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Old 02-16-2008, 03:31 AM
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wow!,awesome translations G! thankyou for your hardwork! gonna read this whole in a lot more time!
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Old 02-16-2008, 03:17 PM
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Yes, thank you very much garçoncanadien! I greatly enjoyed reading these
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Old 02-17-2008, 12:46 AM
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DUDE! YOU ROCK! Thanks man!!!!

I'm TWITTERPATED all over!


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Old 02-17-2008, 03:25 PM
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Originally Posted by RMJ View Post
2007-12-02 - Ciné-télé-revue - Belgium

Snakes and sharks aren't really my thing!

She is 23 years old and no longer resembles the creature created by Mylene Farmer and Laurent Boutonnat, at the dawn of 2000. Alizee, whos name is known in all of Europe, at the time of "Gourmandises", is less nervous in interview. It is true that she is back with an album that she doesn't blush about. On "Psychedelices" (Sony/BMG), we find the talents of confirmed authors such as Daniel Darc and Bertrand Bergalat. The song definitely aren't flops. But its hard to say if there is one that will rival the level of the legen "Moi, Lolita". For the time being, Alizee is thinking about a tour in 2008, but she hasn't the slightest idea what the show will be like. Now that she is indepedent from her old producers, it will be necessary that she thinks about that!

Interview: Joelle Lehrer - Photo : Sony/BMG

How long have we not seen you?

Three years. I went to Forest National. After this tour, I decided to take a break. In the first four years of my career, I didn't get the slightest rest. I started to make the third album, and at the same time I separated myself from my producers, Mylene Farmer and Laurent Boutonnat. I have contacted several people that I wanted to work with on my new songs. Jeremy Chatelain composed several of the songs and he directed the album.

You chose to refocus yourself on your personal life?

Yes, I moreover went to Corsica to live with my parents. I had neither taken time off to live in this haven of a family atmosphere for a long time, nor the sun.

Do you think you are very different?

No, I think I have grown up. I have evolved and learned things.

But you have even married and become a mother. These are important times in the life of a woman!

Yes, but I don't think I have changed.

You still dress yourself like a high schooler with an XL sweater and baggy jeans.

I think I am a 23 year old old young girl who has the tastes of a girl of her age. I like shopping and movies a lot. At my place, I watch a lot of DVDs and lots of TV series.

"Psychedelices" refers in the first two bits to celebrated women like Shakespeare's Juliette and Andy Warhol's Nico. Are these people your inspirations?

Everybody knows the tragic story of Juliette and her Romeo. Its about an ideal love. The song gives a little playful side to this story... Juliette tells William Shakespeare to get out of here. She prefers to party before the tragic end comes. I think that's funny. For the other song, Jean Fauque thought about a young model who didn't feel so good about herself, but the song can also speak about another figure in the sixties. Anyway, among women who have made their mark on history, I like Coco Chanel.

Did Julien Dores "Moi, Lolita" retake serve as a good advertisement to announce your return?

I would say so. But I was surprised to see a song re-released seven years after its creation. Usually, more time is necessary. Because the public liked this version, it proves that it was a very good song!

Have you met Julien Dore?
No, but I suppose that we are going to meet each other on TV shows.

Last september, you have sent a message to the editors about rumours concerning a score-settling with Mylene Farmer. While listening to the album, there is no reference to this.

No, there isn't. I don' see why I would make a song that gets revenge on somebody who has taught me many things. Its thanks to Mylene and to Laurent Boutonnat that I am in this job and that I have sold so many discs.

You don't think that you are evolving in a place where there are a lot of evil people?

Yes! But I protect myself as much as I can. At the same time, it is hard for me to stop people from talking and making up stuff. I keep myself alive with my family. I like my home very much, I hate nights out in public. I prefer beautiful days! I only see showbiz when I work. It doesn't make me happy to see a billion people. Snakes and sharks [Garconcanadien's note: dishonest businessmen/women in general] aren't my thing!

If you don't like to go on nights out, isn't it a bit because of your shyness?

A bit, but even before singing, I didn't go to nightclubs (she wasn't the required age to go!) . Its not a world that I can feel good in.

Jeremy Chatelain is very attuned to new stuff. Does he motivate you?

Its true that he is very creative and full of ideas. He sometimes has too many! He succeeded in understanding what I wanted musically.

The last song of the album is called "L'effet". It speaks about motherhood. We get the impression that you are smiling while singing it!

I sung it smiling and its the song that I recorded the fastest. I believe that its the one that's the most like me. Being a mother is the best thing that ever happened to me.

Your daughter, with two singer parents, will definitely want to get into the same career...

If she wants it, I won't hold her back, she will do what she wants to do!

"Being a mother is the best thing that ever happened to me."

She is called Anny-Lee. This sounds like a country singer's name!

Thats funny, nobody ever told me that! The name was completely our creation. She is two years old. I will bring her on the tour as much as possible.

Wasn't it always what you wanted, to have a peaceful life?

It's true that we have a need to have a normal life. When I go on the street, people don't bother me. When I am at the park with my daughter, people leave us alone.

What philosophical lesson would you say you have learned from what has happened to you up to now?

I have the impression that I have always met the right people at the right times. I think we need 50% luck and 50% work. Its also necessary to step up to expectations and surprise people.
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Old 02-17-2008, 04:11 PM
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nice interview, thanks. I didn't know Anny-Lee was the name they made up themselves, that's kind of funny.
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Old 02-17-2008, 04:40 PM
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Originally Posted by -MihaiL- View Post
nice interview, thanks. I didn't know Anny-Lee was the name they made up themselves, that's kind of funny.
There's also a probably-higher-than-coincidental chance that it had something to do with Nabokov's Lolita, which has a character named "Annabelle Leigh", an allusion to Anabelle Lee from Edgar Allen Poe's poem of that name.
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Old 02-17-2008, 10:57 PM
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I wouldn't read too much into that similarity. I have never gotten the feeling that Alizée understood many of the nuances of Lolita when she read it (in her defense, she was really WAY too young for that book when she did), and I truly, truly doubt that she would name her daughter for anything connected with her career.

I'm pretty sure it's just as she said, they made up the name and both of them liked the sound of it.

Hopefully down the road she'll be able to say all three of them do.
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Old 02-18-2008, 01:24 PM
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Good read, Garco. Thx

Alizee: Wowww!
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Old 02-18-2008, 01:45 PM
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Thank you very much, garcon. And I always wanted to say how much I love that animated gif in your posts, she is just too cute.
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Old 02-18-2008, 03:08 PM
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Thanks for the translations GÇ, much appreciated.
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