24 PM
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Classic attempt at intellectualism as excuse for being rude. I guess the point is really that they got their opinion across as unconvincingly apologetic as they were (for what, not really sure).

Merci Fanny
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Old 04-08-2008, 10:30 AM
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Thxs again there garçoncanadien! Keep up the good work!
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Old 04-08-2008, 09:28 PM
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A bit harsh they are.

Alizee: Wowww!
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Old 04-19-2008, 11:40 AM
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Originally Posted by Twilight Alizée lover View Post
Another cover magazine, gay magazine ,well um not gay for girls but you feel like a gay buying it xDD

2008-03-24 - Lo Mas Pop - Lo mas pop - Mexico

The French girl visited our country,

eeeeehhhhh that first paragraph in yellow I do not understand. Somebody fluent in Spanish please translate it for me

Lo+pop: Did you think that you were going to become a singer when you were a kid?
Alizee: It was always a dream that seemed inacessible to me. I lived in Corsica (France) and when somebody gets that kind of

a dream its necessary to live in Paris to realize it.

L: What would you have done now if you were not a singer?
A: I would have been a dancer or choreographer.

L: Did you think at anytime to dedicate yourself totally to dance?
A: Now that I know about music, no, but I always try to dance in every way possible way because dancing was my first


L: Kids follow you a lot. What do you think about that?
A: For me, kids are very important and for example: when I was a kid I was a big fan of Madonna. So I hope that in 15 years

there will be kids liking me just like I liked Madonna.

L: Do you have direct contact with your fans?
A: I read their messages and sometimes I meet my fans in France. Some time I send them autographs, for those who ask for

them, I send them it by mail, I take time to do them.

L: Why did you take such a long time to come back?
A: Mexicans asked me to come many times, for more than one year, and I thought that it was the time to come.

L: When will you come back to our country?
A: In May I start my tour, which will be here from May to June.

- Her musical idol for her whole life is Madonna
- She closely followed all the details of her new disc
- Her favourite song of the disc is "The Effect", which talks about her daughter
- Her husband products and composes the disc with her
- The cover of the disc is idea of her photograph, which sees how she is: half adolescent and half woman.
- the song "Mademoiselle Juliette" speaks about Shakespeare's story, only from Alizee's point of view, where the heroine

wants to have fun.


Alizee is no more the lolita of eight years ago. "Fashion passes with time and is no longer the same. If there is sexy

clothes I like I buy it, but in general I try to get clothes that I like", she tells us about her clothes.
During her visit, we see Alizee with curly hair, she says that she doesn't have it "neither nonsense nor limp, when she was

a little girl she had it half wavy. But now it depends on the day and the climate of the place she is in".


The signature of the autographs that were planned for the 5th of March in a mall in Mexico City, didn't happen due to the

disorder that happened with the thousands of those who went. Alizee was disappointed that she was not able to be with her

fans, but security comes first.

"I came to this country to thank my Mexican fans for their support and their letters, I will sing for them soon"

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